cz123482INDEX TO FICTIONSUBJECTDIXSONEvery book that we tnke without a is an lostup purpose opportunityof a book with a bit of information, thattaking up purpose ; every straywe cram into our heads without sense of its is for theany importance*,of the usefulmost a bit most information driven out of our headspartand choked off from our minds. FRin:>nRI<; HARRISON.THECOMPREHENSIVEECT INDEXSUBJTOUNIVERSAL PROSE FICTIONiled attfcBYZELLA ALLEN A.M.DIXSON,LIBRARIAN OF THE OFASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY CHICAGONEW YORKMEAD ANDDODD, CQMPANY1897PREFACE.THIS work is an into anarrangement alphabetical subjectlist ofworks of fiction which are founded on fact^ historical,or moral. aphysical, psychological, Foreign fiction, havingcommon is as well as with theincluded,alphabet, English,addition to the lists of the translations wheneverEnglishtheexist. No has been made to diiferentthey attempt givetranslations their as for the ofa sub-by translators, purposesindex one translation is as as another. It has notject goodbeen the of the author to include in thisobject topicalallworks of but novels with afiction,arrangement only pur-those which are sent out into the world with a definitepose,lesson to teach mankind. The author reserves the right,even in this narrow to discard novelslimit, many purposewhere facts havethe the foundation of the storiesformingbeen so or misstated as to be an rathermisrepresented injurythan a to the reader. Such an index must ...