LIONSTHE MAN-EATINGOF TSAVOBYH. D. S. O.LIEUT.-COL. J. PATTERSON,ZoologyLeaflet 7NATURAL HISTORYFIELD MUSEUM OFCHICAGOLeaflets of Field Museum are de-The Zoologicalnon-technical accounts of thevoted to brief, history,distribution and life habits of animals,classification,with reference to shown in theespecial subjectsMuseum's exhibits.LIST OF ZOOLOGICAL LEAFLETS ISSUED TO DATE.10No. 1. The White-tailed Deer $Birds 10No. 2. WinterChicago10No. 3. The American Alligator10No. 4. The Periodical CicadaGar 10No. 5. The Alligator10No. 6. The Wild Turkey7. The Man-Eaters of Tsavo 50No.D. C. DAVIES, DirectorFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORYCHICAGO, U.S.A.Field Museum of Natural HistoryDEPARTMENT OP ZOOLOGY1926Chicago.Leaflet Number 7The Lions of Tsavo*Man-EatingWhen the visitor to the Field Museum be-pausesfore the life-like forms of the Tsavo it willman-eaters,be hard for him to realize that these two ferociousbrutes killed and under the mostdevoured, appallingone hundred and Indian andcircumstances, thirty-fiveAfrican artisans and laborers in the con-employedstruction of the For over nineUganda Railway.months these insatiable monsters carried on an inter-the andmittent warfare all thoseagainst Railwayin ofconnected with it the Tsavo. Thisneighborhoodculminated in a of terror" whenregular "reign theysucceeded in the works for afinally bringing railwaytime to a standstill.completeA late President of the United thatgreat States,—man with ...