-": f}$';}'1'itfi, "'"w''i'.".i>;'/»W; iiiXm"-""""'" ";. " ,-:,;.'Ata;-->ii' - . " "'*W'J8vw^mf'^mtm^' ."--'"''"::%1:.CENTREforREFORMATIONandRENAISSANCESTUDIESVICTORIAUNIVERSITYOriginal and Extra Series Books, 1897-1900. 3IS" The Society intends to complete forthwith the Reprints of its out-of-print Texts ofthe year 1866. Prof. Skeat has sent Partenaij to press ; Dr. MrKuight of Cornell is re-editingking Horn and Floris and Slam-ftt/luitr ; a German editor will undertake Seintc Marherete ;and Dr. Furnivall will revise Hali Meule-nhad and his Political, Religious and Love Poemslater in 1899, so that the Society may begin 1901 with all its Texts in print.February 1899. For this year the Original-Series Texts were issued in 1897. Those for1900 are now ready. The texts of several other works are now printed.For 1897, the Original-Series Texts are, No. 108, Child-Marriages and-Divorces, Troth-pliykts, Adulteries, Affiliations, Libels, Wills, Miscellanea, Clandestine Marriages, Deposi-tions in Trials in the Bishop's Court, Chester, A.D. 1561-6, with Entries from the ChesterMayors' Books, 1558-1600, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall,-a most curious volume, full of the sociallife of its time ;-and Part II of the Prymer or Lay-Folks' Prayer-book, edited by Mr. HenryLittlehales, with a Paper by Mr. Bishop on the Origin and Growth of the Prymer.For 1897, the Extra-Series Texts are LXXI, Tim Tomulcy Plays, re-edited from ...