JSttoar&IttwSrwM*^%H}V<>7*D\Mi m;.'-.«•TheCompleteAQUARIUMBOOKandThe Care ofBreeding GoldfishFishesandTropicalr)BYWILLIAM T. INNESFormer President Aquarium Society, Philadelphia5 HALCYON HOUSE : NEW YORK\BY INNES & SONSCOPYRICHTEDU. S. A.Philadelphia,19171921192619291931 (April)1931 (December)19321936and TranslationofRights ReproductionReservedHalcyon House editions are publishedand distributed Blue Ribbon Books,by386 Fourth New YorkAvenue, City.Inc.,PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICABY THE CORNWALL N. Y.PRESS, INC., CORNWALL,PREFACE TO HALCYON HOUSE EDITIONInterest in the has so in theaquarium hobby expanded tremendouslyfew that it now be termed one of our nationalpast years might pleasures.Since under the title "Goldfish Varieties andoriginally published,this book has 15 eachTropical Aquarium Fishes," gone through editions,one and than its It isrevised, improved, larger predecessor. everywhereas the world's standard book on the While therecognized subject. pricehas been we to find a method of manufacture andalways $4.00, hopedthat would the work within the reach ofmarketing place everyone.our with this is nowThrough arrangements Halcyon House, happilyaccomplished.The edition not contains that inwas formerpresent only everythingbut there are several added color taken from our newprintings, platesbook devoted to$5.00 ("Exotic Aquarium Fishes"), exclusively tropicals.Likewise there are some taken from ourplates ...