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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Version 6.5
Tutorial © Copyright 2000-2010 Dynagram. All rights reserved.
Printed in Canada.
DynaStrip is a registered trademark of Dynagram.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners. Note
DynaStrip imposition software has been developed for imposition
professionals. It is very flexible and easy to use. However, we recom-
mend that DynaStrip’s user be familiar with the Macintosh OS X or
Windows operating system before starting this tutorial.
DynaStrip's user interface is almost identical on all platforms. How-
ever, some functions may differ slightly depending on the environ-
ment. The Command key on the Macintosh system is replaced by the
Ctrl key on the Windows system.
The examples, templates, and source document files in this Tutorial
are fictitious and should be used for the sole purpose of learning
Release: September 27, 2010 Table of
1st Lesson ................................ 1
Overview ..................................................... 1
This exercise will demonstrate: light table, sheet viewing, plate Exercise 1
identification, icons, and toolbars. .................................... 1
New Job ....................................................... 5
In this exercise, you will create a new color-separated job for a Exercise 2
48-page saddle-stitched booklet. ...................................... 5
Create a Sheet ............................................. 6
In this ...
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Version 6.5 Tutorial
Copyright 2000-2010 Dynagram. All rights reserved.
Printed in Canada.
DynaStripis a registered trademark of Dynagram. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Release: September 27, 2010
DynaStrip imposition software has been developed for imposition professionals. It is very flexible and easy to use. However, we recom -mend thatDynaStrip’s user be familiar with theMacintosh OS X or Windowsoperating system before starting this tutorial. DynaStrip's user interface is almost identical on all platforms. How -ever, some functions may differ slightly depending on the environ -ment. TheCommandkey on theMacintoshsystem is replaced by the Ctrlkey on theWindowssystem. The examples, templates, and source document files in thisTutorial are fictitious and should be used for the sole purpose of learning DynaStrip.
Tips & Review ............................................. 14
In this exercise, you will learn two different ways to modify a gutter. .......................................................................... 12
In this exercise, you will add a signature and place it in the center of the sheet. Then you will move it to adjust the gripper width. ................................................................ 10
In this exercise, you will define the signature, including thePage andPage Marks 8parameters. .............................................
Release: September 27, 2010
Create a Sheet ............................................. 6
In this exercise, you will define the sheet parameters, add sheets, select sheets, and remove them. ...................... 6
In this exercise, you will create a new color-separated job for a 48-page saddle-stitched booklet. ...................................... 5
Exercise 3
Exercise 6
Create and Edit a Signature .......................... 8
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 1
Table of Contents 
Exercise 2
New Job ....................................................... 5
Overview ..................................................... 1
This exercise will demonstrate: light table, sheet viewing, plate identification, icons, and toolbars. .................................... 1
.n..seossLt................1 .............
2 Exercise 7
vi  Tutorial
Exercise 9
Exercise 8
Exercise 14 Exercise 15
Pagination ................................................... 23 In this exercise, you will paginate the signature manually, rotate the head of the pages, and save your folding template. 23 In this exercise, you will learn more about pagination sequences. .................................................................... 24 In this exercise, you will copy a sheet, apply the pagination for the entire job, and learn about sheet templates. ........... 26 Color Table, Source Documents and Imposition Index ........................................................... 27 In this exercise, you will prepare the color table for this CMYK job. ............................................................... 27 In this exercise, you will list the source documents, create the imposition index for the job and match colors. .................. 28
Release: September 27, 2010
Create a Linear Mark ................................... 15 In this exercise, you will create a fold mark and place two of them on the signature. ......................................... 15 Create a Register Mark ................................ 16 In this exercise, you will defineRegister Markparameters and place four of them on the sheet. ............................... 16 Import a Color Bar ........................................ 18 In this exercise, you will define a customized color bar and place it on the sheet. ..................................................... 18 Create a Text Tag ......................................... 20 In this exercise, you will add a text tag to identify the plates (slug line). .......................................................... 20
Exercise 10
3 Exercise 11 Exercise 12 Exercise 13
Tips & Review ............................................. 22
........15. ................ndLesson.......Lerd....ssno........................ 23....
Exercise 17
In this exercise, you will create anOutput Devicefor a laser printer and print the job. .........................................
Tips & Review .............................................
Exercise 16
and add a blank page. ....................................................
Output Functions ..........................................
Release: September 27, 2010
Telba fo ntCotsen erexs hi tIne lliw uoy ,esiche imposxplore ted xomedtioi nni  
Release: September 27, 2010
Overview, New Job, Create a Sheet, Create and Edit a Signature
Exercise 1 lightThis exercise will demonstrate: table, sheet viewing, plate identification, icons, and toolbars.    Open the fileDemoJobfrom theTutorialfolder (selectOpenin the Filemenu or double-click on the job icon). TheJob Definitionwin-dow will display. Click onOKto access the layout.
Functionstoolbar Sheet list Light table Front of sheet Back of sheet Objectspalette Actionstoolbar Object Positionmenu Assistant window Cursor Positionwindow
DynaStrip’s main design window represents yourlight table. Objects (press sheet, pages, marks) will appear on your light table as you create them.
Release: September 27, 2010
2  Tutorial
Release: September 27, 2010
On the left side of the screen is theSheet Listshowing all the sheets found in the job.Any sheet or group of sheets selected in this list will be displayed on your light table. All sheets are numbered and identified according to their side:F for front andBfor back. For fast recognition, the front is gray and the back is blue.
Front of sheet 1
Back of sheet 1
Select sheets 2 and 4 in theSheet List on the left side of the screen. Sheets 2F, 2B, 4F and 4B will be displayed. (To select or unselect multiple sheets one by one, hold down theCommandkey while clicking on the sheet numbers of your choice. Holding down theShiftkey allows for selecting several consecutive sheets in the list at once.) the sheets and note that theMove your mouse over Cursor Position window (lower-left corner of the screen) shows the exact position of the cursor (sheet, side, and coordinates).
and the back can be displayed simultaneously or sepaThe front  -rately. In theViewmenu, unselectSheet’s Back. Only sheets 2F and 4F are now displayed.
Sheet’s Back viewing
You may display the sheets’ back by clicking again onView > Sheet’s Back.
1st Lesson — Overview 3 DynaStrip’s tools are divided into three logical toolbars:   -Objectspalette(appears when clicking on the upper-right large button): each icon gives access to an object mode (i.e.: sheet, signature, page, marks, etc.); once an icon has been selected, the object mode becomes activated and subsequent actions will apply to this particular object.  -Actions toolbar (right-vertical bar): each icon performs a spe -cific action (i.e.: add, remove, edit, etc.) related to the active object mode.Icons appearing in theActions thus toolbar depend on the selected object mode.  -Functions toolbar (top-horizontal bar): this toolbar includes basic function icons and gives access to special features (i.e.: layers, documents, pagination, etc.). For all toolbars, tool tips appear wh en the mouse cursor is placed on an icon for about one second. This function provides the icon defini -tion. Job Definition Color Table Save Current Sheet(s) Color Layers Source Documents Sheet Layers Plate Setups Imposition Index Versions Raster Mode
Apply Pagination Layout Reflow Zoom In Zoom Out Cancel Zoom
Preferences Output DynaStream Job Ticket Flow Help
A red triangle in the lower-right corner of anAction means icon that you can also apply this action to a selection of objects (objects highlighted in red). The red triangle means the action can apply to a selection of objects TheSheet Modeis the default mode. Click on the largeSheeticon to access theObject Modespalette and select thePageicon. Exam-ine the tools in theActionsvertical toolbar below. 
Release: September 27, 2010
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