tl»Qass.Book.i|u-^.^r-zTHE NEW YORKUenealogical and BiographicalRecord.Devoted to the Interests of AmericanGenealogy and Biography.ISSUED QUARTERLY.VOLUME v., 1874.PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY,MoTT Memorial Hall. No. 64 Madison Avenue,Nkw York City.4110PUBLICATION COMMITTEE.SAMUEL S. PURPLE, JOHiN LATTING,J.CHARLES ELLIOT SANDFORD.B. MOORE,Mott Memorial Hail, Madison Av'evue.64INDEX TO SUBJECTS.Announcement of, no, 160.American Genealogies, 43, 44,Address b)- Rev. Beverley R. Betts,Anniversary 49.Biography of, by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D., 6.Barbaric, John,Pedigree,Bartow 147.DeBiography of Barbarie, 6; Rev. Thomas Witt, D.D., 161 : James W.JohnSymes, Myndert Schuyler,Gerard, ; Lancaster 1 ; 4.113under the Proprietary Governments,Books in Preparation—East Jersey 160;(Wis.), 160 History of Norihtield, Mass.. 160 HistoryHistory of Madison ; ;Y., 160 South Hampton. L. I. Town Records,of Queensbury, N. ; ; 43.—Annals' and Family Records of Winchester, Conn.. 22 Contri-Books Noticed ;Descendants of thebutions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers ofRecords of the Town of Southampton,Schenectady, First Book of L. I.,43 ;Appleton Family, History of the DescendantsGenealogy of the 157 ;157 ;Dedham, Mass., Pedigree of the Family of Reichel,of John Dwight, of 194 ;of Fai. uy Records of Dawson and Allied Families,Collection194 ; 195 ;Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East Haven, Conn.,Record of the 195;History of the Baptist Church of Oyster ...