Une contribution à la compréhension de la formation de la structure à haut taux de combustion dans les combustibles nucléaires, A contribution to the understanding of the High Burn-up Structure formation in nuclear fuels








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Sous la direction de Alain Degiovanni, Benjamin Remy
Thèse soutenue le 09 janvier 2007: INPL
Une augmentation du taux de combustion des combustibles nucléaires UO2 dans les réacteurs à eau légère se traduit par l’apparition d’un changement de structure microscopique, appelée HBS. Bien que caractérisée expérimentalement de façon détaillée, des points importants sur les mécanismes de sa formation restent à éclaircir. Afin de répondre à ces questions, une étude de la contribution des défauts de type dislocation a été conduite. Dans une première partie, une méthode de calcul du champ de contraintes associées à des configurations périodiques de dislocations a été développée. La méthode a été appliquée aux cas des empilements et murs de dislocations de type coin, pour lesquels une expression explicite du potentiel des contraintes internes a été obtenue. A travers l’étude d’autres exemples de configurations, il a été mis en évidence que cette méthode permet le calcul de n’importe quelle configuration périodique de dislocations. Dans une seconde partie, l’évolution des défauts d’irradiation de type boucle d’interstitiels a été étudiée dans des échantillons de combustible UO2 dopé avec 10% en masse d’émetteurs alpha. Les distributions expérimentales en taille de boucles d’interstitiels ont été obtenues pour ces échantillons stockés pendant 4 et 7 ans à température ambiante. Des équations cinétiques sont proposées afin d’étudier l’influence de la remise en solution d’interstitiels contenus dans une boucle due à un impact avec l’atome de recul 234U, ainsi que la coalescence de deux boucles de dislocation pouvant diffuser en volume. L’application du modèle montre que les deux processus introduits doivent être considérés dans l’étude de l’évolution des défauts d’irradiation.
-Combustible nucléaire
-Haut taux de combustion
-Théorie de Kröner
-Champ de contraintes
-Boucles d'interstitiels
-Émetteurs alpha
-Remise en solution
-Coalescence de boucles
An increase of the discharge burn-up of UO2 nuclear fuels in the light water reactors results in the appearance of a change of microscopic structure, called HBS. Although well characterised experimentally, important points on the mechanisms of its formation remain to be cleared up. In order to answer these questions, a study of the contribution of the dislocation-type defects was conducted. In a first part, a calculation method of the stress field associated with periodic configurations of dislocations was developed. The method was applied to the cases of edge dislocation pile-up and wall, for which an explicit expression of the internal stress potential was obtained. Through the study of other examples of dislocation configurations, it was highlighted that this method also allows the calculation of any periodic dislocation configuration. In a second part, the evolution of interstitial-type dislocation loops was studied in UO2 fuel samples doped with 10% in mass of alpha emitters. The experimental loop size distributions were obtained for these samples stored during 4 and 7 years at room temperature. Kinetic equations are proposed in order to study the influence of the re-solution process of interstitials from a loop back to the matrix due to an impact with the recoil atom 234U, as well as the coalescence of two interstitial loops that can diffuse by a volume mechanism. The application of the model shows that the two processes must be considered in the study of the evolution of radiation damage.
Source: http://www.theses.fr/2007INPL002N/document
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Code de la propriété intellectuelle. Articles L 122.4
Code de la propriété intellectuelle. Articles L 335.2 – L 335.10
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
pr´esent´ee a` l’INPL
pour l’obtention du grade de
Docteur de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
Sp´ecialit´e : M´ecanique et Energ´etique
J´eromeˆ JONNET
Ing´enieur ENSEM
(Ecole Nationale Sup´erieure d’Electricit´e et de M´ecanique)
soutenue publiquement le 09/01/2007 devant le jury constitu´e de :
Rapporteurs :
Michel Beauvy Directeur de Recherches, CEA, Cadarache
Samuel Forest Directeur de Recherches, CNRS / Ecole des Mines de Paris, Evry
Examinateurs :
Daniel Baron Ing´enieur-Chercheur, Electricit´e de France, Les Renardi`eres
Alain Degiovanni Professeur, INPL-LEMTA, Nancy
Etienne Patoor Professeur, Laboratoire de Physique et M´ecanique
des Mat´eriaux, Metz
Benjamin R´emy Maˆıtre de Conf´erences INPL-LEMTA, Nancy
Paul Van Uffelen Ing´enieur-Chercheur, ITU, Karlsruhe
Invit´es :
Rachid Rahouadj Maˆıtre de Conf´erences INPL-LEMTA, Nancy
Claudio Ronchi Charg´e de Recherches, ITU, Karlsruhe
Dragos Staicu Ing´enieur-Chercheur, ITU, Ke
Laboratoire d’Energ´etique et de M´ecanique Th´eorique et Appliqu´ee
2, avenue de la Forˆet de Haye - BP 160 - 54504 Vandoeuvre-l`es-NancyAcknowledgements
This PhD work, sponsored by the European Commission, has been made possible by the
of ITU, directed by Dr. C. Ronchi followed by Dr. R. Konings. I would like to thank all of
on my thesis, and to Prof. E. Patoor who chaired my defence.
I am indebted to my thesis director, Prof. A. Degiovanni who told me about the opportunity
to carry out a PhD at the ITU, and to Dr. C. Ronchi who made it possible. Special thanks
are due to Dr. C. Ronchi for his confidence and for letting me dig some theories. I wish I can
have the same vision as him on sciences.
