Introduction...................................................................................................................................................3 Connecting to the Database ..........................................................................................................................5 Starting A New Well / Log ......................................................................................................6 The System Options Window:...............12 The Log Configuration Builder Window....................................................................................................15 Fundamentals of the Log Configuration Builder Window: ........................................................................ 15 Deleting the Date track from the Horizontal Tutorial Log…............................................................. 16 Moving the Depth track…..................................................................................................................16 Resizing a track… ............................................................................................................................. ...
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Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial
Introduction...................................................................................................................................................3Connecting to the Database .......................................................................................................................... 5 Starting A New Well / Log ........................................................................................................................... 6 The System Options Window: .................................................................................................................... 12 The Log Configuration Builder Window.................................................................................................... 15 Fundamentals of the Log Configuration Builder Window: ........................................................................ 15 Deleting the Date track from the Horizontal Tutorial Log............................................................. 16 Moving the Depth track.................................................................................................................. 16 Resizing a track .............................................................................................................................. 17 Turning off a track.......................................................................................................................... 17 Deleting the Remarks layer from the Detailed Lithology track ..................................................... 17 Adding values manually to the Drill Rate curve layer:............................................................................... 18 Importing ASCII data into the Total Gas Curve ......................................................................................... 20 Changing Curve Scales from Total Gas Layer Pop Up Menu. ................................................................... 23 Importing an LAS Gamma Ray Curve data file...................................................................................... 23 The Slide/Rotate Layer: .............................................................................................................................. 26 Adding values to the Proposed Well Path Curve:....................................................................................... 26 Importing Directional Surveys.................................................................................................................... 28 Adding Directional Survey Points Manually:............................................................................................. 32 Adding a Directional Survey Point ......................................................................................................... 32 Adding an Oil / Water Contact Curve Layer to the log: ............................................................................. 34 Adding Sample Descriptions: ..................................................................................................................... 36 Printing out Sample Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 39 The Detailed Lithology Layer:.................................................................................................................... 39 Moving Lithology Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 43 DrawingAccessories:.................................................................................................................................45Drawing Interpreted Lithology: .................................................................................................................. 48 Drawing another Rock Type ................................................................................................................... 49 Inserting Rock Type within an interval................................................................................................... 49 Resizing an interval................................................................................................................................. 49 Drawing Porosity (%) ................................................................................................................................. 50 Drawing Grain Size: ................................................................................................................................... 51 Drawing Oil Shows..................................................................................................................................... 52 DrawingSorting..........................................................................................................................................53DrawingRounding:.....................................................................................................................................54Adding an Annotation to the Drilling Progress Track ................................................................................ 55 Adding an Annotation to the Detailed Lithology Track: ............................................................................ 56 Adding a Formation Top:............................................................................................................................ 57 Curve Fill Layer to Draw Lithology in the Detailed Lithology Track........................................................ 60 How to Print the Log................................................................................................................................... 62
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial Introduction Power*Curve(PetrographicalOfficeWellsiteEvaluation andReporting) is a horizontal chip and core logging management program that utilizes single-entry data capturing to produce geological striplogs. The geological data is entered into the system through the use of intuitive data entry forms to ensure standardization of data. This data is stored in an RDBMS(Relational Database Management System) to allow data manipulation using SQL access tools. Note:will not be able to o en a vertical lo formatThe user inPower*Curve.Likewise, the user will not be able to o en a horizontal lo format in or Power*Core.Power*Lo However, the user will be able to utilize all of the data entered into a well in either Power*Curve,Power*Log or Power*Core.Power*Curve software consists of four (4) main sections: 1.)A log editor module that allows you to change the striplogs to suit your needs and preferences. 2.)A data transfer module. 3.)Report printing modules. 4.)An on-line help system that is designed to familiarize you with the commands and functions available inPower*Curveand lead you through many of the processes involved in creating logs. A note about navigating through Power*Curve:When you are entering information into data forms, you may move between boxes/fields by pressing theTabkey to go forward andShift +Tabto move backwards. To exit forms that do not have anExit, OK,orCancelbutton, press theEsckey on the keyboard. To access the On-line Help System in Power*Curve: You can make use of the context sensitive help by pressing theF1key when you are in a dialogue box. A help file will appear, opened to the topic relevant to the dialogue box you are in. Below are some examples of common features within Power*Curve: The Toolbar
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial The Selection Bar
The Status Bar TheStatus Bardisplays system status messages and any error message (associated with a field entry), in the far left corner. The KB elevation is displayed in the lower right corner of theStatus Bar.
The On-line Help is divided into four(4) main categories: Commands -Descriptions of each menu command withinPower*Log.Toolbar -Shortcuts to common commands are explained. Database Table Operations -Commands/functions related to the Database Table are described. Quick Reference Guide- The portion of theOn-line Help System, that quickly refers you tosome of the more commonly performed tasks.
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and editing a new horizontal striplog (hereafter referred to simply as a log), with curves and interpreted lithology. Connecting to the Database
1.)Double clickon thePower*Curve(MetricIcon. Acknowledge the Security Information window byclickingon thebutton. This will initiate the program and activate aConnect Databasewindow.
