Architect Tutorial
This handbook is the exclusive ownership of its authors and was conceded to the profit of Obe o SARL. This
handbook is protected by intellectual ownership rights.
It deals with a software product called ACCELEO, currently distributed under the open source E clipse Public
License E(PL). The distribution of this handbook is however not free.
This handbook makes it possible to fully take advantage of the many advanced functionalities o f ACCELEO
software and required on behalf of its authors and of OBEO an important compilation and synth esis work, as
well as consequent financial and time investments. Nevertheless, there may still be mistakes le ft in this
document, OBEO shall not be held responsible for any resulting inconvenience. ACCELEO as we ll as the
content of this document may be altered without prior notice.
This document is not under Free licens. eThis document can be downloaded without any fee f rom the
OBEO website after proper registering. You may read and use it for any activity, commercial or not, related
to ACCELEO. Yet permission of copying, translating or distributing freely or commercially this manual is
subject to prior approval by OBEO.
"OBEO”, "ACCELEO”, as well as OBEO and ACCELEO logosa re registered trademarks of Obeo in Fra nce
and in other countr.ies
All other names, titles, drawings, and logos are the exclusive ownership of their authors and are protected by
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