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tl»Qass.Book.i|u-^.^r-zTHE NEW YORKUenealogical and BiographicalRecord.Devoted to the Interests of AmericanGenealogy and Biography.ISSUED QUARTERLY.VOLUME v., 1874.PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY,MoTT Memorial Hall. No. 64 Madison Avenue,Nkw York City.4110PUBLICATION COMMITTEE.SAMUEL S. PURPLE, JOHiN LATTING,J.CHARLES ELLIOT SANDFORD.B. MOORE,Mott Memorial Hail, Madison Av'evue.64INDEX TO SUBJECTS.Announcement of, no, 160.American Genealogies, 43, 44,Address b)- Rev. Beverley R. Betts,Anniversary 49.Biography of, by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D., 6.Barbaric, John,Pedigree,Bartow 147.DeBiography of Barbarie, 6; Rev. Thomas Witt, D.D., 161 : James W.JohnSymes, Myndert Schuyler,Gerard, ; Lancaster 1 ; 4.113under the Proprietary Governments,Books in Preparation—East Jersey 160;(Wis.), 160 History of Norihtield, Mass.. 160 HistoryHistory of Madison ; ;Y., 160 South Hampton. L. I. Town Records,of Queensbury, N. ; ; 43.—Annals' and Family Records of Winchester, Conn.. 22 Contri-Books Noticed ;Descendants of thebutions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers ofRecords of the Town of Southampton,Schenectady, First Book of L. I.,43 ;Appleton Family, History of the DescendantsGenealogy of the 157 ;157 ;Dedham, Mass., Pedigree of the Family of Reichel,of John Dwight, of 194 ;of Fai. uy Records of Dawson and Allied Families,Collection194 ; 195 ;Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East Haven, Conn.,Record of the 195;History of the Baptist Church of Oyster ...
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tl» Qass. Book. i| u -^.^r-z THE NEW YORK Uenealogical and Biographical Record. Devoted to the Interests of American Genealogy and Biography. ISSUED QUARTERLY. VOLUME v., 1874. PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY, MoTT Memorial Hall. No. 64 Madison Avenue, Nkw York City. 4110 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. SAMUEL S. PURPLE, JOHiN LATTING,J. CHARLES ELLIOT SANDFORD.B. MOORE, Mott Memorial Hail, Madison Av'evue.64 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Announcement of, no, 160.American Genealogies, 43, 44, Address b)- Rev. Beverley R. Betts,Anniversary 49. Biography of, by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D., 6.Barbaric, John, Pedigree,Bartow 147. DeBiography of Barbarie, 6; Rev. Thomas Witt, D.D., 161 : James W.John Symes, Myndert Schuyler,Gerard, ; Lancaster 1 ; 4.113 under the Proprietary Governments,Books in Preparation—East Jersey 160 ; (Wis.), 160 History of Norihtield, Mass.. 160 HistoryHistory of Madison ; ; Y., 160 South Hampton. L. I. Town Records,of Queensbury, N. ; ; 43. —Annals' and Family Records of Winchester, Conn.. 22 Contri-Books Noticed ; Descendants of thebutions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of Records of the Town of Southampton,Schenectady, First Book of L. I.,43 ; Appleton Family, History of the DescendantsGenealogy of the 157 ;157 ; Dedham, Mass., Pedigree of the Family of Reichel,of John Dwight, of 194 ; of Fai. uy Records of Dawson and Allied Families,Collection194 ; 195 ; Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East Haven, Conn.,Record of the 195 ; History of the Baptist Church of Oyster Bay, L. I., no ; History of the Memorial of Thomas Potts,County of Hudson, N. loS ; 109; Me-Jr.,J., of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk,morials of the Family of Hurry, and of New Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths olYork, United States, 107 ; Families, The Historical and GenealogicalRegister,Stamford (Conn.) 157 ; Old Streets of New York under the Dutch, 156.109 ; The Historical Society, Notice of, 160.Connecticut Correction, De Lancey, Brig.-Gen. Oliver, 192.193; Brig.