Vernon's city of Chatham street, alphabetical, business and miscellaneous directory








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NOTDO"PHOTOCOPYMETROPOLITANTORONTOLIBRARYCANADIAN HISTORYSVERNQNCITY OFCHATHAMALPHABETICALSTREET,BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORYFOR THE YEAR1918CORRECTED TO PRICE,MARCH 191821st, &3.5OHENRY VERNON & PUBLISHERSSON,OFFICEHKAD -37 KING WILLIAM ONT.ST., HAMILTON,GRIFFIN & RICHMOND CO.. Ltd.. RebeccaH HamiltonPrinters, St.,in their Twelfth Edition of the CITYPublishers; presentingbe-.* for theDIRECTORY, to thank the peoplejj^TIIAAIeral have received. means has been taken tothey Kverysupportrender it accurate and in detail- knownup-to-date every by progressivePublishers, and we merchants and business menDirectory hopewho want the reservebest will their orders untilIenerally very theysee ourrepresentative.VKKXON SONS.HENRY &Publishers.March 2.1st, 1918. 37 William Out.King St., Hamilton,HOUSTON & CLARKNotaries PublicBarristers, Solicitors,MONEY TO LOAN Solicitors for theAt Lowest Rates of Interest. Merchants Bank of CanadaOffice: 118 KING ONT.ST., CHATHAM,ALEX. CLARK. E. MURRAY REEVE.ADVERTISERS INDEX17:American Motor Sales.side lines Roberts & Co(innn,174H lines ami 175 VBishop. Hathaway,E . and bottm lines Tleintxman & OoC .topBrisco,1F front cover & bottm linesBrown, Bert bottom linesHuston Clark 2Bullis, S 69 &.J \Y back cover( art Arthur 73ier, Iluin])hrey,side linesCbaHie. Sam 74 T, & Co. Ltd...Kenny,S \ liiP SCliJ Electric Khi (itham o])Hydro Sys s-ey,.1 1 iilines -Johntem .bottom .[.eu-ai y,!Lvons Co ...
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NOTDO " PHOTOCOPY METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY CANADIAN HISTORY SVERNQN CITY OFCHATHAM ALPHABETICALSTREET, BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1918 CORRECTED TO PRICE, MARCH 191821st, &3.5O HENRY VERNON & PUBLISHERSSON, OFFICEHKAD -37 KING WILLIAM ONT.ST., HAMILTON, GRIFFIN & RICHMOND CO.. Ltd.. RebeccaH HamiltonPrinters, St., in their Twelfth Edition of the CITYPublishers; presenting be-.* for theDIRECTORY, to thank the peoplejj^TIIAAI eral have received. means has been taken tothey Kverysupport render it accurate and in detail- knownup-to-date every by progressive Publishers, and we merchants and business menDirectory hope who want the reservebest will their orders untilIenerally very they see our representative. VKKXON SONS.HENRY & Publishers. March 2.1st, 1918. 37 William Out.King St., Hamilton, HOUSTON & CLARK Notaries PublicBarristers, Solicitors, MONEY TO LOAN Solicitors for the At Lowest Rates of Interest. Merchants Bank of Canada Office: 118 KING ONT.ST., CHATHAM, ALEX. CLARK. E. MURRAY REEVE. ADVERTISERS INDEX 17:American Motor Sales.side lines Roberts & Co(innn, 174H lines ami 175 VBishop. Hathaway, E . and bottm lines Tleintxman & OoC .topBrisco, 1 F front cover & bottm linesBrown, Bert bottom lines Huston Clark 2Bullis, S 69 & .J \Y back cover( art Arthur 73ier, Iluin])hrey, side linesCbaHie. Sam 74 T, & Co. Ltd...Kenny, S \ liiP SCliJ Electric Khi (itham o])Hydro Sys s-ey, .1 1 iilines -Johntem .bottom .