LBRITTONSTANDARD VALUESNUTRITION andMETABOLISMW, B.SAUNDERS COMPANY-^ rfitSTANDARD VALUESifiNUTRITION and METABOLISMBeing the second fascicle aof Handbook ofBiological DataEDITED BYERRETT C. ALBRITTON, A.B., M.D.Fry Professor PhysiologyofThe George Washington Universitye.rsPrepared under the Direction of the Committeeon the Handbook of Biological DataAMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESTHE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCILPhiladelphia and LondonW. B. SAUNDERS COMPANYSaunders CompanyCopyright, 1954, by W. B.copyright unioncopyright under the internationalNo partreserved. hook is protected by copyright. ofAll rights Thismanner without written permission fromit may be reproduced in anyany purpose the United States Government.the publisher, except for ofSlates America.Made in the United ofNumber: 54-12407Library of Congress Catalog CardForewordSciences-National Research CouncilFive years ago the National Academy ofStates Air Force, towith the Wright Air Development Center, Unitedcontractedin the variouspublication the more basic established datagather and compile forThe present work, issued in August, 1954, under jointfields of biological science.asNavy, and Atomic Energy Commissionsponsorship of the Air Force, Army,52-301, the second fascicleWright Air Development Center Technical Report isresulting from the project.Handbook ofDirection of the work was entrusted to the Committee ontheThethe American Institute of Biological Sciences ...