Une université de la psychanalyse . University of psychoanalysis.








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Ce sont des psychanalystes qui spontanément proposent une réflexion formant un cartel (ex : la psychose) dans des espaces multilingues.
C’est une initiative à long terme, tout dépendra de la qualité des pédagogues et de l’originalité de leurs articles.
• They are psychoanalysts who spontaneously offer a reflection forming a cartel (egg, psychosis) in multilingual spaces.
• This is a long-term initiative, everything depends on the quality of teachers and the originality of their articles.
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Une université de la psychanalyse .
Ce sont des psychanalystes qui spontanément proposent une réLexion formant un cartel (ex : la psychose) dans des espaces multilingues.
C’est une initiative à long terme, tout dépendra de la qualité des pédagogues et de l’originalité de leurs articles.
Mes ateliers universitaires proposent des outils (sites,forum,débats) pour repérer, identiIer, apprivoiser et s’approprier les exigences à l’œuvre dans la rédaction d’ articles psychanalytiques, exercice d’autant plus redouté qu’il se transmet dans une langue étrangère à sa langue maternelle (lalangue), mystérieuse, souvent récemment adoptée comme expression des travaux lacaniens.
Car dès les premières expériences dans l’autre langue surgit une autre question : cet article que l’on a choisi d’écrire en français ne doit-elle pas aussi être pensé en français ?
Et c’est ici le début d’une grande aventure, aussi périlleuse qu’exaltante et d’un immense labeur où l’auteur est contraint de déplacer ses objets de recherche, de les repenser . Si comme l’aîrme Pascal « un même sens change selon les paroles qui l’expriment », comment soutenir ce passage, cette épreuve que François Jullien, philosophe et sinologue appelle « dépaysement de la pensée »
C'est l'étude des textes qui sera la pierre angulaire du "Comment savoir poser une problème" et à lui donner une solution argumentée, raisonnée, en évitant toutefois d'être trop conceptuelle.
Que proposera-t-on à ces enseignants, avant tout une méthode car cet enseignement n'est pas une entreprise de formation où le collectif accouchera d'apprentis sorciers.
Le professeur de psychanalyse commencera la lecture d'une œuvre freudienne(ou lacanienne). Mais renouer avec l'héritage freudien (ou lacanien)ne reviendra pas à se prendre soi-même pour cette Igure originaire de la pensée psychanalytique, mais à devenir ce passeur d'idées consistant à comprendre et à faire comprendre leur traversée à ce siècle tumultueux.
Un bémol
L'article doit être écrit dans un style vif et accrocheur; le message doit être clair et la structure transparente. Sa lecture ne doit pas être trop ardue pour le grand public. Le jargon technique et le ton d'indignation exacerbé sont donc à proscrire sauf pour la psychanalyse clinique.
Des garanties
Pour assurer la qualité et le sérieux de l'entreprise, le comité de rédaction (à former) s'engage à ne publier, que des articles ayant préalablement reçu l'aval de deux membres d'un comité de lecture .Cela vaut également pour les articles que les membres du comité de rédaction peuvent faire paraïtre dans la revue.
Frans Tassigny
Ps : L’ensemble des travaux de l’université et des savoirs rencontrés dans leur diversité, doivent faire l’objet d’une capitalisation vivante et accessible sur diérents médias.
Suivez nous sur :https://twitter.com/TassignyF
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• University of psychoanalysis.
• They are psychoanalysts who spontaneously oer a reection forming a cartel (egg, psychosis) in multilingual spaces.
• This is a long-term initiative, everything depends on the quality of teachers and the originality of their articles.