Although not being in LEMTA, I benefited of the supervision of Dr. Benjamin R´emy, my
thesis co-director. He did not only help me in solving non-trivial equations but also tought
me subtle things on the resolution methods. Besides this, I would like to thank him for his
time, encouragement and interest in my work, even sometimes late in the afternoon (evening
would be more appropriate).
IamgreatlyindebtedtoDr.PaulVanUffelen. DuringmyPhD,Ihadtheprivilegetobenefit
fromhissupervisionandknowledge: hehelpedmeinunderstandingmanymechanismsrelated
to the fission process, his pragmatism was essential in the realization of this thesis and his
scientific approach is a model. I also thank him for correcting my English. I hope that I have
retained all his advice, because they are of great value. Thank you very much Paul.
line repetition of my defence via Skype. Dragos tought me so many tricks for programming
with Matlab or in Fortran, it seemed to me that he had created them himself. I really
appreciated to work with him, always motivating and supporting me. Thank you also for the
moments that I have shared with you apart from work.
Many thanks to Dr. Thierry Wiss and Dr. Vincenzo Rondinella for all these discussions
we had on my research topic. I would like to thank particularly Dr. Thierry Wiss for his
support, encouragement and time. He was always present to answer my questions about the
experimental results and to teach me basics on electron microscopy. He should have been
one of my official supervisors. I am also thinking of these last moments of my thesis where
he found the right words to help me in taking the step.
I am grateful to Dr. R. Rahouadj who helped me so much with his comments on my thesis
iiiand for the preparation of my defence. It is a pity that we have not collaborated earlier but
I do hope, that this will now continue with ITU on this research topic.
The Directors of ITU, Prof. G.H. Lander followed by Prof. T. Fangh¨anel are acknowledged
for their interest in my work. It is to some extent important to feel that one’s work was
recognized on all the levels.
Dr. D. Baron is also greatly acknowledged for having accepted to be a member of my jury,
and for his comments and discussions we had since our first meeting at the HBS workshop
in 2004 at ITU.
Generally speaking, I would like to address a sincere acknowledgement to the unit of Mate-
rials Research of ITU. I have spent such great moments in your company, these are engraved
forever in my memory.
Special thanks are due to Petra Strube, the essential secretary of the unit, who can arrange
things in a flash.
During these years, I could share the office with Jean-Yves Colle who raised me with the
rank of his personal secretary. Besides this, this office was frequently the place of everlasting
discussions with Franco Capone and Dr. Jean-Pol Hiernaut on topics where nobody agrees
together. Believe me, this office is very valuable.
I would like to greatly acknowledge Franco who made me benefit from his wisdom and expe-
rience of life. With the time, he considered me as his reference mark for being present at the
office with such assiduity. Thank you.
A special thought goes to Franck Delvart and the ”Euratom Tischtennis Mannshaft”: De-
nis Wojnowski, Aur´elien Pitois, Ernest Ferring, Werner Karle, Christoph Meier, Kalman
K¨ormendi, Matthias Schulz, Daqing Cui ... To play table-tennis once or twice a week was
for me the opportunity to change my mind and to live something different. I have so many
souvenirs, it would be inappropriate to state them one by one right now. Thank you so much
and good luck for the championship.
I would like to make a wink to the ITU Badminton Club, especially to Michael Joergensen,
Ian Farthing, Louise Abson, J¨org Rosenbruch and Marcus Walter. Thanks to Michael, I was
elected (or constrained to be) chairman of the club. This will remain a very good souvenir.
Many thanks to the Research Fellows from ITU, especially Rachel Pflieger, Fr´ed´eric Jutier,
Aur´elien Pitois, Juliette van der Meer, Paula Juntunen, Petronela Gotcu, Ceren Kuetahyali,
C´edric Cozzo. I wish you all the best for the future.
ManythankstoJeanGaly, CarolineScheppler, SylvainMorel, St´ephaneBirk, DarioManara,
Jean-Luc Arnoult, Marta Munoz Nieto Sandoval, Rino Di Troia & Co ... (I am pretty sure
that I have forgotten someone, I am really sorry) for the moments we have shared.
Many thanks to Gertrud Weber and her colleague of FZK (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe),
Doris Stern, who always answered perfectly to my requests and were incredibly quick in
providing me with very old books and articles.
Without the help of Vincent Magnenet for handling the formatting and font commands with
LaTeX, this thesis would not look so nice. Thank you very much for your time.
I would like to thank Val´erie Reichhart for her help in dealing with all these papers relatedto the end of a PhD thesis. I was told that this was an additional burden, but it was not in
my case, thanks to Val´erie.
I am also grateful to C´edric and Caroline Cozzo who accepted to lodge me for the last weeks
of my stay in Karlsruhe. During this time, I did not only finish my thesis and prepare my
defence, but also learnt a few recipes. I really enjoyed it. Thanks again.
Dr. Jean-Pol Hiernaut is also acknowledged for his help in allowing me to have a smooth
departure from Germany.
All my childhood and school friends are acknowledged for their support and understanding
in that I could not be present as often as I should have been. They are real friends.
Sincere thoughts go to my brother Sylvain, my sister-in-law Ghislaine and my niece Grˆace.
Although I was far from them during my PhD, I have had the privilege to be a witness to
their union. This was a wonderful moment, thank you so much.
How would it be possible that I do not thank my parents, Roberte and Gil. During all
these years (also before my PhD), though not understanding what I did exactly, they always
supported me in letting me and giving me the means to do what I wanted to. Seeing in my
parents’ eyes how proud of me they were after my defence was the most important result of
this experience. Th

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