THE CELTIC REVIEWTHECELTIC REVIEW*/ \PUBLISHED QUARTERLYEditor PROFESSOR MACKINNONConsulting :Acting Editor : MISS E. C. CARMICHAELVOLUME IIJULY 1905 TO APRIL 1906EDINBURGH : NORMAN 25 GEORGE IV. BRIDGEMACLEOD,LONDON : DAVID 57-59 LONG W.C.NUTT, ACRE,DUBLIN: FIGGIS & 104 GRAFTON ST.HODGES, CO., LTD.,582305:Edinburgh T. and A. Printers to HisConstable, MajestyCONTENTSPACKA Gaelic Class in New 282. Rev. D. 8.Zealand, Maclennan,An 201.Fhideag (with Murray,Airgid music), AmyAnna Mhln 161. Domhnull MacEacharn,(with music),A 297Welsh Ballad J.(with music), Davies,GlynBardachd 327.Irteach,in the Island ofChild-Songs314Youth (with music), Amy Murray,Fearchur Wm. 246Morrison,Leighich, Captain272.... Frances M.L'Ankou, Gostling,224WilliamMy Highland Baptism, Jolly,'Never was so Sad,PipingAnd 76never was so . E. C. .Carmichael,Piping Gay,'Notes :Notes on the of Gaelic Certificate ExaminationStudy (with LeavingofW. J. Watson Celt and Semite and the Determination;Paper)our Lionel 0. The inLL.OO.V.-,Origins Radiguet, DD., Bagpipesthe ....... 89Bihle,J.Notes on the of Gaelic continued First Year's Course W.StudyWatson The Distribution of British Louisa E.; Ability Farquhar-son An Undetected Norse Loan-Word Rev. Henderson; ;Georgeto the Saxon Invasion from an unknown Canter-Fragments relatingchronicle E. W. B. Nicholson The march to;bury Highlanders'Fort A to the 188George Prayer Archangels,Notes on the of Gaelic continued Second ...