,{i( THEARUNDELANNEOFFOUNEERSANDCOUNTIES,HOWARDMARYLAND.Review fromBiographicalGenealogical andArecords.deeds churchwills, and•^BYA. M.J. D. WARFIELD,AgriculturalLiterature in the MarylandFormerly Professor of Englishof Maryland."author of "The WarfieldsCollege, genealogist andKOHN & POLLOCK,Publishers,Baltimore, Md.1905.C0NGBK3StlBRARYdfRectiivfiO1wo Cofles>906JUL 19CLASS N2iOd^i}^''COPY B.COPYRIGHT1905.1±^FRONTISPIECE." At the beginning this new century goingof we are to the garrets,bringing out the portraits of our forefathers, brushing off the dust,—puttingthem into new frames and handing them down to our children. Search thefor theirrecords good deeds."INTRODUCTION.for their good deeds and have herein. have searched the recordchildren.ied them down to ourhistory we must know the biography ofTo master Marylandbiography has never before been written. Boz-s founders. ThatMcSherry, Davis and Scharf, content to accept the.ns„n, McMahan,contemporary partisans, have been lavish in theirbitised opinions of"Early Settlers."criiticisms of ourdistance from that crucial era, under our broad ideas of/ At thisis difficult to judge the men and measures of an age oft'bleration, itprivileges.l/Lmitedhad beenthe first time in all history an ideal governmentForknightly powerswasin Maryland; a benevolent lord withorganizedat its head.was the joint pro-An act of toleration had just been passed. Ita time when the motherof ...