Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 127/Tuesday, July 1, 2008/Notices 37457 U.S.C. 225(a)). Individual respondent form, and the first page of the document before the meeting for a recorded 1data are confidential under section announcement of bank and bank must be clearly labeled ‘‘Confidential.’’ (b)(4) of the Freedom of Information Act holding company applications Comments filed in electronic form (5 U.S.C. 552). scheduled for the meeting; or you may should be submitted by following the Abstract: The monthly FR 2248 report contact the Board’s Web site at http:// instructions on the web-based form at: collects balance sheet data on major www.federalreserve.gov for an electronic (https://secure.commentworks.com/ftc- categories of consumer and business announcement that not only lists factasurvey). To ensure that the credit receivables, major short-term applications, but also indicates Commission considers an electronic liabilities, and securitized assets. For procedural and other information about comment, you must file it on the web- quarter-end months (March, June, the meeting. based form at the (https:// September, and December), additional secure.commentworks.com/ftc- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve asset and liability items are collected to factasurvey) weblink. If this notice System, June 27, 2008. provide a full balance sheet. If the need appears at (www.regulations.gov), you Robert deV. Frierson, arises, a special addendum may be used, may also ...