[.eu-ai y, !Lvons Co 1Coltart & Son lines Tailorinirtop M X I2SR II 81 Jays.Crump, A ... . ht side li.News, .".d bottom lines R riu.Mnr])l)y,Daily .top Son l:WL .) &He Dr C Ol.lershaw, H,Cou, 172M bottom lines Palmer Bakinir Co I (,/inyiiuin, UMcover C & Sonback II..Jobn..\Y Uaymeiit,Drape,- lines \V \ ] linesChas H top IJispiii, topDunn, II W 155Firstbrook Ltd 17") Smith.Bros, 1: 55A J)2 Smith. J LWForsyth, x front rover . !4 Stone, W MJGan, .first form97 Trndell. C A. i Job NewsDept. Daily GOOD PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES CITY OF CHATHAM 17 CITY OF CHATHAM DIRECTORYSTREET HENRY VERNON & PublishersSON, ADELAIDE 91crosses S WillsNORTH, HHMurray Percy 40east side from Creek E 95 Wm H PalmerPercy Cornfield, to River 99 X M Blackburngrower P M R Sheds 48 103 has SlaterFreight Lucy Ryan +Colborne crosses 52 Wm Foreman 107 Vacant D 58HJohn< Ellwood Alfred +Park e crossesDingman 6235 Pleasence 127 J Usher ParkinHarry RegldMurphy 21 Thos Clark 66 The florstsi 131 Wm G ListerRosery, 27 Mrs A Smale 70 Frank E Baxter 135 Ed R Grawdbois 31 Burville Oldershaw 78 Wan H G 139 DColles Clatiworthy 37 M Pike +;StanJohn av crossesley 141 Jas Clatworthy + crosses 92 Peter DezeliaMurray 147 Wm H Spreiitall 41 New house 96 Ernest Brown 153 FitzsimonsHy 47 Vacant 102 Mrs M J Gonne 157 Mrs J Milner 49 104 Mrs SHarry Crump Brundage 159 Mrs J Hassen +Ellwood commences 110 Thos J Shaw 165 Sheldon Ward JR Park 116 Wm F Terry 167 GerberHenry i+ av crossesStanley 173 Geo II Dunkley 93 Wm F Austin ADELAIDE SOUTH, 181 Saml Fitzgerald 95 Stewart Mercer east frm Creekside, 189 Edwd Griffith 101 Martin Morris to T RG 195 Fredk J Lennox 105 II O Loane 27 O Brien Bros, 203 Mrs M Judson 109 Mrs Sarah A manfrscigar 209 Jas Patterson 31 SarviceThompson Ltd, fuel, 217 Riclhd Pope115 Frank W etcAyles- +St Patrick crosses worth e crosses+King +Water crosses 4-C P R Track crosses ADELAIDE SOUTH, 41 Alfred F Stephens west sideADELAIDE ST 43 Miss F ArnoldN, 8 Darwin Pelett west side 49-51 Hugh Gallagher 12 C S Co,+Colborne crosses Hyman.contr hide-sVacant 5912 Jos II Robidoux IS 6.1 16 Sa.rviceMrs C Moore Vacant Ltd, ful, 22 R Glaus e crosses etc^Wellington crosses26 Vacant 83 Chas e+KingKelley + crosses30 W A Grover +Kirk commences C P R Track Electric and Vacuum Mach-Irons Toasters, Cleaners, WashingII A\7f\ri ^nes anc* ^ewin Machine Motors will do housework andeasilyS youril I UK11* * t^lVr at smallquickly very expense. PHONE CHATHAM 213 KING ST. W.848, HYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEM 2 OUTDOOR BASEBALL X E. C. BRISCOSPORTING SUPPLIES Ou GOODS PHONE 297. 