\ o/"it . . . . . f, . 1 HE, ENRY & UNRO ARCHITECTS, U EY"" CIVIL ENGlriEERS I1E CANADA METAL cn:; LIMITED I TORONTO ;. . ." . . , i6 r i. -;.; tablished 7I.D. 1714 Telephone JJ07 . l NIO i. SSURJl.NeE OF LONDON J:tPIT:JIL 71ND 7t(f!@UMULJlTBD EXeEED $23,000,000 elE '7 FiNDS One of the Oldest and Strongest ,, Fi. e Offices , E . . MERRIT T, AGENT. Office, 435 Ricmond St., Lndcn , J QUALIT ." , .." . .r . .. r. -' 223 . DUNDAS : STREET Five D(}ors East of Clarence St. T Phone 844 . John S1ater LONDON . ONTARIO .' , · 1 - ... E : . . S VINGS AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY 4 London, Canada .- .:-. Capital - $t,OOO,OOO.OO Assets Over 2,200,000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED OV DEPOSITS 1: H. Purdom, Esq.. K. Ca, President Nataníe[ Mílls Manag r , . ..!: . ., . I'.. r S. E. ft N eO:JI A a 11,0 r r Tel phone 59 North American Life Assurance Company HOME OFFICE = = = TORONTO ./ December 31St, 1907. Assets Insurance in Force Paid to Policyholders ince Organizatiun $8,735,876.08 $7,739,897.00 $673,556.04 $39,288,552.00 Oyer $5,600,000.00 Reserve Fund for 5ecurity of P'ìlicyholders 1.J" et Surplus Gentlemen desiring to actively represent the Company under a re- munerative agency contract are invited to communicate with ANGUS ELLIOTT, District Manager, 204 Masonic Temple, London, Onto Phone 950. J. L. BLAIKIE, President . No rth . - , . Aïñëriëa n life .4: Ú Sol id ' , I Co n t . nt .- E. ...