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N° d’ordre : 102
Présentée en vue d'obtenir le grade de
Spécialité : Automatique et Informatique Industrielle
Aladdin MASRI
Doctorat délivré par l’Ecole Centrale de Lille
Vers le Contrôle Commande Distribué des Systèmes de Production
Manufacturiers: Approche Composant pour la prise en compte de
l’Architecture de Communication dans la Modélisation
Soutenue le 10 Juillet 2009 devant le jury d'examen:
Président : Jean-Pierre BOUREY, Professeur à l'École Centrale de Lille
Rapporteur : Moncef TAGINA, Professeur à l’Université de Manouba, Tunisie Pascal BERRUET, Professeur à l’IUT de Lorient
Membre : Pavol BARGER, Maître de Conférences à l’Université de Technologie de
Directeur de thèse : Armand TOGUYENI, Professeur à l'École Centrale de Lille
Co-directeur de thèse : Thomas BOURDEAUD'HUY, Maître de Conférences à l'École
Centrale de Lille
Thèse préparée au sein du Laboratoire LAGIS
École Doctorale SPI 072
tel-00578841, version 1 - 22 Mar 2011
tel-00578841, version 1 - 22 Mar 2011Order No: 102
PhD Thesis
Presented to obtain the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Speciality: Automation Control and Computer Engineering
Aladdin Masri
PhD degree delivered by École Centrale de Lille
Towards the Distributed Control of Manufacturing Systems:
A Component-Based Approach for taking into account the
Communication Architecture in Modeling
Defended on 10 July 2009 in presence of the Board of Examiners:
President: Jean-Pierre Bourey, Professor at École Centrale de Lille
Reviewer: Moncef Tagina, Professor at University of Manouba, Tunisia Pascal Berruet, Professor at IUT of Lorient
Examiner: Pavol Barger, Assistant Professor at University of Technology of
Thesis Supervisor: Armand Toguyeni, Professor at École Centrale de Lille
Co-supervisor: Thomas Bourdeaud'huy, Assistant Professor at École Centrale de Lille
PhD Thesis prepared in the LAGIS Laboratory
Science for engineers Doctoral School SPI 072
tel-00578841, version 1 - 22 Mar 2011
tel-00578841, version 1 - 22 Mar 2011
To the memorial of my parents,
To my Family,
To my wife and my two little daughters Hala and Dana
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ﻪﱠُ ﻠﻟاَ و ٍتﺎَ ﺟَ رَ د َﻢ ﻠ ِﻌ ﻟ ا اﻮُ ﺗ وُ أ َﻦ ﻳ ِﺬ ﻟﱠ ا َو ْﻢ ﻜُ ﻨ ﻣِ اﻮُ ﻨَ ﻣ ﺁ َﻦ ﻳ ِﺬ ﻟﱠ ا ُﻪ ﱠﻠ ﻟ ا ِﻊ َﻓ ﺮ َﻳ "
[11: ﺔﻟدﺎﺠﻤﻟا] "ٌﺮ ﻴ ﺒ ﺧ َن ﻮ ﻠُ َﻤ ﻌ َﺗ ﺎَ ﻤِ ﺑ
“God raises those among you who believe and those who acquire
knowledge to higher ranks. God is fully Cognizant of everything
you do”. [Al-Mujadila:11], The Holy Quran
« Allah élèvera en degrés ceux d'entre vous qui auront cru et ceux
qui auront reçu le savoir. Allah est parfaitement Connaisseur de ce
que vous faites ». [Al-Mujadila:11], Le Saint Coran
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ْ َ ِ
ْ ْ ْ
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First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Armand Toguyeni and Dr. Thomas Bourdeaud'huy
with whom I had the opportunity and pleasure to work during these three years. I also
thank them for their encouragement and rigorous advices at scientific and personal levels
which have resulted in the production of this work.
I present my sincere thanks to Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourey who did me the honor of chairing
the board of examiners.
Then, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Professor Moncef Tagina and Professor
Pascal Berruet for the interest they have shown to my work by agreeing to be the
reporters of this thesis.
I also wish to thank Dr Pavol Barger for agreeing to review this thesis and be part of the
board of examiners.
I express my sincere thanks to my colleagues and all the members of Ecole Contrale de
Lille and the OSSc team for their friendly humour and availability.
I want to express my thanks to my family, particularly my wife and my two little
daughters Hala and Dana, who have always supported and encouraged me. Without them
I would not be able to accomplish this work.
Finally, I would like to say that without the Grace of Allah, I would never arrive here.
So, thanks to Allah first.
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tel-00578841, version 1 - 22 Mar 2011