163 KING ST. FOOTBALL 18 VERNON S DIRECTORY south side ARNOLD sMassey-Harris Co, ALFRED, SOUTH, warehouse 12 A T H Fortescue side e crosses 18 Not built on^Wellington 84 Mrs A L Towl 212 Mrs Harvey 86 Ernest A 24 David Morton northHigley EARTH, side, 26 Hasbell92 Chas De Cou Wni from 26 Victoria to Summersends 28 James Grant av eastAlley+Pop 98 W E 36 Edmnmd Grimsell 23 Wm R CookBump Mrs A Gleeson crosses 27 Robt100 Guy +Park e crosses 31 Ida Slade E north 35 Wmin 130 Mrs J side, LamheGregory AMELIA, Glair to132 Mrs Roach from 235 St 37 Geo HusonMargtCM Fredk Stevens Victoria av 39 Mrs E Gates136 E Lister + and Florence 43 Geo Corbett156 C Joseph0) Purvis cross 47 Herbert158 F L JohnsonC 160 C A Rhea 53 W Hassan +Kent crosses o Youmans Moon166 J Nelsn 57 Harris 51 Jas Beams 172 David 65 Mrs E Rutherford 55 D A McDonaldYoung Annie Lett Dowswell 57 A C176 Mrs 73 Roger Forsyth ends 65 Wm D Glasstford+Witherspoon south side 73 Alfd Round184 H E Metcalf AMELIA, 188 H HWinegarden. + crossesJosephA3 p Baxter south198 Jas EARTH, side,42 SmithE Hye HH > C 18 Mrs Elizbth Birch202 Mrs Fleming 44 W R Baxter 20 Carder206 Ohas G Rutley +Florence crosses Sidney +Pitt ends210 Chas Shaw F48 Mark Palimg 30 Peter Connell216 Albt Tomlinson av ends+Llydican Win R Reid 32 Toulouse218 Algo house 36 PrimeauNew ARNOLDNORTH, Cookson 38 James Chantler224 A C tofrom 151 Foresto st 40 Joel Wootton+St Patrick LimitsC +Kent crosses+G T R crosses 27 John Loney A Glassford54 Jas Ash28 Ernest S8 Richard MastersALEXANDRA AVE, from 60 Dolamorenorth side, opp BenjnARNOLD SOUTH, 64 J W Hart471CO Queen 1 s Campbell,side, 66 J Tetreault13 Arthur TaylorC from Park Lane to Nelson Deneau7027 Geo Stephenson Whitehall Mrs E Gillies74 Vacant Moore80 SamuelALEXANDRA AVE, Primeau818 Wm Fsouth side ends+Wilkinso>n av 90 Mrs Sarah22 Alfd TurmeyHartley Vacant 92 Mrs SlaterGeo F24 MardlimgHei-ht28 Hodges A Van Dusien e fromBAXTER, side,3 Carter 146 Park to St Patnorth Nelsonside,ALFRED, CO n Krank rick30 Princessfrom Crosby +P track cro sM 17 Rothwellto 150 Ry BenjMurray + crossesWhitehall st 23 Mrs Grace WilsonNot built on BOOKS and OFFICE STATIONERY atCATALOGS, Q> DAILY NEWS CHAS. H. DUNN 25 FIFTH ST. InsurancePhones : Res. 641JOffice, 109; CITY OF CHATHAM 19 3 27 Thos JacMin 13 Annie 28 Geo TerrellYoung 29 Mrs Harriet Reid +Pine 36 E PLane crosses Handsor 33 AVm Haekett 40 Mrs M E Smith 9 37 Wm J Brokerasihire east 40 Frank ScottBEDFORD, side, O-45 from 239Timothy Downey Forest to 47 L A Gale Limits nCAMPBELL, side, 49 AVun Wilkinson 25 John 1 s OXeilson Park av runse, 53 J \\ Greenwood 29 J G west from WhiteConvay 55 Oliver Gale 41 Alex hall at PM R TrackYounsr <<"57 J E Allen 65 Mrs S A +P M R Track croOwen s 61 Kenneth 67 Duncan BrownCampbell McMillan George T 69 Oscar Hull 70 Peter A WMcKorrall 73 Peter +Thos Walker Wilkinson av cros sGagner 77 Jno D Donovan Kenneth oClayton 81 Jonathan Ogle west sideBEDFORD, 85 John Jackson 12 R H Brown s sideCAMPBELL, 87 G A 16 Fra.nk +P MMoor Track cro sRy 91 Vacant 