U.S. Department of JusticeFederal Bureau of Investigationi Release Datenn/i/7"'•™ SundayNovember 199519,the United States, Uniforn...CRIMEintheUNITED1994STATESUniform Crime ReportsSUMMARYUniformCrimeCRIME INDEXReportsUnited StatestheforCRIMES CLEARED1994SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTSDEPOSITORYDEC 8 1995 PERSONSARRESTEDBOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARYGOVERNMENTDOCUMEnTr™^JTOPICALSTUDIESLAWENFORCEMENTPERSONNEL^^^^^^^^^™PrintedAs.NN ALLYUInvestigationFederal Bureau ofU.S. Department of JusticeWashington, D.C. 20535APPENDICESADVISORY:Uniform Crime RecordsCommittee onInternational Association of Chiefs of Police; on Uniform Crime ReportingNational Sheriffs' Association;Criminal Justice Information ServicesAdvisory Policy BoardFor sale Governmentby the U.S. Printing OfficeSuperintendent of Documents. Mail Stop: SSOP. Washington. 20402-9328DCISBN 0-16-048362-XPREFACEIt is believed that in these figures lay the foundations of a nation-wide system of uniform crime statistics. As the months and years pass,the accumulation of such data will acquire steadily increasing impor-knowntance and value... [T]he extent and incidence of offenses [are]given a factual basis in the United Statesfor the first time.— Vol.Uniform Crime Report, 1, No. 1,January 1, 1930law workedSince 1930, state and local enforcement agencies have co-provideoperatively with the FBI to the Nation with a reliable set of criminalstatistics through the Uniform Crime Reporting ...