OU_160343>5THEROLE OF MONEYWHAT IT SHOULD BE,CONTRASTED WITH WHAT IT HAS BECOMEByFREDERICK SODDYM.A. LL.D. F.R.S. Nobel Laureate(Oxon) ; (Glasgow) ; ;" " "Author Science andin ; ;Chemistry, 1921 of Life Wealth," " "Virtual Wealth and Debt ; versus Man etc., Money ;LONDONGEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND LTD.SONS,CARTER E.C.BROADWAY HOUSE: LANE,68-74J934PRINTED IN GREAT BYBRITAINSTEPHEN AUSTIN AND HERTFORDSONS, LIMITED,CONTENTSCHAP. PAGEI. THE PHILOSOPHIC BACKGROUNDERGOSOPHY iThe The ObsoleteObjective Monetary SystemThe SocialCommunity Standpoint Importanceof of WealthEnergetics Energy TheoryWealth and Calories MarxismErgosophyObsolete Relation between and Govern-Peoplesofments Physical Interpretation History" "The Truth about Materialism The Physical" "of The Doctrine ofOrigin ProgressModern Wars and National DebtsStruggleTabooThe Real The on ScientificStruggleEconomics Wars and Revolutions result fromWealth The theMonetary System impedesFlow.II. THE THEORY OF MONEY VIRTUAL*WEALTH . . . . V 24~ **+ *-. .""What is ? Barter and Barter-CurrenciesMoneyv Bank-Credit The Private IssuePaperof What ValueMoney Monetary Policy givesto ? Two Fundamental MonetaryVirtual Wealth ThePrinciples Community's'* "Credit a Tax BackedCredit moneya Claim towhat does not ExistMoney MoneyThe Price-Level from the Issuer'sMoneya TokennotnowStandpoint Money Tangibletofrom Barter CreditChangeover MoneyThe False was it False ? TheStep Why,,of Issue of ...