'7a. T-.THE NEW YORKand BiographicalGENE/K^tycAi'$1ECORD.DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF AMERICANGENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY.ISSUED QUARTERLY.^rTofcon^V%1898VOLUME XXVIL, 1896.PUBLISHED BY THEAND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY,NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL22f> 58'rn Street, New York.West:4130CommitteePublication.EVANS.THOMAS GPURPLE,SAMUEL S.DK.WRIGHT.TOBIAS A.R. BETTS.BEVERLYREv.GREENE, Editor.H.RICHARDINDEX OF SUBJECTSArms—King, In Biography—Aycrigg, Benjamin, 98Pumpelly, Brooks, Arthur,65 55Tuthill, 59, in Jay, Elizabeth C, 57Vail, Thompson, David G.,59 57Authors—Armstrong, Wm. C, 166 Voorhees, Philip R., 114Bailey, Frederic W., 167 Winslow, Edward, 121Bulloch, Jos. G., 62 Bird, Dr. M. L. (Contributor), 46Burt, Henry M., 117 Book Notices—Armstrong Genealogy, Silas \\\, 1 16617Cannon, Le Grand B., 1 Bellinger Family, 6218Chenoweth, Alex. Biographical Sketches. YaleC, 115 Col-Clark, Thomas M., 118 lege, 167Connable, Edwards cover iv.,3 Chenoweth Family, 115J.,Crane, Henry, 61 Crane Family, 61Davis, Albert H., 62 Conable Genealogy, cover iv.,31 )t-xter, Franklin B., 167 Cromwell Family, 115Duight, Rev. M. E., cover iv., Davis Family, 623Eaton, Rev. ArthurW. H., 167 De Haviland Family, 62••Fassett, John Jr., 115 De Yeiux 62Field, Osgood, 60 Dewey Family, 115Flint, Martha B., 166 Drake, Ancestry of John, coverGreene, Francis V.. 117 iv., 3Guernsey, R. S., 60 Early Connecticut Marriages, 167Halsey, Edmund D., Days in New England,119 117 L., Early Long ...