IN MEMORIAMFLOR1AN CAJORIELEMENTSTHEOFiiAND SOLIDPLANEGEOMETRYANALYTICBYL. PH.D.ALBERT CANDY,MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITYASSISTANT PROFESSOR OFOF NEBRASKAU.S.A.BOSTON,PUBLISHERSD. C. HEATH & CO.,1904COPYRIGHT, 1904,BY HEATHD. C. & Co.CAJORIPREFACEthan Conic Sections. It is faris a broaderANALYTIC GEOMETRY subjecttheshould a ofto the student that he knowledgemore acquire goodimportantandthe of itsthat he should processes,comprehend generalitymethod,analyticthat he should obtain a detailed knowlits thanlearn how to results,interpretthere isset of curves.of Furthermore,of the any particularpropertiesedgeofbetween the various branchesora certain interdependence,interrelation,has convincedin thesemathematics. teaching subjectsExperienceelementaryshould bethison the of alone, interdependenceme expediencythat, groundas in itsIn the of as wellin the class room. mathematics,studyrecognizedareandand Calculus, mutuallyGeometry, Analyticsapplications, AlgebraAs allshould not be studiedHence these branches entirely used in themore than must completeor at least one, finallythese branches,reason the studentseems to be noof there good whysolution many problems,as soon asnot be to do thisshould possible.taughtof thetreatment than usual is analyticFor these reasons a fuller given generalbeenand haveof the conic subjectsbefore the sections,method taking up studyonincluded in text-books Analytic Geometry.introduced that are not ...