IiV\-W-^mou\a^\iTHEANTIQUARY:A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDYOF THE PASTInstructed theby Antiquary times,He he he cannotbut be wise.must, is,Troilus and Act ii. sc.Cressida, 3.VOL. XI.JANUARY JUNE.Row.London: ELLIOT Paternoster62,STOCK,New York : W. BOUTON.J.1885.CENTERWE GETIYUBRARYLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.PAGEThe Lagoons of Venice in the Middle Ages 2The Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey 11Residence in GoughJohnson's Square 14The Birthplace of Evelyn 21JohnEssex StrandHouse, 49Essex StrandGateway, Street, 51Birthplace of Locke at WringtonJohn 58Archery Finsbury FieldsButt, 105Gainsborough's Reputed Birthplace .114Cade's atCavern Blackheath .Jack 148Plan of a Portion of Mediaeval Venice 157Landor's WarwickBirthplace, 169Leaden Cist found in London 193Samian Ware found in 194Courtyard of Fleet Prison 204Birthplace of Cardinal Morton 219The Bear or Hope TheatreGarden, 244the FifteenthPortion of the Piazza of St. at the End ofMark's, Venice,Century 254Linlithgow Palace 262THEVENICE BEFORE STONES.where two rivers of different tidal and otherconditions meet the and the(like Gangesbut there is no; apparent physicalJumna)whichagency by any permanent peculiaritiesof the kind could have been atproducedThe Venice itself.Antiquary, It would be of course worth a deal togoodbe able to even for a few momentsrecall,it the and the(as were) city surroundingwhile of stillislands, primaeval types buildingJANUARY, 1885. to be enabled to ...