The Canadian Nurse Volume 75








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The C.n-.ll.n Nur.. D8c:ember 1979 55 THE CANADIAN NURSE The offtCial /Oumal of the Canadian Nurses Association published In French and English editions eleverlimes per year 1979 Annual Author, Subject Index Vol. 75, No.'s. 1-11 January-December LEGE'D A -Abstract '\ V - Audio ual E - EdilOnaJ pon - ACCIDD/TS A e"'y present danger {Post. Langford) 4!fa Helping preschool children learn to be safe (Eifert) 260 AOOLESCE'CE Pe"'pective (Wheatley) E. r.; .\OOLESCE'TGIRL5-HEALTH ,\'0 H\:GIE"E The smgle mother: can \o\c help'! (Hlllung-Meyer) 26N AGED The loneliness ofthe elderly (Griffin) 23"1) USH. ArleD< Not an patients need hOllitiplta)s. 2'1r ALBERT A ASSOCIA TIO' OF REGISTERED 'l RSES. A "'l AL MEETI'G Ncwsbeat: the provinciaJ scene. 9J/-\ .\LBERT A CHILDRE"S HOSPITAL Ja -Januar) Fe - Fcbrua.-y "h - '-larch Ap -Apnl M) - Md) Jc June J/.\ -Juh/August S - September Oc -October N - November D - December Learning aoom the hospitaJ at home (Ferguson. Park. Ward).44Ja ALCOCII.. o.nÏS< Books can help. 52Ja ALCOHOLlS'\1 Closeup on physicians at n,k. ION OccupationaJ hea]th nurses auend akoholism conference. 14D ALEMA' \:. Helen Nursing grand-rounds: femoral a)lograft (Ferguson. Grice. Stuanl320c .\LLA:-O. '\Iargam Nursing: fact and fantasy. 31J/A ALLE'. ""ora U of -\ hO'ljit VISlllng pTOfe,or. &Ja A'\IBlL.\TOR\: C.\RE Did you know... the Hea)th Care Cenrfe. 9\1r A'DER!tO'. "loll) Bk_ rev., 5:!Fe ^'DERSO ...
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The C.n-.ll.n Nur.. D8c:ember 1979 55 THE CANADIAN NURSE The offtCial /Oumal of the Canadian Nurses Association published In French and English editions eleverlimes per year 1979 Annual Author, Subject Index Vol. 75, No.'s. 1-11 January-December LEGE'D A -Abstract '\ V - Audio ual E - EdilOnaJ pon - ACCIDD/TS A e"'y present danger {Post. Langford) 4!fa Helping preschool children learn to be safe (Eifert) 260 AOOLESCE'CE Pe"'pective (Wheatley) E. r.; .\OOLESCE'TGIRL5-HEALTH ,\'0 H\:GIE"E The smgle mother: can \o\c help'! (Hlllung-Meyer) 26N AGED The loneliness ofthe elderly (Griffin) 23"1) USH. ArleD< Not an patients need hOllitiplta)s. 2 '1r ALBERT A ASSOCIA TIO' OF REGISTERED 'l RSES. A "'l AL MEETI'G Ncwsbeat: the provinciaJ scene. 9J/-\ .\LBERT A CHILDRE"S HOSPITAL Ja -Januar) Fe - Fcbrua.-y "h - '-larch Ap -Apnl M) - Md) Jc June J/.\ -Juh/August S - September Oc -October N - November D - December Learning aoom the hospitaJ at home (Ferguson. Park. Ward).44Ja ALCOCII.. o.nÏS< Books can help. 52Ja ALCOHOLlS'\1 Closeup on physicians at n,k. ION OccupationaJ hea]th nurses auend akoholism conference. 14D ALEMA' \:. Helen Nursing grand-rounds: femoral a)lograft (Ferguson. Grice. Stuanl320c .\LLA:-O. '\Iargam Nursing: fact and fantasy. 31J/A ALLE'. ""o ra U of -\ hO'ljit VISlllng pTOfe ,or. &Ja A'\IBlL.\TOR\: C.\RE Did you know... the Hea)th Care Cenrfe. 9\1r A'DER!tO'. "loll) Bk_ rev., 5:!Fe ^'DERSO:'o. Mona 8k. rev.. :!Fe ANTISEPSIS Cross infeclion: a new approach to an old problem (Cragg) 40Fe Hands that car<: ar< they sare? (Sklar) 100c APATHY Frankly speaking: apathy in nursingfRyanJ J lJe ASSOCIA nON OF Nl RSES 0 PRJ"CE ED" .\RD ISLA:-OD. A:-O'LAL MEETI'G Newsbeat: me provincIa) scene. I J/A 56 D8c:ember 1979 The C.n-.ll.n Nurse ASS\X'IATIO" ot RE(;I!>TFRED "I RSFS Ot' "E\\H)l DI.A'D ARNN remembe pa'\t-Iook!!. to the future. lID Did you know. . 