Steam locomotive construction and maintenance, describing workshop equipment and practice in the construction of modern steam railway locomotives with notes on inspection, testing, maintenance and repairs








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LocomotiveSteamandConstructionMaintenance'AHRONSThe Locomotive Ltd,Publishing Co.,3 AMEN CORNER .-. E.C.4LONDON,SEND FOR COMPLETE LIST OF RAILWAY PUBLICATIONS !POST FREE.(5350A)IThe Locomotive Co Ltd.,Publishing3 AMEN CORNER /. E.C.4LONDON,J LRAILWAY SIGNAL AND PERMANENT WAY ENGINEERS'POCKETBOOK. 260 Price 5s. 3d.pp. PostageGENERAL CONTENTSof Fixed Signals Board ofRailway Signalling. DevelopmentTrade in to onRequirements Signallingregard Railways Descrip-tion of Various of and for which usedSignalsTypes PurposesBoxes TrackCircuitsSignal Signal Lighting Systemsand Automatic Automatic Block The BlockSignals SignalsCab and Train ControlSystem, Signalling Telephoneson Railways Telegraphy.Board of Trade RailsPermanent Way. Regulations SleepersChairs Elevation andKeys Fishplates Ballasting Super-Tables and of Curves Switches andGauging Checking Crossingsout of Permanent Calculation of Switch andSetting Wayof Curves ElectricalCrossing Angles Improvement Existingof Tracks relative to PermanentEquipment Railway WayMaintenance. Useful and MetricalTables, Equivalents.An for theIndispensable Compendium Engineer, Draughtsman,Lineman etc.Inspector, Ganger, etc.,ON LOCOMOTIVES. F. GAIRNS.SUPERHEATING By J. Second120 Price '3s.Edition, pp. (Illustrated.) 6d., Postage 3d.The and the Wherefore of Steam.Why Superheated AdvantagesEconomics and Problems andSpecial History Developmentof the Locomotive in UseSuperheater Principal SuperheatersThe ...
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LocomotiveSteam andConstruction Maintenance ' AHRONS The Locomotive Ltd,Publishing Co., 3 AMEN CORNER .-. E.C.4LONDON, SEND FOR COMPLETE LIST OF RAILWAY PUBLICATIONS ! POST FREE. (5350A) I The Locomotive Co Ltd. ,Publishing 3 AMEN CORNER /. E.C.4LONDON, J L RAILWAY SIGNAL AND PERMANENT WAY ENGINEERS' POCKETBOOK. 260 Price 5s. 3d.pp. Postage GENERAL CONTENTS of Fixed Signals Board ofRailway Signalling. Development Trade in to onRequirements Signallingregard Railways Descrip- tion of Various of and for which usedSignalsTypes Purposes Boxes TrackCircuitsSignal Signal Lighting Systems and Automatic Automatic Block The BlockSignals Signals Cab and Train ControlSystem, Signalling Telephones on Railways Telegraphy. Board of Trade RailsPermanent Way. Regulations Sleepers Chairs Elevation andKeys Fishplates Ballasting Super- Tables and of Curves Switches andGauging Checking Crossings out of Permanent Calculation of Switch andSetting Way of Curves ElectricalCrossing Angles Improvement Existing of Tracks relative to PermanentEquipment Railway Way Maintenance. Useful and MetricalTables, Equivalents. An for theIndispensable Compendium Engineer, Draughtsman, Lineman etc.Inspector, Ganger, etc., ON LOCOMOTIVES. F. GAIRNS.SUPERHEATING By J. Second 120 Price '3s.Edition, pp. (Illustrated.) 6d., Postage 3d. The and the Wherefore of Steam.Why Superheated Advantages Economics and Problems andSpecial History Development of the Locomotive in UseSuperheater Principal Superheaters The Maintenance of Locomotives.Superheater LOCOMOTIVE RUNNING SHED NOTES. 98 pp. (Illustrated.) Price 3s. 3tf.6d., Postage Locomotive Shed ofRunning Management Training Enginemen The of Bad Defects Cure TheSteaming Engines ;of Wheels ShedRunn ng Breakdown Tools andSlipping Driving Tackle Valves and Pistons inLocomotive Steam HowTesting to Treat Ends Wheel forBig Hydraulic ShedsDrops Running and Eccentric LinersRe-Meta'Hng Fitting Strap Regrinding Steam Cocks End Brasses and AxleRefitting Big Brasses Boiler Plates Brake etc.Protecting Rigging, NOTES ONRAILWAY SIGNALLING. By J. PARSONS, A.M.I.S.E., and B W. A.M.I.S.E. 74 PriceCOOKE, pp. (I'lustrated.) 