My academic workshops oer tools (websites, forums, debates) to locate, identify, tame and appropriate requirements to work in the writing of articles psychoanalytic exercise all the more dreaded it transmits a foreign language to their mother tongue (lalangue), mysterious, often recently adopted as an expression of Lacan's work. Since the early experiences in the other language arises another question: this article we chose to write in French should it not be thought in French? And this is the beginning of a great adventure, perilous qu'exaltante and a Herculean work where the author is forced to move its research objects to rethink. f, as Pascal says, "the same meaning changes according to the words which express" how to support this transition, this ordeal François Jullien, philosopher and sinologist called "disorientation of thought" is the study of texts will be the cornerstone of the "How do  know ask a question" and give a solution argued, reasoned while avoiding being too conceptual. What do we oer these teachers, primarily because this teaching method is not a training company which give birth to the collective sorcerer's apprentice. Professor of Psychoanalysis start reading a Freudian work (or Lacanian). But return to the Freudian inheritance (or Lacanian) will not return to take yourself to that Igure born in psychoanalytic thought, but to become what ferryman consisting of ideas to understand and be understood through their tumultuous century that. A at tem must be written in a lively style and catchy, the message must be clear and transparent structure. Reading should not be too diîcult for the general public. Jargon and tone of indignation loyalty is therefore not recommended except for clinical psychoanalysis. Safeguards to ensure the quality and reliability of the company, the Drafting Committee (to be formed) undertakes not to publish articles that have previously been endorsed by two members of the committee. This is also for items that members of the editorial board can appear in the journal.
Frans Tassigny
P's: All the work of the university and knowledge encountered in their diversity, must be capitalized and accessible living on dierent media. Follow us on:
https://twitter.com/TassignyF http://paper.li/f-1354940655 As weekly, please subscribe to receive our products and presence on Facebook:.ttps://www. Facebook.com / pages / A-university% C3% A9-de-la-psychanalyse/39176081552
• Because as psychoanalysis works are meant to be read, and not to be piled, stacked, arranged, lined in bookshelves, our ideas are made to be called, published, discussed, proposed; otherwise they do not exist.
• Because internet traîc movement, and it is better that our ideas are taken as living in a gangue of silence.
• Because of the action as well as supports and validates the decision,  write (and  do not think it could be otherwise, here  assume that the subjective joined the lens, rather than the singular or my gesture joined the collective act of writing), and  can only write in a gesture that is continuous, that does not stop because everyday gestures come to intersect with it. Only there is a natural place for this, which is a space where one is asked to leave his name at the door and where the words owing.
• Because the dynamics of the publication supports the dynamics of writing, conIrms, corroborates it.
• Follow us on: https://twitter.com/TassignyF
You can also suggest ways ...
Thank you for this information about the University of psychoanalysis.  am particularly interested in oer modules / themes formations; e.g.| the group / family / couple attachment (Bowlby) in French, Spanish ....
 am a clinical psychologist, therapist, couples and families.  exercise for several years in France as a trainer / supervisor in the medico-social, psycho, disability, and parallel opened a psychotherapy practice in Argentina in Buenos Aires.  would like to know if you like how we could do so that  can send you a CV and provide you with training topics already ready.
Stéphane Delannes
Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist
Luis Alberto Aquino BENTEZ has sent you a message.
Subject: RE: Virtual University
 could animate a section (a "course"?) On working with couples.
My approach considers the couple as a "SCHOOL OF HUMANTY."
1) My approach is psychoanalytic and as such considers the Ield of the couple as the place where the "wounds" childish be awakened. The conict stems from the crossing of two old wounds.
2)  suggest the importance of the "angry response" to these injuries in the diîculties of the relationship. Our mechanisms "defense" are also mechanisms of "oense"!
3) Once past the conscious and unconscious hostility, spouses regain their creative ability to help them Ind ways to repair and expand the Ields of fruitful exchanges within and outside the family, all accepting the limits of their personalities so that each couple can only be "imperfect beautiful story."
 intend to produce texts that clearly illustrate my remarks at a pace to establish ... to further grow my 30 years of experience in this Ield ...
f it ... may interest you!
Luis Aquino
"Very pleased with the collaboration with Frans Tassigny within the project" A University of psychoanalysis in Kheopsy "I can only recommend it as a professional contact LinkedIn for all those working in the îeld of psychoanalysis and language in its relation to subjectivity.
Jean-Jacques Pinto
Analyst, trainer and speaker
France "
Adding temporary
The university wants to build its shares from Ive principles or ideas:
• Encourage the word citizen in creating spaces for discussion friendly (fraternal) and accessible. n "neutral" location where you can meet whatever its status, apart from a representative function, under single citizen. Places where one goes the logic of "devices" to share knowledge about the meaning of actions and conduct.
• Develop "bids reection" by helping groups and citizens to organize teams for example "action research" in the popular university citizen, to develop bids reection on a topic specifying assumptions and a method to increase on this basis, the exchange of knowledge.