26 Walter ,WGriffiths Henry Twigg +St Patrick crosses 32 Geo E Monk Frank Haley 36 S*J CurrieBlackHugh George west side :!2 Geo EBAXTER, MonkEdgar 22 G T 36 +WilkinsonGuttridge J Black av cros sHugh W 24 Miss Frances L 42 Alfred McDonald oAngusKeeley Eead 48 C C Coltman Mrs ElizbtJh Gwilt 9HH2 Win Robertson 54 Frank Gale 38 Mrs C Williams eastCENTRE, side, O -^ 40 Clifford fromGregory east toBERRY, Wellingtonside, 44 Mrs Ann; Rouse from ParkPark west 50 W Steele GeoHenry Croher T 54 WW Dolsen 23 AJohn Harris acant 58 Luke A Wheeler Vacant 27 X Turner Alexander Hall Jno Morris A stblesJamieson, 66 Mrs M Britton Christ Church 70 Mrs X Merritt 47west side MrsBERRY, Dolly Fryer 74 Thos AV McLean Goo crossesTaylor +Harvey 76 Charles Cross Como 63 Randell McDonaldXap !82 Jas E R.onson Jas Brown 65 Brennan David 86 Daniel Goldsmith 67 HestorLloyd 90 H L Duff Pnorth +C R crossesBROCK, side, 92 J R Gorber from 79336 St Glair to ATacant 94 M C Woohvorth GSheldon av s Lumber Ydray 17 Mrs L J & WarehouseWright north 23 JasBEATTY, side, Handysides from 393 to 33 Vacant west sideQueen CENTRE, Pine Lane 39 Peter CentralGrant .School CO Not built on L Milburn +Sc)hool crosses 2S Mrs Emma Street BEATTY south side south side 32 CroucherBROCK, George 11 John Peterson 24 Dan! ITaskell 34 CouttsMaggie bdg Undertakers Coltart & Son Etc.Furniture, Carpets, O W H I30 KING26, 28, STREETWEST Phone 8 Phone 197Day Night andKENT !NOW READY ESSEX, & SonVernonC DIRECTORY.LAMBTON COUNTY (0 ONT.HAMILTON,Price $4.00. S DIRECTORYVERNON20 5 140 Win J Wilsonfromn5 Win CLOVERDALE,36 Newberry H Shuttle-142 GeoGrand av eH Broad40 Joshua worthLettJoseph40 Fred Byron sr144 Geo Troy,DonaldPeter44 Edwd De Hoey .152 E BaertBrownAdam Henry48 Taylor 1154 Ba,rattRemy crosses+Harvey H158 J Playern side,COLBORNE, 54 !harles White Freeman162 Geofrom William n to 62 John Bowes 166 Wm McDonaldLimits 64 Mrs Abbie Austin Bennett168 Jno.WPark View Hotel 170 Mrs G FloodE66 F Glover Ohathm Woolen Mill en Wm Jackson178+Adelaide crosses70 T M Edmondson crosses+PrincessMotors Ltd+C P R crosses Gray-Dort Clark186 Win JH Barnier +Prince crosses74 G F S FieldH 103 John76 Jas SimpsonCampbell 204 Jas I Whaley113 J R Miller78 Alex McGregor F S Field2108 MrsWm117 KeeleyRobt MeCrank 1i80 &222 J Sons,TerryS Bartlett129 GeoG84 Jofhn Blakeley coalice amd133 Jno McKellar90 Fred LeRoy John C232 TerryJno Watkins139 c/i 92 James Viekery +P M R crosses+C P R Tracks +Park crosses A Deline258 MrsMilne163 Andw Patterson260 A DO Calver165 Walter n side,CHARTERIS, Chas Jacklin21612169 Geo Heam from 141runs east 264 Fred Newcombi 175 Jos Ivison to limitsWilliam s A Arnold266 SMrs J Johnston181 G Martin Mann23 John 274 Wmcrosses+Princess S Bosworth E26 Mrs J Mclntyre199 FarbySeptimus 29 F Lewis J H Clark201 Mrs I See 31 VacantKingHy J A0) 205 Wellington EvansJohn Coflell Arthur37 Jas Lambert209 Vern
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