I!DO NOTPHOTOCOPYMETROPOLITANTORONTOLIBRARYCANADIAN HISTORYVERNON SOFTOWNOWEN SOUNDALPHABETICALSTREET,ANDBUSINESS MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORYFOR THE YEAR1917EditionFifth Price $3.50HENRY VERNON & SON, PUBLISHERS* ,HEAD OFFICE 37 KING WILLIAM OUT.ST., HAMJI.TON,WESTERN OFKICK ONT.LONDON,GRIFFIN & RICHMOND CO., Ltd., Printers. U Rebecca St., Hamilton.R. A. BRECKENRIDGETO R. &(SUCCESSOR SON)DERIN Furniture and UndertakingTELEPHONE 119 HOUSE PHONE 709ASSISTANTS PHONE 708833 2nd AVENUE EAST OWEN SOUND1In our Fifth Edition of the Owen Soundpresenting Directory,we wish to thank our for theirpatrons support.We have endeavored to issue an and as accurate aup-to-dateasdirectory possible.No andnor labor has been on thisexpense edition,sparedwe believe it will meet with the cordial of theapproval peoplewho use the directory constantly.We shall the work bi-publish yearly.HENRY VERNON & SON,Publishers,37 WilliamKing- Street,Ont.Hamilton,HENRY &VERNON SONDirectory Publishers,Head Offke: 37 William Street,KingHamilton.You t do better thancanWM. HANBURYinsuranceplace your821 2nd AVE. EASTwithOF OWEN SOUND 17TOWNTOWN OF OWEN SOUNDSTREET DIRECTORY#3.00HENRY VERNON & SON1st AV e1st AVE from side 972 Geo DunnEAST, WEST,from 8th w7th St st 978 John Mundle719 MrsM Freeston 1099 A M Cole, coal & 982 C S HonsingerL Alex Kearns ice 99H .Ma721 rgt BiggarF R, Jas cement 1000 DrDow727 Staples Cole,Duluth +10th w747 Vacant 1101 st crossesChicago ...