LUXEW I L-DE.-JlhU^;^:^^/f^^^'Great Piano VirtuososTheGreat Piano Virtuososof Our TimeFROM PERSONAL ACQUAINTANCELiszt, Chopin, Tausig,HenseltBYW. VON LENZAuthor ^^Beethoven et ses trots Styles^and ''Beethoven^ofeine Kunststtidie.""TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BYMADELEINE R. BAKERNEW YORKG. SchirmerMDCCCXCIXMUSICopyright, by G. Schirmer1899,BERKELEYLIBRARYMUSICUNIVERSITY OFCALIFORNIAtMknL3'l7OF/l/ft^-^XTO THE MEMORYCOUNTS MICHAEL AND MATHIASWIELHORSKIMY FATHERLY FRIENDSAND BENEFACTORSIVOS, MUSICS PRINCIPES,MORITÜRÜS SALUTATNotepart the followingfirst ofr^HERecollections my musical ap-of lifepeared in 1868 in the '*Neue Bei'linerMusikzeitung" Tausig vcished the articlescollected and published separately, and cor-responded with me on the subject. These—essays to which I have added one on—Adolph Henselt will now have a widercirculation than would be possible throughthe columns the ''Neue Berliner Musik-ofzeitung"AuthorTheLFranz LisztMajore cultu—JLisztranzgreat pianists of the first half oftheALLthe century, were personally known to me:Field, Hummel, Moscheles, Kalkbrenner.which we now already call "old""From the school(excluding Field, who went his own peculiar way),not founded by Hummel, wasa school which, ifat least essentially influenced by him, I came tonew era of the pianoforte, to Liszt andtheChopin.Liszt is a phenomenon of universal musical virtu-as had never before been known notosity, such ...