2.)Highlight thepgeology access (Microsoft Access Driver [*mdb])database byclickingon it once. 3.)Move your mouse pointer to theUser IDfield andclick. This will activate a flashing cursor in theUser IDfield.Typepgeologyin theUser IDfield.PresstheTabkey on the keyboard to move to thePasswordfield. 4.)Typepgeologyin thePasswordfield and thenclickon thebutton. The program will now load various dictionaries and then activate anOpen Logwindow. 5.)Clickon thebuttonin theOpen Lowindow to close theOpen Logwindow. The first step in creating a new log is to click on theNew Logbuttonon theToolbaror to selectNewunderFileon theSelection Bar. This will open theNew Logwindow on the next page. This more than likel will a ear after connectin to the Database without ou have to do the above procedure if this was the first time you have activated Power*Curve.
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial
Starting A New Well / Log 1.)TheWell/Log Nameis where you enter the name of the well (no more than 50field characters long). Type oHiroztnalTutorial Wellinto theWell / Log Namefield. Note:most cases, the user would click on theIn Well Listbutton first and then select theWellthat was reviousl used for buildin the vertical ortion of the stri lo . The lo name would then be automaticall laced in theWell/Lo Name isfield and when the horizontal lo created the lo name will be a ended with the letter H . to indicate its status as a horizontal lo However, an and all information ertinent to the ori inal vertical lo /well would then be associated with the new horizontal log. 2.)Clickon the buttonto activate theUWI Formatwindow.
The default or flashing caret is in the API Code / Name field.Typein24001201300000. The 24 is a State Code, the 001 is a County Code, the 20130 is the Unique Well ID, the 00 is for the sidetrack code, and the last 00 is for the Event SequenceLoc.
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial 4.)Clickonbuttonwhen you have finished entering theAPI. 5.)Clickon thebuttonto activate theLog FormatListwindow.
6.)Clickon H SYSTEM HORZ [SYSTEM (I)]to highlight it and thenclickon theSelect button.You may alsodouble clickon H SYSTEM HORZ [SYSTEM(I)].Note: The H before the Lo name re resents a Horizontal Lo Format and the V before the Lo name represents a Vertical Log Format 7.)Once you have been returned to theNew Logwindow,double clickin theLog Start Depthfield. This will highlight the zero (0) and activate a flashing cursor. Type10000intheLog Start Depthfield. 8.)Once the information is entered,clickon thebutton. 9.)This will initiate aNew Log. During this process, the curves associated with the selected log format will be added. You will now be prompted with theProposed Well Path (TVD) Add Curvewindow.
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial TheProposed Well Path (TVD) Curveuser to draw the proposed well path as firstallows the drawn by the directional drilling company. Typically, you would only show the horizontal portion of the well path and/or the last few meters of the build section. Note:TheLeft / Bottom Scale to the bottom on a horizontal curve and thema s / ToRi ht Scaleto the top on a horizontal curve.maps 10.)Select ft for meters in theCurve Unitsfield. Then, enter a value of 7000 into the Left/Bottom Scalefield and a value of 6980 into theRi ht/Top Scalefield. Finally, select Linear in theGrid Typefield and thenclickon thebutton. TheWell Path Add Curvewindow will then be displayed.
TheWell Path Curveallows the user to draw the actual well path that the well takes when being drilled. TheWell Path Add Curvewindow should have the exact same scale values as the Proposed Well Path Add Curvewindow had on the previous page. 11.)Select ft for meters in theCurve Unitsfield. Then, enter a value of 7000 into the Left/Bottom Scalefield and a value of 6980 into the ScaleRi ht/Topfield. Finally, select Linear in theGrid Typefield and thenclickon thebutton. TheDetailed Lithology Scale [DETLITH1]window will then be displayed
TheDetailed Lithology Scale [DETLITH]window allows the user to drawLithologyin the Detailed Lithologytrack. Note:The ths DeDis laassociated with theDetailed Litholola er in theDetailed Litholo values entered into either thetrack are determined b theMa oror theMinorfield in theLayer Configurationwindow for theDetailed Lithologylayer. 12.)Enter a value of 6980 into theTop Scalefield and a value of 7000 into theBottom Scalefield. Finally, selectStraight Shiftin theBackup Scalefield.
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial 13.)Clickon thebutton, and exit from the ensuingShortcut Optionswindow by clicking once on thebutton. 14. You will now be prompted with anotherADD Curve window for Drill Rate. Clickon the Button.
15. You will now be prompted with another ADD Curve window for Gamma Ray. Clickon the Button.
16.)This will activate the last Add Curve window for Total Gas.Clickon the
Version 4.0 Power*Curve Imperial (Horizontal) Tutorial You have just added five curves to the database, that will be displayed as layers in the Drilling Progress track and the Detailed Lithology track on your new horizontal log. **When your log opens, it should look similar to the log displayed below.**
19.)You can now fill in your pertinent well information by selectingWellunderEditpull down menu on theSelection Barto activate theWellwindow.
20.)in the information you feel is necessary (the FigureFill above, has been filled in to give you an idea of how to complete the fields. Pleasetype intheKB elevation fieldwith 594. This is done so that when we add a formation top that a sub sea level (ssl) field will be filled in. Thenclickon thebuttonto save any changes you have made to the well record. Note:Some of the fields in theWellwindow have character restrictions or mandator re uirements. Conse uentl , if an of these restrictions have been violated or if an re uirements have not been met, the offendin field will be hi hli hted, the nature of the roblem will be dis la ed on theStatus Barleft hand corner of the screen . Thenlower ou will be rom ted with a s stem error messa e window. Remember to save our work, after the roblem has been fixed. 21.)If the record has been successfully saved,clickon the prompted with theShortcut Optionssystem window.