The Toronto City Directory 1904








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R.2} '" fo ..< ...... J:: .. S ..... I- Þ- .s .. (1. fWf). AI I 55 d OR g (THII) _A A T N ft .. BRITISH ftO ERO.NTILIt -CH . It 28 ELLI GTON ST. ST T &. PNO AIM 11" .A', GERTON R. CA E Registered SO.hcitor o AT.NT OR NTO '. " T UJL lNG, LE NG R HITEC S N E a" uUdtn TORONTO . ....",. uy the Canadia.n MAde Cash Re ister · O..F.OI AMD WORKfI 78..&0 Kin' Stre t East.. - TO.ROTO. ONT.. CANADA UN . DIT R · TORONTO . It OUNT NT ND CANADA '.JIF BUILDING. mSUB NO 00 P N 0 SOO'rL ND 1 . , ...JD..T Aa!lNT . MUNTZ EATTY, TempI uildin t TORONT OI'PlO. T....PHO... MAUl .... Mr. Mu,,'" Ph." .... S14 r. ttr. Ph..... øwtil1 IETHERS NH U H 'm , 00 T !: :Þ .... ,.... QJ c: - .... 0 -- Q ... . 01 0 . or .þ. " .... 0 n ø Ü) ; rn n) '=' ..., I'Pi 0 ('þ .... t:I Þ:f = 0 þK:t )......................................................................... . . B.\KIG AND FIXANCIAL .............................................................-............. Cht Cor onto 6nral ESTSHED Crusts eorporation THE PIONEER TRUSTS CORPORA nON OF CANADA TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG Paid up Capital, Reserve Fund, 51,000,000.00 290,000.00 SOME REASONS WHY The Corporation can render better services than a private trustee: (1) The ('orporation '\ el' dil'S. doe, nut ahscund nor ('hange it-. piaci of l'f.....i( lenc(' (2) hs Capital allll Rl..ern: aggl'egatinh l,:!UO ...
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R.2} '" fo ..< ...... J:: .. S ..... I- Þ- .s .. (1. fWf). AI I 55 d OR g (THII) _A A T N ft .. BRITISH ftO ERO.NTILIt -CH . It 28 ELLI GTON ST. ST T &. PNO AIM 11" .A', GERTON R. CA E Registered SO.hcitor o AT.NT OR NTO '. " T UJL lNG, LE NG R HITEC S N E a" uUdtn TORONTO . ....",. uy the Canadia.n MAde Cash Re ister · O..F.OI AMD WORKfI 78..&0 Kin' Stre t East.. - TO.RO TO. ONT.. CANADA UN . DIT R · TORONTO . It OUNT NT ND CANADA '.JIF BUILDING. mSUB NO 00 P N 0 SOO'rL ND 1 . , ...JD..T Aa!lNT . MUNTZ EATTY, TempI uildin t TORONT OI'PlO. T....PHO... MAUl .... Mr. Mu,,'" Ph. " .... S 14 r. ttr. Ph..... øwtil1 I ETHERS NH U H 'm , 00 T !: :Þ .... ,.... QJ c: - .... 0 -- Q ... . 01 0 . or .þ. " .... 0 n ø Ü) ; rn n) '=' ..., I'Pi 0 ('þ .... t:I Þ:f = 0 þK:t ).................................................. ....................... . . B.\ KI G AND FIXANCIAL ................................................. ............-............. Cht Cor onto 6 n ral EST SHED Crusts eorporation THE PIONEER TRUSTS CORPORA nON OF CANADA TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG Paid up Capital, Reserve Fund, 51,000,000.00 290,000.00 SOME REASONS WHY The Corporation can render better services than a private trustee: (1) The ('orporation '\ el' dil'S. doe, nut ahscund nor ('hange it-. piaci of l'f.....i( lenc(' (2) hs Capital allll Rl..ern: aggl'egatinh l,:!UO,OoO afford detinitp <:.ecurity for tht' husinp , entrust(.( I to it. (3) Effectiyc management ('lh\ll'e proI'Cl' admil1i tratio\l and econ(Jm '. (4) 1'lu CO\'l'oration eharg'f'" .U'C nu gTPatel' than are allmn.d an iJlfliyidual. (5) Tllf' pri\ate (',-eento}' ('ul1:mlts his 0\\ n ..ulieitol'. The Corporation em- pI 0\ thl' olicitol' for the 'l\. tatol'. Th<> C ")l"pOl.tti, ,"cut" lawful tru of e.. "rr ò"'!cripti,-.n. Ac' Adlllini '1'3' Æ, EJ<.. cutúl", Guardian. Rt'ceive1', As:"' ign Liquidator, Fis('t\] Agent, etl' \Yil. 11>1 11 Ülg tl. Curp -atiùn I1to1' ale 1'1 ceived for de u tl)dy f1' of charge (', III pI rtm '1 1t in af. dppn it vault'" from Tim p f)..lla1'.... a ypar up'wards. OI'^FIC 15. RS JOHN HOSKIN, KC., L.L.D., President HON. S. C. WOOD, Vice-President W. H, BEATTY, Vice-President J W LANGMUIR Managing Director A, D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager A L. CROSSIN, Secretary n . KIXG AND FIX -.