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WORKS OFCECIL H. PEABODYPROFESSORBYPUBLISHEDWILEY & SONS.JOHNand otherof the Steam-engineThermodynamicsHeat-engines.inThis work is intended for the use of studentstechnical and the theoretical trainingschools, givesFifth Edition, Rewritten,required by 633 117 cloth, $5.00.+ pages, figures. 8vo,of Steam and otherTables of the PropertiesTable.Vapors, and Temperature-Entropythe use of studentsThese tables were forpreparedand and of in3n technical schools colleges, engineersvi 130Seventh Edition, Rewritten. 8vo, +general.$1.00.pages, cloth,forValve-gears studentsThis book is intended giveengineeringin the and ofinstruction theory practice designingfor Second Edition,valve-gears steam-engines.and v 4- 142 33 fold-Revised Enlarged. 8vo, pages,cloth, $,Steam-boilers.and Prof. Edward F.Prof. Cecil H. PeabodyBy142 illustrations.Miller. 400 pages; 8vo,Nearly$4.00.cloth,Indicator.Manual of the Steam-engine154 08 12mo, cloth, $1.50.pages; figures.Architecture.Naval217 $7,50.v+616 pages; figures. 8vo, cloth,THERMODYNAMICSOF THESTEAM-ENGINEANDHEAT-ENGINESOTHERBYH.CECILOF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING^PROFESSORINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYMASSACHUSETTSFIFTH REWRITTENEDITION,SECOND THOUSANDPROPERTY OFIHSTITJiF OF TECai,310]YYORKNEW& SONSWILEYJOHNft LIMITEDCHAPMAN HALL,LONDON:1908>O I J'. ^C'COPYRIGHT 1889, 1898, 1907BYCECIL H. PEABODYPREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION.WHEN this work was first ...
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WORKS OF CECIL H. PEABODYPROFESSOR BYPUBLISHED WILEY & SONS.JOHN and otherof the Steam-engineThermodynamics Heat-engines. inThis work is intended for the use of students technical and the theoretical trainingschools, gives Fifth Edition, Rewritten,required by engineers. vi 633 117 cloth, $5.00.+ pages, figures. 8vo, of Steam and otherTables of the Properties Table.Vapors, and Temperature-Entropy the use of studentsThese tables were forprepared and and of in3n technical schools colleges, engineers vi 130Seventh Edition, Rewritten. 8vo, +general. $1.00.pages, cloth, forValve-gears Steam-engines. to studentsThis book is intended giveengineering in the and ofinstruction theory practice designing for Second Edition,valve-gears steam-engines. and v 4- 142 33 fold-Revised Enlarged. 8vo, pages, cloth, $, Steam-boilers. and Prof. Edward F.Prof. Cecil H. PeabodyBy 142 illustrations.Miller. 400 pages; 8vo,Nearly $4.00.cloth, Indicator.Manual of the Steam-engine 154 08 12mo, cloth, $1.50.pages; figures. Architecture.Naval 217 $7,50.v+616 pages; figures. 8vo, cloth, THERMODYNAMICS OF THE STEAM-ENGINE AND HEAT-ENGINESOTHER BY H.CECIL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING^PROFESSOR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYMASSACHUSETTS FIFTH REWRITTENEDITION, SECOND THOUSAND PROPERTY OF IHSTITJiF OF TECai,310]Y YORKNEW & SONSWILEYJOHN ft LIMITEDCHAPMAN HALL,LONDON: 1908 >O I J '. ^C' COPYRIGHT 1889, 1898, 1907 BY CECIL H. PEABODY PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION. WHEN this work was first in the author had beforepreparation him the of so that students inproblem teaching thermodynamics could use the results in connection withengineering immediately in the Laboratories of the Massachu-experiments Engineering setts Institute of The of the bookTechnology. acceptance by teachers of to its whichengineering appears justify general plan, will be adhered to now that the of callsdevelopment engineering for a revision.complete The author is still of the that the mathematicalopinion general Kelvin most anddue to Clausius and ispresentation satisfactory carries with it the to read current inves- ability thermodynamic and At the same time it isengineerstigations by physicists. steam arethat recent ofrecognized investigations superheated in such a as to narrow the of thepresented way applications method so that there is for those who prefergeneral justification methods for those To for bothspecial applications. provide mathematical discussion isviews of this thesubject, general in a which be omitted at thepresented separate chapter, may first that theprovided special methods,reading (or altogether), to be sufficient.which also are in the are takengiven proper places, The first fundamental data notedition presented generally at that so that it was considered totime, necessaryaccepted much of thisthe data the derivation atgiving length;justify by removed to an towhich is no ismatter, longer new, appendix, the of discussions that mustrelieve student unnecessaryappear and tedious. adiabaticThe introduction of the steam-turbine has changed academic tocalculations for from an abstraction,steam, apparent ofTo meet this theTablesacommon condition,necessity. changed iii IV PREFACE of have had added to themSaturated Steam columnsProperties of of and further there has beenentropies vaporization; a table of the the heatcomputed quality (or dryness factor) contents and