61-24297781.5 *73*Tovey $1^5musicforms offhelibrarykansas publiccity 111will be issuedBooks onlycard,ofon librarypresentationandPlease lost cardsreportof residence promptly.changeforholders areCard responsibleall films,books, records, picturesmaterialsor other librarycards.checked out on theirueDonald Francis ToveyBorn in 1875, Donald Francis was a BritishTovey musicologistand He took classical honors with his B.A.composer. at Oxford in and became a1898, of the first hepianist rank, thoughnever a virtuoso career. Fromsought 1914 to 1940 he wasReid Professor of Music at He died inEdinburgh University.1940. His otherbooks include andFreedom inNormality Music,The Main Stream Aof Music, Musician inTalks, EssaysMusical and Beethoven.Analysis,ivxMeridian Books edition first October 1956publishedFirst printing 1956SeptemberSecond June 1957Third 1958printing JulyFourth 1959AprilFifth Decemberprinting 1959Reprinted by arrangement with PressOxford UniversityOriginally published 1944 as Musical Articles from theBritannicaEncyclopaediaLibrary of card number:Congress catalog 56-10015Manufactured in the United States of AmericaEDITORIAL PREFACEa ofto set downTHE desire paper comprehensive systemuponof forwas in the mind Donaldmusical education Toveypresentwrote inlife. In when he was heof his 21,the 1896,greater part"*a work on themeansa friend that hehada letter to greatbegunintoMusic" If ever I finish theof in thing,Expressiona ...