\XCUL North . Amerir n lW 5 u Ii d--r" , co7Ñf -;n PROGRESS and STABILITY Àre characteristic features n1arking the growth of the MORTH Al'\ERICAM lirE -\ttr.lcti\'e policy contLlcts, with the e'(ce]lent results obtained, and the absolute security uffered, 111ake the ( Ol11pany good and desirable both for the agent and the l)olicy-h()Ider. Vacancies f"or men of" character and ability to sell insurance "ortb ftl1JericAIJ life ftssUrAIJCf COI1JPAIJY Home Office, - Toronto, Onto J, L. BLAIKIE, PI{ ,IIJF,1 .J. THOIUWRX, :\I,D" SIR w. R. :\1 EI{EJ)[TH, K.c \ [1'1 - PH :SIDE"T (J. \\' B T \ YLOR B.A,. LL H, L. <;OLD)L\S, A.LA., F.f' A, :-'. HlT\]{\ ;\1" "..I". DII" .>. 4 BANKING AND NANCIAL BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 -Incorporated by Act of' Parliament Capital all Paid up, $14,000,000 Reserve Fund, $10,000,000 Undivided Profits, $373,988 Head Office. MONTREAL nOA.RV OF I.JIRECTORS RT. HUN. LORD STRATHCONA A D l\HH"NT ROYAL, G.C.M,(; PUEMDE:;1 HON. G. A. DRT-l\Ii\lOXD, VICE-PRESJIIENT A. T. Paterson, ESII_ Sir W, C McDonald, G.C.M.H. R. B. Angus, ESII. Edward B. c;reenshields, Esq. R. G. Reid, ES(I. James Itoss, Esq. lIon. Hobt. MacKay E. S. CLOeSTON, General Manager A. MACNIDI<:R, Chief Inspector . BRANCHES IN CANADA: Ontario Almonte Belleville Bran tfo rd Brockville Chatham Collingwood Cornwall Deseronto Ft. William Goderich Guelph Hamilton Kingston Lindsay London Otta wa TORONTO- Angus Kirkland. Manager Ontario-Con. Quebec-Con Paris l\f ontrt'al. Que.: Perth Point Sl. Charles Peterboro Quebec, Que. Picton Lower Provinces arnia Stratford Chatham, N.n. Fredericton, N. B. St" Mary's M' Toronto _ oncton, N. B. Yonge and Front !-it, ohn, N. , Yonge and Queen Ar e t, N Ñ ' g Wallaceburg ( ace ay. " Halifax, :'tì,S, Quebec ydney, N ,8, Montreal, Que. :_ Yarmouth, N.::;. St. .James Street Manitoba and N. W.T, St. Catherine Street c;retna, Man, Seigneurs Street Brandon. Man, Greenwood Nelson New Denver New Westmlllster Rossland Vancouvel' V croon Victoria Man. and N. W, T. -Con. Winnipeg, Man. Calgary, Alta. I< dmonton, Alta. Lethbridge, Alra. Raymond, Alta. Indian Head, Assa, Regina, AS8l\. BRITISH COLUMBIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E- ................................-...-.. o--.-....-. ........................ In Newfoundland: ST. JOHN'S. NFLD- Bank of MC)ntreal BmeHY COVE, N FLD. In Great Britain: LONDON-Bank of Montreal, 22 Abchurch Lane, E.C. ALEXAXUER LA"-G, Manager In the United States: NEW YORK-R. Y Hebden and J. M_ Greats, Agents, j!} Wall Street CHICA(;o-Bsnk of Montreal BANKERS IN GREAT BRITAIN: The Pnion Bank of London The London and Westminster Bank The National I'rovincial Bank of England LnvRPooL-The Bank of Li,-elpool, Limited S"OTLAND -The British Linen Company Bank and Branches Lul'o[)o, -The Bank of England . BANKERS IN THE UNITED STATES: .NEW YORl<,-The National ('.ty Bank The Bank of Xew Yurk, N,B,A. BUHALo-The Maline Bank, Buffalo Be -The Merchant's ational Bank .J. B. Moors &. ('0. FR\ -The First National Hank The Anglo-Californian Bank . ...................................................... ...................... l . . . . . . . . . . . . IL\l"KIKG AI\'D FI:XAXf'TAL Tbe GAOAdiAO 8AOk of Gommerce {: . ). . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . Capital $8,700,000 HEAD OFFICE. HO'li. GEO. E. cox. Prc
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