OWAR&Z*WILLIAM FOSTERoftheFrom the collectionn7 mo PrelingervJJibraryCaliforniaSan Francisco,2006AMERICATOWARD SOVIETTO ESTHERTOWARDSOVIETAMERICAvwwwwwvtWilliam Z. FosterSPECIAL EDITIONFEINTED FORINTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERSBYCOWARD-McCANN.lNC.NEW YORKDISTRIBUTORSLIBRARYWORKERS- Reoa 1318tb Street1413 WettILLINOISCHICAGO,--COPYRIGHT 1932 BY INC.COWARD-McCANN,All ReservedRightsPRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICAPREFACETHERE is a and mass demand in thisgreat growingto know what is the Communistcountry just partyand its The masses of toilers,program. sufferingunder the burdens of the are discon-crisis, keenlytented and want to find a out of their intoler-wayable situation. are alarmed at theThey depth,and the crisis. be-oflength general severity Theyto realize that "there is rotten ingin somethingthat there are fundamental flaws in theDenmark,"Their realization ofcapitalist system. growingthis is further as see thestrengthened they spec-tacular rise of Socialism in the Soviet Union. Themasses are to thatsense Commu-beginning rightlynism has an for the human race,messageimportantand want to know what it is.theyis doanxious that the massesCapitalism deeplynot this from the outset itHence,get message.has carried on a of falsification of thecampaignRussian revolution without in his-entirely parallelTherehas been a veritable ocean of liesinthetory.the U.S.S.R. The Ameri-capitalist press againstcan Federation of Labor and the ...