>-CO DO*^OU158735>3OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARYSCall No. 5V7-Z ^S A ActtwoaNo./Author JULYS^OXJIAV ,TitleA?LOVnarJ7C 4should bereturnedonorbefore date below.Thjsboo^ ttye las^o^arkedTHEDIAZO-COMPOUNDSAROMATICAND THEIRTECHNICAL APPLICATIONSBYSAUNDERSK. H.F.R.I.C.M.C., M.A.(Cantab.), B.Sc.(Lond.),IMPERIAL CHEMICAL LTD.CHEMIST, INDUSTRIES,LONDONEDWARD ARNOLD & CO,CopyrightFirst inpublished 1936Second Edition 1949BRITAIN BYAND BOUND IN GREATPRINTEDANDRICHARD CLAY COMPANY, LTD.,SUFFOLKBUNGAY,PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITIONIN this edition the author has a betweenpreparing attempted compromiseneeds ofthe students and and hence the work can-chemists,professionalnot be to either. Such is the nature ofentirely satisfactory compromises.the ofFor unconventional the references the author makesarrangementno the form is in fact a of thethoughapology, chronological by-productlate since these lists of literature references and tables ofwar, patentswere in 1939 in and so that should theprepared duplicate dispersed,author's home be the means to reconstruct his files woulddestroyedremain. In this form the lists were found so useful for reference thatthe form has been at the of the ofpreserved expense breaking sequencereference numbers in the text. Nor are all the references used in thesince this would have made the work too but chemiststext, unwieldy,interested in detail can check off the references in scientificrapidly anyfor information need. with ...