NELSONEDINBURGHMENTHE FOURTHE FOUR MENA FARRAGOTJVH. BELLOG~/fooSouthern Hills and theThe South Seablow such intogladness me,TheyThat when I to Burton SandsgetAnd the smell the Homesmell Lands,ofheart is all renewed andMy fillsWith the Southern Sea and the South Hills.t II HJ/-JBn& 3 will Gel = fee!singTHOMAS NELSON AND SONSDUBLINLONDON, EDINBURGH,NEW AND LEIPZIGYORK, PARIS,TOMRS. WRIGHT-BIDDULPHOF BURTON IN THE COUNTY OF UNDERSUSSEX,WHOSE ROOF SO MUCH OF THISBOOK WAS WRITTENPREFACEit has been in the life ofMY County, provedman that his loves are human,every thoughand therefore in aschangeable, yet proportionhe attaches them to sounchangeable,thingsmature and broaden.theyOn this Dear are thoseaccount, Sussex,women dear to men as the seasonswho,chieflyto be anddo but continue more morepass,attain and abandon orthemselves, balance,And onvicissitude. this account,forgetdoes a man love an oldSussex, house,and onwhich was his this accountfather's,to love with all hisdoes a man come heart,histhat of earth which nourished boy-parthood. For it does not or if it changes,change,viii PREFACEit and he finds in it thelittle,changes verycharacter of things.enduringIn this love he remains content until, per-some sort of reaches thathim,haps, warningeven his own is its doom.County approachingbelieve he is anxious in aThen, me, Sussex,different he if hewould, could,very way;his land in the and itflesh,preserve keepthere as it ...