-Gen. Oliver—A Correction, 192.De Lancey, De Witt, Rev. Thomas, D.D., Biographical and Genealogical Sketch of, by Charles B. Moore,_Esq., 161. Mark De Zeng, S.De Zeng, Baron,' Descendants of, by Philip Family Records—Hearn .ind Lynn, ; Loockermans, Bayard, Van Cortlandt,45 by E. F. De Lancey, Esq.,Van Rensselaer, and Schuyler, ; Van Cort-69 by E. F. De Lancey, Esq., 168.landt, Jamison, and Johnston, Church of New York, Records of, 100, 183.First Presbyterian 35, New York and Vicinity, Records of, 102, 1S6.Friends of 38, in Dawson, 160 Dwight, 160 Montague,Genealogies Preparation— ; ; ; Old43 Colony Families, 160 Prentice, 160 Towner, no Valentine, ; ; ; 44.—De Witt, 161 De Zeng, 8 Gerard, Woolsey, ; ; 113 ; 12, 76, 139. Gerard, James W., Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of, James W. Gerard,bj' n3.Jr., in 6S.Grant, Capt. John, List of Deaths in his Company 1762, Address on,Heraldry and Genealogy, Rev. Beverley R. Betts's 49. Inscriptions relating to N. Families in the South, 190.Y, Index to Svhjects.iv Marriage Licenses in New York, 174. Hannah Hall, Record of Thomas Noell and 7. New York, iii. Records of Trinity Church, Society,New London Co. Historical 46. and Biographical Society—Anniversary Address,New York Genealogical 49. Licenses,New Marriage 174. Record of Marriage and Will of,Noell, Thomas, 7. Queries—Allen-Gordon, Annan-Schuyler, Bard, ; Brasher,Notes and 45 ; 159 ; 4; ' 160; Clark, III; Couwenhoven, in Dunlap, r6o ; Minturn, ; Nevius, ; 45 Talbot,Schuyler-Sutton, no, 158; Schuyler, Sutton, 159;158; 44; 45; Wessells Verplanck,Ustick, ; Wasselis or and Wessell, ; 45.45 159 Grinnell,Obituary Notices—Conkling, ; De Peyster, 196 ; Fillmore, 112 ; 196;195 Peckham,Hall, 112 ; Merritt, 48 ; Nelson, 46 ; Nichols, 48 ; Parker, 48 ; 47 ; Ward, 112. Pedigree of Bartow Family, 147. Records of Reformed Dutch Church in New York, 26, S4, 148, 175. New York, 186.of the Society of Friends of the City of 38, 102, Presbyterian Church of the City of New York, 100, 183.of the First 35, Church iri New York, Records of, 26, 14S,Reformed Dutch 84, 175. Schuj^er Family, by Joel Munsell, 60. Biography of, by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D.,Schuyler, Myndert, 4. of, by E. B. LL.D. t.Symes, Lancaster, Will of, 3, 4. Marriages from the Register of, in.Trinity Church, New York Continentals, by Mrs. H..L. B.Van Cortlandt, Col. Philip, and the Parmelee, 123. Westchester Historical Society, 160. Noell, Lancaster Symes,Will of Thomas ; 3,4.7 Descendants of, by Benjamin W. Dwight, 12, 76, 139.Woolsey, Rev. Benjamin, THE NEW YORK ^.^ aiogical anij '§iogra})|ical %,imx\, )L. V. NEW YORK, JANUARY, 1S74. No. i. SKETCHES.—OLDJ3I0GRAPHICAL NEW YORK FAMILIES, Bv E. B. O'Callaghax, LL.D. Lanx'aster Symes. The first notice of Lancaster Symes in this country is that of his- arrival in the s\\\^ Beaver, on the 28th of 1690-1, asat New York, January, ensign in the company of infantry commanded by his brother-in-law, the escort sent with Colonel Henry SloughterRichard Ingoldesby, part of when commissioned Governor ofNew York, His first public act was the anddemand made by him, in company with Counsellor Brooke Lieutenant Shanks, for the surrender to Ingoldesby of the fort at New York for occu- pation by the forces under his command. Leisler's indignant and angry refusal was the commencement of the sadto acq.uiesce in this demand troubles which shortly followed. GovernorA few months after these occurrences, and when Sloughterhad become securely fixed in his ofiice (Ma)'- he writes thus of Ensign1691),7, "Sj'-mes to the Committee of Foreign Plantations : Lieutenant Wildbore is dead. I have commissioned one Lancaster Simms in his stead. He is one that came from England with us—a good soldier, and diligent in busi- ness therefore, pray he may be allowed." the same day, writing; On to "the Duke of Bolton, he adds: Major Englesby and myself humbly beg }OL!r grace's favor Lancaster Simms may confirmed lieftennantthat be in- stead of Lieftennant Wildboare, who dyed at sea, Simms came over with the Major; he is a soldier, and qualified in every respect," In the early part