1i- 107567Dedicated totheECKINTRODUCTIONinThere comes a time the of manspiritual historywith crises likewhen he must meet those whichtodayare tohimboth in Souland consciousness.devastatingThe concern which I have for the human racedeepand the individual has about this book Thebroughthave tried toFar I down theCountry. lay patternsand farof the most esotericbreathtaking reachingknown to man. The contents should settleteachingswhichman in theof the faces spiritualmany problemsand material climax of these times.the fromRebazar ECK theTarzs, Master,greateastern of is the in thisTibet,region moving figurebook. He went a series ofthrough complete dialoguesthe whole works of thewith about ECKANKAR,me,ancient science of Soul Travel. He also included inthe thethese discourses beyond physicalplanesthe title The Farsenses. Hence Country, meaningtomanthose worlds which are invisible andgenerallyhis facilities.outerwithonce wrote a short thestoryRudyard Kiplingsame Itwas amanwho had a vision of thetitle. aboutandworld his senses as a child,beyond physical againwhen a soldier on the battlefield.dyingof litera-The Far is a matchlessCountry pieceThere are few sacred inture of divine wisdom. writingsthe world which can it in its andbeautytoday equalwhat isrevelation of the God worlds and containedthewithin them. This ofmanuscript gives wayswhat arethe various and onGod,reaching planesthe Itand doctrine ofECKANKAR.them, philosophyneeded forcontains ...