w^^mmS. Department of Justicederal Bureau of InvestigationJ 1.14/7:990Uniform Crime Rc|)orls, 1990..Release DateSundayAugust 199111,Crimein theUnit.SOCIATIO/Vo^tatesUNIFORMSUMMARYCRIMEi'i 1331AUGREPORTSthe United Statesfor CRIME INDEX-PRINTEDANNUALLY 1990 by:Federal Bureau of InvestigationU.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 20535CRIMES CLEAREDPERSONSARRESTEDADVISORY: Committee on Uniform Crime RecordsInternational Association of Chiefs of Police;Committee on Uniform Crime ReportingNational Sheriffs' Association;Uniform Crime Reporting Data ProvidersAdvisory Policy BoardLAWENFORCEMENTPERSONNELAPPENDICESof Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402For sale by the SuperintendentrFOREWORDAs we proceed into the 21st century, the foremost challenge of the lawenforcement community is its continued success in the warfare against theescalating violent crime occurrences in the United States. Administered by theFBI since 1930, recent enhancements in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Program will provide law enforcement with more comprehensive data for usein meeting this challenge.Since its inception, Crime in the United States has portrayed a steadilyincreasingnumber oflaw enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in theUCR Program. Federal law enforcement has now joined the UCRconstituency, and its addition results in the UCR Program being the firstcentral repository for law enforcement ...