of the year he was stationed atAlbany, whence1692-3, he was detached with a supply of provisions for a party commanded by Major Schuyler, was in pursuit of the French on theirwho then retreat after having invaded the Mohawk country. Returning to -New York, Lieutenant Symes was sent in May to Suffolk Co. to bring up the quota of that district ordered to Albany ; but he returned and reported, on the 20th of that month, that his mission was unsuccessful. His connection with the administrations of Sloughter and his successors rendered him out of favor with the Leislerian party,Who cafiie into power on the advent of the Earl of Bellomont; and this nobleman, on 22d De- cemberj- 169S, suspended Symes as lieutenant of Major Ingoldesby's com- pany fusileers,of ostensibly because he had been two years absent from "his post at Albany, adding in his letter announcing the suspension : He has never applied to me to be restored, and deserves for many reasons to be —Sketches Old New York2 Biographical Families. [J^"-, I hope the king will be pleased to consent to." In revenge,broke, which I the signers of the petition to the king,appears as one of denouncingSymes of Bellomont and Nanfan, in which he and others com-the administrations been unjusdy turned oat of employmentthat they had under theplained Trinity Church at this, time was anti-Leisler also, and soGovernment. his suspension, one of their vestrymen, which ofificeMr. Symes, afterelected and again infilled until 1704, 1705.he manappears to have been a of hasty temper, for we find a complaintHe him in April, for a violent assault he and some of hislodged against 1699, committed on one John Marsh in King's Co., whom they alsofriends as it is alleged, falsely imprisoned. The matter was referredarrested, and, House of Assembly by the Earl of Bellomont, to whom the Houseto the address on the 15th ofMay on the subject.presented an ceasing to be connected with the military. Lieutenant Symes em-Upon and turned his attention to acquiring a share in thosein trade,barked of land which were being Javishly distributed at that day. Inlarge tracts 701-2 he, with Robert Walters, Cornelius De Peyster,forepart ofthe 1 Mathew Clarkson, and oUiers, obtained a grant of up-Caleb Heathcote, knownof acres of land in Westchester Co., subsequentlywards 5,000 of North Castle. In he became one of the granteesthe West Patent 1703as IMinisinck Patent, Orange Co. In he secured a grant ofin the 1707 Monroe, Orange in in Clarkstown, nearland in the town of Co.; 1708 Rockland Co.; on the 27th October, 170S; all the unpatentedHaverstraw, of acres inlands on Staten Island; and, in 1709, one-eighth 6.500 Ulster Counties likewise fell to his share. In addition toOrange and New York,he owned a house and lot in Dock (now Pearl) Street,these, lease, the mansion and grounds at Whitehall, formerlyand he also held, by residence of Governor Dongan, and also the grounds called the Vine-the present City Hall Park, which had been previouslyeastward of theyard, him by the Governor to secure a debt of ;^'2oo that he.mortgaged to owed Larkin, the former husband of Mrs.Governor Dongan, to James Symes. the city,15th May, he was appointed Public Appraiser forOn 1704, May of the following year, obtained a contract to furnishand on the 22d Ranger ofthe garrison in Fort Anne. He was commissionedwood to and finally restored to his rank asOrange Co., 19th September, 17 19, of one of the independent companies stationed in New York,lieutenant officer dying, Governor Burnet, oncommanded by Captain Weems. This bestowed the vacant command of the company of fusi-13th May, 1723, for England in order to haveon Symes, who immediately embarkedleers confirmed. In November following he returned with hishis appointment young Georgecommission toNewYork, w-here he continued to reside, having his nephew, as his lieutenant. He represented the county ofIngoldesby, of hisin the Assembly from 27
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