Purchasing Card Procedures Checklist State Purchasing Review In order to assist you in your Purchasing Card Program the State Purchasing Card Program Administrator will be providing courtesy reviews of your Purchase Card Program. This information and checklist will help you know how to be prepared for this review. In order to have a smooth, trouble-free review, proper documentation of every transaction is a must. There are three documents required. First and foremost is an original receipt. The yellow credit card slip is not a substitute for an original receipt. It lacks the line item detail, freight charges and sales tax information. If the supplier does not provide a receipt, you can substitute an original invoice, packing list or Internet order screen print. In the rare case when one of these forms of documentation is not available you should document the purchase yourself. This self-made document should state the purpose of the purchase and state why the original documentation is not available, and it should be signed by your supervisor. The next document required is the purchasing card log. This form can be found on the State Purchasing website at www.purchasing.utah.gov/eps/card.htm. Every purchase you make should be documented on this log. The purchasing card log should be used to verify the purchases on your monthly statement. The monthly statement is the third document required. The statement and receipts should be reviewed by your ...