8N 4.STHMA Childhood asthma: an outpatient approach (0 treatment (Ferguson. Webbl '6Fe A TTITl J)F ot' HE.\L TH P"RSO' EL F-nmkly speaking: apathy in nursing (Ryan) 3lJe A\\ARJ)SA'DPRILES CNA's annual meeting. 1M} CNF recei\le k..ellogggranr. 14Ap Did you know...SI.John Ambulance, "Ap Janel "-enny Knox. recipient of the Helen Gibson Memoridl Schola",hip. 49Fe The Jud) Hill Memorial Scholal'ihip. 49Fe Thirteen nurse!!. recel\.e .1wdrd valued at more than SJO.OOO. 12Uc -B- BAILMENTS Where does the nurse'" respon'\ibility begin and end in Cdrlng for a p.1tient"!t. belongmg"'! ( klar) 14S BA ":'III'G. Judith ^'\si!!otant editor (port) 50c The nurse in thecommumty: infant stimulation. 36N BAl "IGART. Alie. Closeup on nursmg networks. 13J/A BtL4. 'GER. Anne "Iarie Servmg Si'iòter. "iO-\p BESII.\RAII. :\1. Ann. Closeup on coalition for the prevention of handicap 29N Commentary (POSI) E. ID PerOiipective. E. 3Fe Sinner, or !'taints? E. 4Je The impo (hle dream? E. 6Ap BES\\ETHE:RICK, "Iargarot StdITmg a"'gnmenl. I My BIETTE. M. Ga)le Burns fhe effects of'ielected factors on the older .1dulfs managment of treatment for hypertension. 550c RILLL 'G-"It'\:ER. Jo fhe'i.1ngle mother: can we: help ::!6N BOt: ". JaM Bk. rev.. 480c Closeup On fetal aJcohol syndrome. 35N New as i"itant editor (port) SJ/A Perspective. E. 5S BOO" RE\ IE\\ S Adler. DianeC. AACN organization and management of crihc.1l-c.1re facditic"i (Shoemaker) 430c Alhane"ie. Jo'\eph A. Nurses drug reference. 440c AlexdJ1der. Mar} M. Pedlatnc hillitory taking and physical diagnosi!'t for nurses (Brown) 450c Axline. Virginia M. Oibs In search of "ielf. 52Ja Barber. Elsie. The trembling years. SlJa Barry. Jeanie ed Emergency nursing. 420c Blackwell. Marian Willard. Care of the mentally retdrded.41\Oc Bretz. H. Lee. Donny and didbetes, 5!1a Brickhill. Paul. Reach forthe sky, 5lJd Brown. Molly. ed. Reading!'t in gerontology. 52Fe Bullough. Bonnie ed. Expanding horizons for nurse.;. (Bulioughl520c Burrell.Jr.. Zeb L Critical care (Burrell) S2Fe Butler. Beverly. Light a single candle. 52Ja Campbell. Claire. Nursing didgnosi"i and intervention in nu ing practice. 52Mr Canadian Council on Children and Youth. Admittance restricted' the child as a cItizen in Canada. 53D Canadian Standards Association. Effective sterilization in hospÎtaJs by the ethylene oxide process. 53D Canadian Standards Association. Effectivc stenlization in hospitals by the steam process. S3D Chaney. Patricia S. ed. Dealing with death and dying. 4'Oc Chnstopher, Matt. Sink it. Rusl.Y. 2Ja Clark. Ann L. Childbearing: a nursing perspective (Alfonso) S20C Clark. Bellina, Pop-up going to the hospital. HD C lark. Carolyn Chambers. Assertive skills for nursc , 5::!Oc Clarke. Louise. Can't re.1d. can't write. cdn't t.1lk too good eIther. "'::!Ja Dahl. Borghdd. Finding my way. !la O'Ambrosio. Richard. No language but a cr). 5!1a De Angells. Catherine. Pediatric primary care. 450c Olson. Norma. ClinicaJ nursing technique",. 500c Dizenzo. Patricia. Why me? 'lilJa Falk. Ann Man. The ambuldnce. J1D F.mshawe. Elizabeth. Rachel. 53Jd Fhnt. 8etty M. New hope for deprived children. 51Ap fnl"i. 8abbl\. k..risty'o;; courage, 53Ja Fromer. Margot Joan. Communit} health care dnd the nursing process. 8Oc Galton. Lawrence The patienf"i guide to "iurgery. 4:!Oc G.1rdner. Richard. The f.1mily book about minimal brain dy...function.53Ja Garfield. James B. Follow my leader. 