LYCOMING COLLEGE3 8130 10026 2089^mimm:muM^PV,y^./ /». Jrar.-.<^^s^••ALYCOMING COLLEGEWILUAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIAUa^-i-."MJ'I'fWW'BB^^-v^Swftiu:'U^flllllUIII1969THEARROWEditor Michael NewmanCo-editor Wanda RootTABLE CONTENTSOFWARNINGTOMINPeSJJA JAIL SENTENCE IS PROVIDEDIN THE NEW LAW FOR A MINORWHO PURCHASES, ATTEMPTSTO PURCHASE, CONSUMES ORTRANSPORTSALCOHOLICBEVERAGES.PENNSYLVANIA"OOOBCONTROL BOARDpage 190 page 12ADVERTISEMENTS— FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION—page 128SPORTS—page 84UNDERCLASSMEN—page 98CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS—ACTIVITIES—page 15842SENIORS—page'?^^<^.FOREWORDIgnorance and injustice have always beenthe enemies of a free people. Intellectualism andfreedom of speech will forever be its defenders.Responsibility and perspective must be theirtemperance.With this as our guide the staff of the 1969Arrow has compiled a history of this past tumul-tous year. Although never able to please everyindividual, we sincerely hope that we have pro-vided a meaningful record of these, our collegeyears.INMEMORIAMJ. MILTON SKEATH, from 1921 to 1968,served Lycoming College with a dedicationknown to few men. His love for the institutionled him from professor, to athletic coach, andfinally to department head where every actionreflected his belief in the precepts of educa-tion. We, (he staff of the 1969 Arrow, inpausememory of a gentleman who immeasurablyenriched the lives of all those who had thehonor of knowing him.THE WHITE ...