JOHN M. KELLY LIBRARYDonated byThe ofRedemptoriststhe Toronto Provincefrom the Collection ofLibraryRedeemer WindsorHoly College,ofUniversitySt. Michael s TorontoCollege,IBRAR?ST. ALP SEMINWOODS ONTARIOST. ALPHQNSVSWOODSTOCK,LIBRARYST. ALPfrONSUS SEMI;ONTARJWOODSTOCK,RERUM BK1TANMCAIIU.M3IED11 JiVl /ffSCRIPTORES,CHRONICLES AM) AlKMDlllALs OF (iliKAT B1UTA1NAM) IKIiLAM)IHKIM-TII i; \iU 10231ARYONTARIOL,THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALSotGREA T BR 1TA 1N A N D I R ELANDDUKLNG THE MIDDLE AGES.I HoFJI !Y IIKU MAJESTY S TRKASL UNDERPUHM.-iHKI) BY TI1K AU Ui RY,OF THE MA*TKK OK THK RuI.l.STHE DIRECTIONOx the 2(Jtli the ofMaster the Rolls1857,olManuarysubmitted to the a for theTreasury proposal publicationof materials for the of this from theHistory CountryInvasion of the llomans to the reiim of YJII.Henry,The Master of the Rolls that these materialssuggestedshould be selected for underpublication competenteditors without toreference orperiodical chronological1 Owithout mutilation orarrangement, abridgment, preference in the lirst to such materialsbeing given, instance,as were most scarce and valuable.lie that each chronicle or historical docuproposedment to be edited should be intreated the same aswayif the editor were on an Kditio andengaged ;Princepsfor this mostthe correct text should be formedpurposefrom an accurate collation of the best MSS.To render the work more the Masteruseful,generallyof the Rolls that the editor should ...