TheGolden TreasuryofandIrish LyricsSongsEdited byWELSHCHARLESVolume OneNEW YORKDodge Publishing CompanyEAST STREET40-42 igTHCopyright,DODGE PUBLISHING COMPANYTOTHEODORE ROOSEVELTTHE UNITED STATESPRESIDENT OFTHIS WORK IS DEDICATEDMARK OF APPRECIATION OFAS AHIS ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE STUDYLITERATURE IN AMERICAOF IRISHPREFACEas its name aims toanthology, implies, pre-sent some of the best of IrishTHIS examples songsthe Bards who wrote in theirand from motherlyricswhen Ireland was the island of saints andtongue,scholars and the school of the West the folk; songs,wealth ofstreet theballads, patrioticgreat poetrycalled forth the and ofby suppression oppressionthe humorous and convivial verse withcenturies,thewhich Irish literature romanticabounds, pathetic,and sentimental for which the Irish have al-poetrybeen and the tenderelusive, refined,ways famous,in theand voices which breathe of themystical poetryIrish ofRenascence to-day.and must be an elastic term,Songs lyrics necessarilywhen to Irish since allverse,especially applied nearlyIrish is and all Irish isnearly poetrypoetry lyricaleven in and didacticsong ; narrative, descriptiveIrishman athe more often than not takes onpoetry,tone. the oflyric Hence, although poemslongerGoldsmith and Moore have been excluded becausedo not answer to the title of this collec-they exactlyothers be found herein whiletion, many may which,not or in some de-being strictly songs lyrics, possessthe ...