The Great Basin naturalist








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HARVARD UNIVERSITYLibrary of theMuseum ofComparative Zoology>2^ LJr911 H L, ARVAROGREAT BASINMTURAUST50-YEAR INDEXVOLUMES 1-50, 1939-1990NOVOLUME 51 1 _ MARCH 1991BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITYGREATBASIN NATURALISTEditorJamesR Barnes290MLBMBrigham Young UniversityProvo, Utah 84602Associate EditorsChamrersMichaelA Bowers Jeanne C. Jeffrey R. JohansenDA Forest Service Research Department ofBiologyBlandy Experimental Farm US860 North 12th East Carroll UniversityUniversity of Virginia JohnLogan, Utah 84322-8000 Cleveland, Ohio 44118Box 175Boyce, Virginia 22620BrianA Maurer JimmieR. ParrishPaulC MarshEnvironmental Studies Department ofZoology Department of ZoologyCenter forArizona State University Brigham Young University Brigham Young UniversityProvo,Tempe, Arizona 85287 Provo, Utah 84602 Utah 84602Editorial Board. Richard W. Baumann, Chairman, Zoology; H. Duane Smith, Zoology;Flinders, Botany and Range Science; William Hess,Clayton M. White, Zoology; Jerran T.Science. All are at Brigham Young University. Ex Officio Editorial BoardBotany and Rangeinclude Clayton S. Huber, Dean, College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences;membersA. Darais, University Editor, University Publications;James R. Barnes, Editor, GreatNormanBasin is published quarterly by Brigham YoungThe Great Basin Naturalist, founded 1939,manuscripts that further our biological understanding of the GreatUniversity. Unpublishedsurrounding areas in western North ...
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HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology >2^ LJr 91 1 H L , ARVARO GREAT BASIN MTURAUST 50-YEAR INDEX VOLUMES 1-50, 1939-1990 NOVOLUME 51 1 _ MARCH 1991 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY GREATBASIN NATURALIST Editor JamesR Barnes 290MLBM Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 Associate Editors ChamrersMichaelA Bowers Jeanne C. Jeffrey R. Johansen DA Forest Service Research Department ofBiologyBlandy Experimental Farm US 860 North 12th East Carroll UniversityUniversity of Virginia John Logan, Utah 84322-8000 Cleveland, Ohio 44118Box 175 Boyce, Virginia 22620 BrianA Maurer JimmieR. ParrishPaulC Marsh Environmental Studies Department ofZoology Department of ZoologyCenter for Arizona State University Brigham Young University Brigham Young University Provo,Tempe, Arizona 85287 Provo, Utah 84602 Utah 84602 Editorial Board. Richard W. Baumann, Chairman, Zoology; H. Duane Smith, Zoology; Flinders, Botany and Range Science; William Hess,Clayton M. White, Zoology; Jerran T. Science. All are at Brigham Young University. Ex Officio Editorial BoardBotany and Range include Clayton S. Huber, Dean, College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences;members A. Darais, University Editor, University Publications;James R. Barnes, Editor, GreatNorman Basin Naturalist. in is published quarterly by Brigham YoungThe Great Basin Naturalist, founded 1939, manuscripts that further our biological understanding of the GreatUniversity. Unpublished surrounding areas in western North America are accepted for publication.Basin and Subscriptions. Annual subscriptions to the Great Basin Naturalist for 1991 are $25 for subscriptions, and for institutionsindividual subscribers, $15 for student and emeritus $40 and respectively). The price ofsingle issues is All(outside the United States, $30, $20, $45, $12. print and available for sale. All matters pertaining to subscriptions, backback issues are in otherbusiness should be directed to the Editor, Great Basin Naturalist, 290MLBM,issues, or Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. or other organizations interested in obtaining the GreatScholarly Exchanges. Libraries continuing exchange of scholarly publications should contact theBasin Naturalist through a Librarian, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602.Exchange EditorialProduction Staff Technical EditorJoAnne Abel Backman Assistant to the EditorCarolyn Heidi Larsen Production Assistant ISSN 0017-3614Copyright© 1991 7-91 1500 52075by Brigham Young University The Great Basin Naturalist Published at Provo, Utah, by Bkk;hamYounc University ISSN 0017-3614 Volume 51 31 March 1991 No. 1 (;reat Basin Nati The Great Basin Naturalist 50-YEAR INDEX Volumes 1-50, 1939-1990 Jody N. Reid', Richard D. Jensen', and Nathan M. Smith" Preface research, while later papers have more often been analytical. Both early and more recent For the past 50 years, the Great Basin studies continue to be utilized, providing in- has pubhshed results ofnatural his-Naturalist valuablegroundwork forfurther synthesis and tory studies in the interniountain region. new conclusions. Vasco M. Tanner, a protege of David Starr Volume indices, printed at the end of Jordan, deserves recognition for establishing each year, have facilitated finding what has the journal, maintaining it, and securing its been published in the journal. A 30-year reputation for the first 30 years. (Moregood index was compiled by Vasco M. Tanner information concerning Dr. Tanner and his when he retired as the first editor. Basically contributions can be found in Vol. 30, No. 4.) an author-title index with a comprehensive The Great Basin Naturalist's second editor, listing ofnew taxa, it was very helpful in locat- Stephen L. Wood, continued to promote its ing information from that time period. Since growth and recognition for the next 20 years. then only volume indices have been pub- Since September 1989 James R. Barnes has lished. Before Stephen L. Wood retired, he been the editor. Very few regional natural felt it would be valuable to compile a 50-year history journals can claim the distinction of index to the Great Basin Naturalist. The having survived for halfa