THESEVENTH MANCHESTERSPublished by the University of Manchester atTHE UNIVERSITY PRESS (H. M. MCK.RCHNIE, Secretary)12, LIME GROVE, OXFORD ROAD, MANCHESTERLONGMANS, GREEN & CO.LONDON : 39, Paternoster RowNEW YORK: 443-449, Fourth Avenue and Thirtieth StreetCHICAGO : Prairie Avenue and Twenty-fifth StreetBOMBAY : 8, Hornby RoadCALCUTTA : 6, Old Court House StreetMADRAS : 167, Mount RoadPLATE IThe Hon. A. M. HENLEY, C.M.G., D.S.O.Brig.-Gen. (retired), late Commanding 127th Infantry Brigade"i.e.ide)LO>LONlTheSeventh ManchestersJULY 1916 to MARCH 1919ByCAPTAIN S. J. WILSON, M.C.WITH A PREFACE BYTHE HON. ANTHONY M. HENLEY, C.M.G., D.S.O.(Brigadier-General (retired), late Commanding i27th Infantry Brigade)AND AN INTRODUCTION BYGERALD B. HURST, T.D., K.C., M.P.(Lieut.-Col. Commanding the 7th Bn. Manchester Regiment)MANCHESTERAT THE UNIVERSITY PRESSLONGMANS, GREEN & CO.LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, ETC.1920Contents.PAGEPreface by Brigadier-General A. M. Henley, C.M.G., D.S.O. viiIntroduction by Lieut.-Col. G. B. Hurst, K.C., M.P. 'xiList of Illustrations xvList of Sketch Maps , xviChapter I.-Holding up the Turk III.-Desert Life 16 III.-For France 30 IV.-Holding the Line 34V.-Belgium 47 VI.-An Interlude 65 VII.-Stopping the Hun 75 VIII.-Worrying the Hun 94 IX.-Hammering the Hun 113 X.-Pursuing the Hun 134 XI.-Aftermath and Home 142Appendix I.-Honours and Awards to ...