Working with XML
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Working with XML
The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial
by Eric Armstrong
[Version 1.1, Update 31 -- 21 Aug 2001]
This tutorial covers the following topics:
Part I: Understanding XML and the Java XML APIs explains the basics of XML
and gives you a guide to the acronyms associated with it. It also provides an overview
TMof the Java XML APIs you can use to manipulate XML-based data, including the Java
API for XML Parsing ((JAXP). To focus on XML with a minimum of programming,
follow The XML Thread, below.
Part II: Serial Access with the Simple API for XML (SAX) tells you how to read
an XML file sequentially, and walks you through the callbacks the parser makes to
event-handling methods you supply.
Part III: XML and the Document Object Model (DOM) explains the structure of
DOM, shows how to use it in a JTree, and shows how to create a hierarchy of objects
from an XML document so you can randomly access it and modify its contents. This is
also the API you use to write an XML file after creating a tree of objects in memory.
Part IV: Using XSLT shows how the XSL transformation package can be used to
write out a DOM as XML, convert arbitrary data to XML by creating a SAX parser,
and convert XML data into a different format.
Additional Information contains a description of the character encoding schemes
used in the Java platform and pointers to any other information that is relevant to, but
outside the ...