2. Pi ctu r e W ind ind o w T u tor i al ind ind In
th is
ch a p ter ,
w e p r e s en t a s h o r t t u to r i al. I t cov e r s
a n u m b er of b a s i c O r i g i n al i m age o p er at i o ns, l i k e c r o ppi ng , ad ju st i n g
b r i g h t ness , c o l o r ba l a n c e ,
a n d o t hers
th at y o u
w i ll u s e o v e r an d o v e r aga in
w i th
y o u r ima ge s .
T h e s e
o p e r at ion s
a r e ch ar ac t e ri st i c
o f Pi c t ur e Wi ndo w gen e ra l l y .
So af t e r
y o u ha v e fi ni shed
th e tu tor i al , y o u will n o t on l y b e ab le to p e r f or m th es e s p ec ific man i p u l a- F i n a l im a g e t i o n s but wi l l
g e t t i ng c o m f o r t a bl e wi t h
u s i n g
P i ct ur e Wi nd o w a s w e ll .
T h e on ly th ing y o u n e e d to do b e f o r e y o u
t r y th is gu id e d tou r is in s t al l Pic - tu r e Win d o w —e v e r y th in g el se , in c l ud in g a s a m p le im age , i s
pr o v ided . So
s t ar t Pi ctu r e Win d o w by do ub le- c licki n g its ic on an d th en loa d
a s a m p le ima g e . The pr o c ed ur e f o r
loa d ing
th e fir s t sa mple im a g e
is ne xt. The O p ening S c r een Cr opping t h e
Ima g e Adjusti n g Brig ht nes s a nd C o nt ra st Adjus t ing C o l o r Ba lanc e Sha r pe ni ng the Ima g e Adjus t ing C o l o r Sa tura tion Li g h t e ni ng
Loading an Image The first file we want to op b e i n r d i . s j peg located in the Pic ture Window installation directory. The ex j t p e e n g s i nodni-cates the file is compressed using the JPEG standard designed specifically for photographs and easily ach pression factors otfo 610 with good quality.
To load the image using the browse window:
When you first bring up Picture Window, you get a di that shown at right. The menu and tool bar are displ top of the window. B r A o wse window at the left shows thumbnails of images in any selected directory. (You the selected directory by clicking the button i browse window and choosing a new directory.)
The Image Window Notice that the image is displayed in i i m ts a g o e w window . Since the image window is used thr Picture Window, it is worth noting some of i tures.
The title bar of the image window shows the of the image. Or, if the image has not yet b in a file, the title bar displays an image num a session, increasing image numbers are al assigned, so that you can be sure that a gr ber means it’s a later version.
Zoom in: Enlarges the image within
The title bar also displays the image’s magn You can change the magnification Z wi o t o h m thbeut tons in the tool bar.
Zoom in and enlarge windo w E : nlarg
Menu Index Contents
bits per pixel
These functions are also available W o i n n d t o h w e menu.
Since cropping makes the image and thus more manageable for y computer, it’s a good idea to crop image early in the enhancement cess. However, if you are not sure whether you want to leave a feat or out, leave it in. You can always it out later.
So let’s start by cropping the ima Crop is an image transformation, located in th Tr e a nsformation menu.
Click on the menu. You will notice it contains a long list of operation grayscale (i.e. black and white) o color balance and color satur G at e i o o for resizing images and for contr
Menu Index
Picture Window Tutoria -l 13
Picture Window Tutoria l - 14
4. Preview the crop. T o see the effect of the crop, P c r l e i -c view . A small version of the image is displayed in window. You can enlarge the preview window too,
The Crop Procedure To crop the image: 1. Click on the image windo w to make sure that it is s In Picture Window, you select the image window fi select a transformation for operating on the imag 2. Display the Crop/Add Border Transformatio I n n . the Transformation menu, sele G ct e ometry and then sele Crop/Add Border . The dialog box is displayed. Noti that there are little open squares in each corner o These are “handles that you can drag with the adjust the cropping rectangle. 3. Drag the crop rectangle handl e to s achieve the crop desire. You can drag the corners or edges to adju the rectangle. You can also drag the interior of the reposition it without changing its size. To make fine adjustments, enlarge the image win ing th tool bar button or select in Z g o o th m e In men choice in th W e indow menu.
As you continue editing and the number of open windows accumulate, you mi need. One way to locate the right window is to W i u n s d e o t w h s e Displa y (Click the W indow Browse display.) It shows a hierarchical list of open windows. To select a windo
Pipeline Editing Notice that you now have two image windowsone with the unchanged original other with the changed new image. In Picture Window, most editing operation formed in place on the original image, but rather produce a new image. That pare the new version with the previous one and continue from the one you like can easily return to a previous version, even if it’s several stages back. This is when you are experimenting. You can save any image to a file at any time. On you don’t think you will be returning to a particular intermediate step, you can window, to conserve memory.
Hint: Sometimes transformation dialogs get buried under other windo st click the to bring all transformation dialogs to the top.