• Work time providing a framework that separates from the pressure of emergency devices and every day to get to know and deepen projects. Event surpassing logic (a seminar, conference ...) or restrained testimony.
• Cross the knowledge in their diversity. Academic and theoretical knowledge are highly dominant but not always enough to understand reality. Other related knowledge, experience, practice, commitment, meaning, must be recognized, and Knowledge Crusaders 'academic' to be re-educated collectively.
• Leverage knowledge exchanged. The whole work of the university and knowledge encountered in their diversity must be capitalized and accessible living on dierent media.
The People's University and is open to all citizens, it recognizes each as a carrier of knowledge. She wants to touch people whose speech is little or no recognition.
University popularize citizen to successfully combine social origin, association to build networks fertile.
by Frans Tassigny
Proposition 1.
f there is a slumbering poet in every psychoanalyst and in every poet a psychoanalyst caught unawares it is because they both evoke an articulated language, that of the unconscious. For the Irst, it unfolds in a rigorous closerous closed Ield and for the second it expands in lyrical and wild romanticism.
Proposition 2.
Chess masters possess the art of people who have none, psychoanalysts that of healing; poets that of enchanting. All three are with their solitude; often in research sometimes in music and innermost joy.
Proposition 3.
There are no established poets and no street poets, only poets, full stop. On the other hand, there are no psychoanalysts as such. There are solicitors of the mind, mayors of the unconscious, pedagogues, teachers, doctors or theoreticians, but, they are in good lodgings.
Proposition 4.
Poets all belong or have belonged to a "wandering academy". For the most rebellious that of the aristocracy of the proletariat; for the others, let's say that they simply indulge in lyricism. Analyst apart from a few dissenters is to established power rarely or never oering an ear to anarchy.
Proposition 5.
Supposing poets were in fact only false misIts surreptitiously hiding their dishonour unan ear to anarchy.
Proposition 6.
Supposing poets were in fact only false misIts surreptitiously hiding their dishonour under the mask of inconsolable gloom, society romantics and lyrical hucksters. Then, in order to repair the good they failed to bestow or the evil of their mediocrity, fully edged analysts will be to heal their imposture.
Proposition 7.
f analysts read Nerval, it is because he hung himself in the street providing them with an almost monstrous clinical case. Poets, on the other hand recall that he was Gerard Labrunie, stretcher bearer and poet at the time of the Commune when letters killed.
Proposition 8.
Maakowski desired to live a double choice: that of renouncing the memory of his father and that of choosing the exact hour of his death. can you imagine an analyst elsewhere than in the shadow of Freud, succumbing to a cotton-woolly death on a couch maybe... P.S. Maakovski's death was an outcome of a Stalinian purge and Freud's one that of an excess of cocaine?
Proposition 9.
Poets belong to a secret brotherhood: sea captains, night porters, circus folks... The latter is to be found proposition 8.
Poets belong to a secret brotherhood: sea captains, night porters, circus folks... The latter are to be found paradoxically in the dreams of the subject undergoing psychoanalysis, to be deciphered by the analyst. You will now understand the solitude of poets. One only understands real solitude and its weight when one is by friends who distract you from your creative awakening. Remember Milosz, when a friend expressed concern about his absence and asked him "Master, how is your solitude?" Because one is alone, always alone, everything aims at solitude.
Proposition 10.
The psychoanalytical process for Lacan is what epiphany means for Joyce, the labyrinth for Borges, the Madeleine for Proust and light for the mpressionists. All these concepts have had their Schools, a þre acknowledged friends, except perhaps the work of Arthur Rimbaud that will only emerge in the genesis of future man.
Proposition 11.
One must absolutely direct oneself from the author towards his work, that is to say: it is because a creator possesses a given personality that he produces a given work. But never, amongst the characteris to say: it is because a creator possesses a given personality that he produces a given work. But never, amongst the characteristic speciIcities of a text to outline the psychological proIle of an author and to draw a series of conclusions, in a dichotomy of various preaching.
t would be vain to interpret the verses of Paul Panel "The black milk of dawn is drunk at sunset" as the gruesome representation of Auschwitz, the concentration camp where they werewritten; as also to call Ezra Pound a fascist as a consequence of a few interviews given during the war on Radio Rome where aesthetics and politics werecleverlyblended.
Proposition 12.
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