3s. 3d.6d., Postage Written with the of in a concise form a ideaobject giving general ; of the methods and n Great Britain Evolutionappliances adopted of andSignalling Repeating indicating Shunting Signals Connections to Points Point LocksCompensation Facing Boxes LevelLocking Signal Gates TheApparatus Crossing Block Line TrackWorking Circuit CabSystem Single Fog etc.Signals, J SEND FOR COMPLETE OFUST RAILWAY PUBLICATIONS POST FREE. TECHNICALPITMAN'S PRIMER SERIES Edited R. E. NEALE, B.Sc., (Land.) A.M.I.E.E.A.C.O.I., STEAM LOCOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCEAND PITMAN'S TECHNICAL PRIMERS Edited B. E. NEALE, (Hons.), A.M.I.E.E.A.C.G.I., IN each book of the series the fundamental ofprinciples some sub-division of are treated in aengineering technology practical the student with a of themanner, providing handy survey particular branch of with which he is They should invaluable to the man who has not the timeprove busy practical treatises.for more elaborate Each 2s. 6d. net. E.THE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE. By L. M.I.Mech.E.AHRONS, FOR POWER TRANSMISSION. W.BELTS By G. DUNKLEY. B.Sc. (Hons.). WATER-POWER ENGINEERING. F. F.By FERGUSSON, A.M.I.C.E. PHOTOGRAPHIC L. J.TECHNIQUE. By HIBBERT, F.R.P.S. HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS. J. W.By MEARES, F.R.A.S., M.I.E.E.MJnst.C.E., THE ELECTRIFICATION OF RAILWAYS. H. F.By TREWMAN, M.A. CONTINUOUS CURRENT ARMATURE WINDING. F. M.By DENTON, A.C.G.L H. PERCYMUNICIPAL ENGINEERING. By BOULNOIS, MJnst.C.E., F.R.San.Inst., F.Inst.S.T. BEN SHAW and JAMESFOUNDRY WORK. By EDGAR. BEN SHAW andPATTERN-MAKING. By ELECTRIC FURNACE. FRANK J.THE By MOFFETT, B.A., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS. EDGAR T.SMALL By PAINTON, A.M.I.E.E.B.Sc., PNEUMATIC CONVEYING. E. G.By PHILLIPS, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. BODLER INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE. R. CLAYTON.By ELECTRICITY IN STEEL WORKS. W. B.Sc.By MACFARLANE, MODERN CENTRAL STATIONS. By C. W. MARSHALL, B.Sc. STEAM LOCOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE. By E. L. AHRONS, MJ.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E. SWITCH GEAR. H. E.HIGH TENSION By APOOLE, B.Sc., C.GJ., A.M.I.E.E. BOARDS. theHIGH By Same Author. FACTOR CORRECTION. A. E.POWER By CLAYTON, B.Sc., A.K.C., A.M.I.E.E. AND MACHINE SETTING. P. GATES.TOOL By POWER. A. A.M.I.C.E.TIDAL By STRUBEN, O.B.E., SEWERS AND SEWERAGE. H. GILBERTBy WHYATT, M.I.Inst.C.E.,. M.Inst.M. and C.E.M.Roy.San.Inst., ELEMENTS OF DLLUMINATING ENGINEERING. By A. P. TROTTER M.I.C.E. MACHINERY. G. E. F. M.Inst.Min.E.COAL-CUTTING By EAGAR, AND THEHl T. R.GRINDING MACHINES USE. By SHAW,M.I.Mech.E, OF COPPER. CLAUDE W.ELECTRO-DEPOSITION By DENNY, A.M.I.E.E. ISAAC PITMAN & LTD,LONDON: SIR SONS, STEAM LOCOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DESCRIBING WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT AND PRACTICE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MODERN STEAM RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES, WITH NOTES ON INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSTESTING, BY E. L. AKRONS M.I.MECH.E., M.I.Loco-E.- LONDON SIR ISAAC PITMAN & LTD.SONS, PARKER W.C.2STREET, KINGSWAY, BATH, NEW YORKMELBOURNE, TORONTO, 1921 PRINTED BY SIR ISAAC PITMAN & LTD.SONS, ' ENGLAND.BATH, PREFACE THIS book describes in an mannerelementary some of the which the processes principal parts of a locomotive construction,undergo during and be considered as a volumemay companion to the on The Steam LocomotiveRailwayprimer in this series. The of andsubjects foundry practice general machine dealt with in othershop processes being are here considered andprimers, they briefly only in their to locomotive con- special relationship struction. no can be made to Naturally, attempt deal with and exhaustively machinery processes in so small a and those readers who wishbook, for a more detailed treatment of the subject may be referred to The Construction the Modernof Locomotive, by George Hughes, M.Inst.C.E., not of recentM.I.Mech.E., which, though very remains the standard work on Britishdate, only locomotive and contains aworkshop practice, mass of valuable information. At the of the a hasrequest publishers chapter been added on the maintenance of the locomotive in which also in anservice, gives, elementary a short account of the wear and tear of someform, of the more and some idea of theimportant parts, repairs required. 468S2.8 VI PREFACE The thanks of the author are due to Mr. G. J. Chief MechanicalChurchward, M.Inst.C.E., of the Great Western and toEngineer Railway, the various manufacturers of machinespecial tools for the illustrations. For aphotographic few other the method ofillustrations, including the locomotive and frames,erecting cylinders the author is indebted to the kindness of The Locomotive Ltd.Co.,Publishing E. L. AHRONS. NOTTINGHAM, 1920.December,
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