volume at constant for each entropy, degree Fahrenheit. This table will enable the to deter-computer tomine the effect of adiabaticdirectly expansion any pres- sure or and to calculate with ease the external workvolume, in a or the of flow an orifice or nozzlecylinder velocity through and also to determine thethe effect of distri-including friction; bution of work and for a steam-turbine. For the pressure be usedof work this table withoutgreater part practical may refinement be had.orinterpolation, by interpolation greater may is taken of recent on the ofexperiments propertiesAdvantage the to tests on tosteam and ofsuperheated application engines that in a more condition. Attention,satisfactoryplace subject of internal combustionis also to the development enginesgiven blast-furnace A isand to the use of fuel and chapter givengas. methodon the of the steam-turbine with currentthermodynamics of and results of tests.computation, various are madeSo far as the independent,possible chapters steam-tur-so that individual such as the steam-engine,subjects, be readand machines,bine, compressed-air refrigerating may in order that commend itself.the mayseparately EDITION.PREFACE TO FIRST to instruction to students ItTHIS work is designed give results of theschools in the methods andtechnical application While it has been considerecof tothermodynamics engineering. someto followdesirable commonly accepted methods, part in substance or in mannerfrom other either qdiffer text-books, a few words ofand explanation.may requirepresentation, or formal ofThe thermodynamicgeneral theory presentation PREFACE V is that the of and wasemployed by majority writers, prepared with the view of the difficulties inherent in thepresenting clearly and of with thesubject, giving familiarity processes employed. In. the discussion of the of and theproperties gases vapors data on which theoriginal experimental working equations, whether or must be based arelogical empirical, given quite to afford an idea of the offully, attainable indegree accuracy madecalculations with their aid. Rowland's determination of the mechanical of heat has been and with itequivalent adopted, his determination of the heat of water at low specific tempera- tures. The author's "Tables of the of SaturatedProperties and Other wereSteam calculated to thisVapors" accompany and be considered to be an ofwork, it.may integral part The on the flow of and and on thegaseschapters vapors are believed to some novelinjector present features, especially in the withcomparisons experiments. The feature in which this book differs most from similar works is in the treatment of the It has beensteam-engine. deemed advisable to avoid all theories based onapproximate the of adiabatic of steam in anassumption changes engine and instead to make a of steam- cylinder, systematic study with the view of what is known onengine tests, finding actually and how future andthe subject, investigations improvements be made, For this a number of tests havemay purpose large been and attention iscollected, arranged, compared, Special to the of the action of steam in thegiven investigations cylinder considerable to Hirn's researchesof an engine, space being given and to that the basis for them. Directionsexperiments provide and com-are for and fortesting engines, designing simplegiven pound engines. have been added on andChapters compressed-air refrigerating to for the of thesemachines, study important subjectsprovide in connection with the oftheory thermodynamics. have been references haveWherever direct quotations made, to aid in more extendedbeen in foot-notes, investigations.given ofIt does not to add othernecessary acknowledgmentappear PREFACEVI than to thatfurtherfrom well-known authors, sayassistance in thesearchedtheir have been preparationwritings diligently ofansince text-book must adaptationof this belargelybook, any work to the needs of instruction.their H. P.C. or TECHNOLOGY,MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE May, 1889. EDITION.PREFACE TO FOURTH made toA THOROUGH revision of this work has been bring laterand to includeit into accord with more recent practice this towork. is taken ofAdvantage opportunityexperimental which it is believedmake in matter or inchanges arrangement will make it more useful as a text-book. P.C.H. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY July, 1898. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAl'THU ITHERMAL CAPACITIES _,I^ *3 / LAW OF THERMODYNAMICSII. JFIRST 22LAW OF'"Til" SECOND METHOD 43THKRMODYNAMICIV. GENERAL 54CASKSV. PKRFKCT 67VAPORVI. SATURATED 10 VAPORSVII. SUPERHEATED, Ia8 VIII, THE STEAIMCNOINK J 6SEMOIMKBIX, COMPOUND l83STKAM-KNOINES .....'X. TESTING WALLS *99OF TOR CYLINDERXL INFLUENCE 237OF STKAM-ENOINKSXII. ECONOMY a8SOF KNCMNEBXIII. FRICTION 2 8 ENGINES 9INTERNAL-COMBUSTIONXIV. 835COMPRISED AIRXV. 6MACHINES 39REFRIGERATINGXVI. 423 OF FLUIDSXVII. FLOW - 447XVIIL INJECTORS 47XIX STBAM-TORBINES vii
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