century and having authors of this index approached Dr. Wood had only two editors during that time. and offered to do the work on the project. Today the Great Basin Naturalist is firmly As life science librarians, we recognized the established as a forum for reporting research; benefits such an index could provide. its contents exhibit a range of emphasis in Our intent in creating this index is to enable natural history topics and methods. In the researchers to readily locate articles of inter- earlier years papers centered on descriptive est, descriptions of new species, and other Science Libran,-, Harold B. Lee Lilira •iKham Young University, Provo. Utah 84602. "School of Lihran.' and Information Scii . Brighani Young Provo, Utah 84602 m GreatBasin Naturalist Vol. 51, No. 1 information contained in the past 50 volumes were generally made for class in vertebrates, Great Basin Naturalist. order in invertebrates, and family in plants.ofthe The new portion of the name was then set in boldface type in lieu of other designations Introduction such as n.sp. Example (brackets in-][ This index consists of two parts. The first dicate intervening entries): is an author-title index. Entries are alphabeti- Acari cal (last name first) by senior author with Ametroproctus, svstematics, United States 28:44-46 cross references from secondary authors to [ ] Oppia coloradensis, svstematics, Colorado 29:133-1.36the senior author. Under an author s name, articles written solely by the are listed Ametroproctiis oresbios 28:44-46 first; articles with one co-author come next Oppia coloradensis 29:133-136 and are followed by articles with two or more New combinations were not indexed dueco-authors. Co-authors are listed in the order to space limitations. New records receivedthey appear on the title page of the article. one entry per article unless only two namesExample: were listed. When only two new recordswere Cottam, Clarence, Cecil S. Williams, and Clarence A. given, they each received a separate entry. All Sooter. Some unusual winter visitors or late mi- new records can be found under the heading grants to the Bear River marshes, Utah. 3:51-53. "New records," followed by the name (usually Clarence 3:51-53.Sooter, Clarence A. See Cottam, in Latin) and then locality. Checklists were 3:51-53. designated by subheadings under the groupWilliams, Cecil S. See Cottam, Clarence name and/or location of the checklist. Keys The second part is a subject index. Most were indexed in this same way. Example: articles received three or four subject entries. New records These terms were taken from the title and [ ] were sorted so that each signifi-abstract and Hiiulia sphacroidalis, Nevada 36:206-210 became a main heading. The othercant term Plants subject terms used for each article are listed as subheadings under the main headings to Vascular help locate specific articles. Following each [ ] Bighorn Canyon, Wvoming-Montana, checklistvolumeentry are the Great Basin Naturalist 45:734-746 numbers where the article can beand page Polvgonaceaefound. [ In indexing names ofplants and animals we ] £n'ogonum paucifloru used the following guidelines: Systematics, keys 27:102-117 If both Latin and English names ap-(1) Get)graphic nameswere used as main head- abstract, both were usedpeared in the title or ings whenever they were significant to the in most taxonomic arti-in the index, except article. State or region was followed by the cles. In taxonomic articles the Latin names locality within that area. Example: took precedence. Ne\adanames were present in theIfonly Latin(2) [ ]or abstract, then only Latin names weretitle F\ raniid Lake used in indexing. I I Sacramento perch, life history 41:278-289(common) names wereIf only English(3) in the title or abstract, then only those were An additional main entr\ was made for the used in the index. localit) name followed by the state or region. When a geographic name was used as a sub-When indexing taxonomic articles, we pri- were heading, the locality was always listed first,marily used only Latin names. Articles lowest ta.xonomic followed by the state or region. Example:indexed according to the group that included all taxa discussed. Addi- F\iainid Lake, Nevada |tional entries were made for all new genera, 1 Sacramento perch, lite lustory 41:278-289species, subspecies, or varieties. Also, entries 5()-YearIndexMarch 1991 with arabic We hopeSubject headings beginning the ind(>\ will be accurate, easy to (i.e., 2,4-D) are Hsted after the Z'snumbers use, and helpful in finding the valuable infor- at the end of the alpliabetic terms. mation published in the hrst 50 volumes ofthe Many multiple-term main headings were Great Basin Naturalist. inverted to place related topics in closer prox- imity. This applies primarily to English names Acknowledgments general subjects, and geologicof organisms, periods. Example:time Special acknowledgments are due the Harold B. Lee Library administration and theGrouse Blue School of Library and Information Sciences Effects ofsummer weather on harvest 42:91-9.5 for providing the time and facilities for prepa- Feedin.^ habits 46:123-127 ration of this index. Student research assis-chronology 46:74.5-748Hatchiu.u tants Jessica Draper, Charles Kalua'u,Sage Eliza- Big sagebrush, selection 48:274-279 beth Slaughter, Anna Wu, and Zhang Limin Habitat use by breeding males 49:404-407 spent many hours proofreading and making No attempts were made to control vocabu- corrections. Erva Rieske and her students in lary and nomenclature in creating the index. the library secretarial pool entered data for The terminology employed by authors in the author/title index. Kal Larsen, of hbrary and abstracts was used in the index,titles computer operations, provided invaluable except in systematic articles
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