53Ja Gn, um. M.1rlene Womanpower and health care (Spengler) 5 Oc Gunther. John. Dea(h he not proud. HJa Gydal. M,. When Oily went to hospital (Damelsonl 3JD Haas. Bdrnara Schuyler. The hospital book. HD Haber. Judith. Comprehens,ive psychiatric nursing let aU 480c Haggard. EliZdbeth. Nobody waved goodbye. 53Jd Halpern. Susan. Rape. helping the victim. 5::!Fe Hoffman. Therese Lemire. Into aging, a simulation game (ReiO 5!1e HolI.:md. Je.1nne M. C .1rdiova"icular nursing: prevention. intervention o:\ßd rehabilitation. 430c Hollowa)'. Nancy Meyer. Nursing and the cntlcally III patient. 430c Hudak.. Cðro1yn. ed. Critical care nursing (Gailo. Lohn S2Je Jessel. Camilla. Paul in hospi(al (Jolly) '3D "illilea. Mdrie. "aren. 53Ja k..lein. Normd. What It', aU about. 53J.1 k..nelsl. Carol Ren. Ment.11 heaJth conceph In medical-surgical nursing: a workbook (Ameo;;) k..ramer. Mdrlene. Path to biculturalism (Schmalenberg) 540c Lasker. Joe. He's my bro(her. S3Ja Lawrence. Mildred. The shining moment. 53Ja Laycock. S.R. Family living and sex education: a guide for pdrent"i and youth IC.1ders. 520c [edch. Penelope. Your bahy & child: from binh to age Iive.450c Leininger. Madeleine. Transcultund nursing: concepts. theories and pr.1ctices. 3:!Mr Lewio;;. Clara H. Nutrition. 500c Litchfteld. Ada. A button in her ear. 53Ja Litchfield. Ada. A cane in her hand. 5JJa MdcCracken. M.1ry. A circle of children. 53Ja M.1 Roben.Journey (Md......iel 53Ja '11I1er. Michael H. Current per'\pectlves In nUr",mg SOCid1 issue"i and trends (t-lynnJ 490c Neufeld. John, Lisa. bright and ddrk. 53Ja Neufeld. John. Twink. 53Ja Park. Clara Claiborne. The seige. S3Jd Plall. "in. Hey dummy. S4Ja Rey. H .A. C uriousGeorge goc!'t to the hospital (Rey) JJD Robinson. J. ed. Givmg c.1rdiova,çul.1rdru "i \afely. 440c Robinson. Veronica. David in silence. 34Ja Samuels. Gertrude. Run Shelley run. 54Ja Scipien. Gladys M. Comprehensive pediatric nursing (et al) 440c Shaw. Charles R. When your child needs help. S4Ja Silverman. Peter. Who 'ipeak.s for the children: the plight of the battered child. 450c Simon. Norma. All kinds of families. 54Ja Simon. Norma. Wh) am I different. S4Ja Stein. Sara 80nnett. A hospital story. J3D Stewart. Mark A. Raising a hyperactive child tOlds) S4Ja VaJens. E.G. The other side of the mountain. 54Ja Vitale. Barbara. ed. A probiem-solving approach to nursing çare plans (Laue mer. Nugent) S4My Waite. Helen E. Valiant çompanions. 54J.1 Warner. Carmen Germame ed. Emergency çare. assessment and intervention. 48N Weber. Alfons, Elizaheth gels well. HD Weller. Stella. Easy pregnancy wilh yoga. 54My Welzenbach. J.F. Wendy Well and Billy Beller say .. Hello hospitaJ". Visit the hospital see through machme. Meet the hospital sandm.1n and A"k a "mdl-yun" hospital questions (Cline) J3D West. Paul. Words for a deaf daughter. 54Jol Wisc.1n. Principle .1nd practice of psychiatriL: nur...lng (et all490c Wolde.Lunilld. Thom.1!!. goeo;; to the doctor, 33D Wolff. LlI'-erne. F-undamentah of nu mg IWeltzel. fuer u 00c BOOKS 52Ja. 2Fe. 52Mr. SlAp. S4My. S2Je, 2Oc. 4 N. 5'D BOR"I..\.:'I/IS. Janis Your gUide to clinical laboratory proçedure\ (Shepherd. Hynie) 2 S DOL RQlE. Jean-Gu) Admini"itrauve M.1nageroftheCNA Testing Servicc. 7J/A BRADLEY. Christine HeaJthiest babies pos ible(Wdmyca. Ros") 18N BREAST tEEDlNG Hea1th professlOnd1s le.1rn more dbout late<;jt in mfdnt nutrition. 12N BRETT. Kathleen See MacMillan-8reu. k..athleen BRIANT. :'I/ora Bk. rev.. 5 Oc Bl CH..\. ". Jan. The deve10pment of .1 genatnc a!!.
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