LIBRARY OF THEUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISAT URBANA-CHAMPAICN917.731EMS1885/86ILSMtatn Bios.-. oo.,BUILDERS.CARRIAGEBROUGHAMS, LANDAUS,COACHES, LANDAULETTES,DOG CARTS, STANHOPES,ROADSPIDERS, WAGONS,SLEIGHS, CUTTERS,ALL THE NEW STYLES.HARNESS, ROBES,BLANKETS, BELLS,CHIMES, WHIPS,EVERY FOR A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT.KEQUISITE,933 State Street,o3 Jackson St.4=9, 51,WILDER H. PRAY, Manager.1THE STAXDARIJ INSTITUTION.H. B. BRYANT'S&(Bryant Stratton.)/Husiijess College'Z'Z. *Z9 and SI State Street.Offers a most and course ofthorough completeBusiness 'Training.A and course inthorough practicalShort-Hand and and an Excel-Type-Writing,lent Drill in the Branches.EnglishDAY AND EVENING? SESSIONS.AMAMMOTHBUS/NESS EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT.60 ClassesProfessors. Daily. Twenty-six Apart-TwentyThree Stories of Block.ments, occupying Twenty-fivefeet of Canthousand square flooraere. accom-modate One Thousand Students.LADIES ADMITTED TO ALL OF THE DEPARTMENTS.Advancement. No Vacations. Students can enter atRapidtime.anyIPassenQer Elevator.THE GREAT CENTRAL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE,Call and see Mr. Bryant personally.for fullOtherwise, address, information,H. B. BRYANT & SON,79 and77, 81 State Street.2GOODYEAR HUBBSR CO.,G-EO. CLAPP, Agt.CIRCULARS andLEGGINGSFor Ladies and Children.HATCOATS and COVERSFor Gentlemen and Boys.The Celebrated Crack Proof Pure EubberBOOTS and and G. E. Co.SHOES,Medium COATS.WeightCoachman'sRubberWhite Coatsand Hat Covers ...