Trust based recommendations in multi-layer networks [Elektronische Ressource] / by Claudia Heß









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Trust BasedRecommendationsinMulti LayerNetworksClaudiaHeßTrust BasedRecommendationsinMulti LayerNetworksbyClaudia HeßSeptember 2007Dissertation thesis submitted in a jointly supervisedGerman-French Cotutelle to obtain the degree ofDoktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr.rer.nat.)by the University of Bamberg, Germany,Faculty for Information Systems and Applied Computer ScienceandGrade de Docteur Sp´ecialit´e Informatiqueby Paris-Sud 11 University, France,Faculty of Sciences, Ecole Doctorale d’InformatiqueDissertation directed byProf.Dr.Christoph Schlieder andProf.Dr.Michel de RougemontNum´ero d’ordre : 89571. Gutachter: Prof.Dr.Christoph Schlieder2. Gutachter: Prof.Dr.Gunther Gorz¨ ¨1. Rapporteur : Prof.Dr.Mohand-Said Hacid2. Rapporteur : Prof.Dr.Gu¨nther Go¨rzDefense of the thesis: January, 25, 2008Thesis Committee:Prof.Dr.Christoph Schlieder (thesis advisor), University of BambergProf.Dr.Michel de Rougemont (thesis advisor), Paris-Sud 11 UniversityProf.Dr.Gunther Gorz (thesis examiner), University Erlangen-Nuremberg¨ ¨Prof.Dr.Mohand-Said Hacid (thesis examiner), Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon 1Prof.Dr.Ute Schmid (chair of the thesis committee), University of BambergProf.Dr.Nicolas Spyratos, Paris-Sud 11 UniversityAbstractThe huge interest in social networking applications –, for example, hasmore than 40 million users – led to a considerable research interest in using this datafor generating recommendations.
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01 janvier 2008



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Trust BasedRecommendations
inMulti LayerNetworks
ClaudiaHeßTrust BasedRecommendations
inMulti LayerNetworks
Claudia Heß
September 2007
Dissertation thesis submitted in a jointly supervised
German-French Cotutelle to obtain the degree of
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr.rer.nat.)
by the University of Bamberg, Germany,
Faculty for Information Systems and Applied Computer Science
Grade de Docteur Sp´ecialit´e Informatique
by Paris-Sud 11 University, France,
Faculty of Sciences, Ecole Doctorale d’Informatique
Dissertation directed by
Prof.Dr.Christoph Schlieder and
Prof.Dr.Michel de RougemontNum´ero d’ordre : 8957
1. Gutachter: Prof.Dr.Christoph Schlieder
2. Gutachter: Prof.Dr.Gunther Gorz¨ ¨
1. Rapporteur : Prof.Dr.Mohand-Said Hacid
2. Rapporteur : Prof.Dr.Gu¨nther Go¨rz
Defense of the thesis: January, 25, 2008
Thesis Committee:
Prof.Dr.Christoph Schlieder (thesis advisor), University of Bamberg
Prof.Dr.Michel de Rougemont (thesis advisor), Paris-Sud 11 University
Prof.Dr.Gunther Gorz (thesis examiner), University Erlangen-Nuremberg¨ ¨
Prof.Dr.Mohand-Said Hacid (thesis examiner), Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Prof.Dr.Ute Schmid (chair of the thesis committee), University of Bamberg
Prof.Dr.Nicolas Spyratos, Paris-Sud 11 UniversityAbstract
The huge interest in social networking applications –, for example, has
more than 40 million users – led to a considerable research interest in using this data
for generating recommendations. Especially recommendation techniques that analyze
social trust networks were found to provide very accurate results. In this disserta-
tion, I use trust information for personalizing document recommendations. I show
the benefits of such trust-enhanced recommendations in the context of digital libraries
and wikis. Documents are often linked by some reference mechanism, for example,
citations between scientific publications or hyperlinks between websites. Measures for
the visibility of documents use this document reference network. A document is con-
sidered the more important, the more often it is referenced by important documents.
A recommendation based exclusively on citations, however, can be misleading: there
exist articles, highly visible in terms of citation rank, which years after their publica-
tion are proven to rely on forged data – recall, for instance, the stem cell researcher
Hwang whose most-cited publications have been revealed as faked. A trust-based
recommender system would advise against a forged article if its author is distrusted.
Evaluating the reliability of a document is also important in wikis. In Wikipedia, for
example, the question on the accuracy of the information provided is central because
millions of often anonymous users contribute.
I suggest a joint analysis of social trust networks and document reference networks.
Actually, the idea can be extended to more networks, for example, organization net-
works. In such a multi-layer architecture, information can be propagated within and
between the layers. Trust-based recommendations and reference-based visibilities can
thus be integrated. Apart from the specification of the multi-layer framework, the
focus of the dissertation is on the development of such trust-enhanced visibility mea-
sures.An important requirement for these measures is that they are efficiently com-
putable at query time, i.e. in direct response to a user query. I present two sets of
measures, namely for author and reviewer trust networks. The trust-review-enhanced
visibilities, the so-called TRE-visibilities, integrate users’ reviews into reference-based
measures on documents. Reviews by highly trusted users considerably influence the
recommendation because high trust means appreciating these users’ reviews. Author-
trust-enhanced visibilities, the so-called ATE-visibilities, connect an author trust net-
work with the document reference network. The degree of trust refers now to an
author’s capabilities to produce new research results or to compile a survey article.
IThe reference-based visibilities of documents are modulated by the trust in their au-
thors. With the TRE- and the ATE-visibility measures, I have defined functions for
both basic types of two-layer networks.
The trust-enhanced visibility measures are evaluated in the simulation environment
Comte which was designed for analyzing large communication processes, such as col-
laboratively authored wiki pages or scholarly publications. Both TRE- and ATE-
visibilitiesarecomputedfromtheperspectiveofauser. Resultsshowthattheyclearly
reflect this user’s personal preferences expressed in the trust statements and in the re-
views. The impact of trust and distrust statements could be shown by comparing
visibilities and rankings for two users with diverging trust statements. The TRE- and
the ATE-visibility measures efficiently downgrade fraudulent papers in their visibility
and thus in their position in a document ranking.
When ranking scientific papers provided by different digital libraries or webpages
offered on several mirrors, duplicate documents have to be taken into consideration
because they distort the results by visibility measures. I develop a model of uncer-
tainty thatpermitsdealingwithuncertaintyduringthecomputationoftrust-enhanced
visibilities. As recommendations and rankings have to be generated very efficiently, I
introduce an approximation approach and apply it to the TRE-visibility.
The trust-based Scientific Paper Recommender SPRec implements the two-layer
architecture consisting of a reviewer trust network and a document reference net-
work. While a reviewer trust network is established directly between the users, the
document reference network is based on the metadata on academic papers provided
by CiteSeer. SPRec generates personalized document recommendations and rankings
with the TRE-visibility.
Soziale Netzwerke mit Millionen von Nutzern – zum Beispiel sind mehr als 40 Mil-
lionen Benutzer auf registriert – haben zu einem großen Interesse an
der Fragestellung gefu¨hrt, wie die Informationen aus solchen sozialen Netzwerken in
zeigt, dass vor allem Techniken, die soziale Vertrauensnetzwerke zur Grundlage neh-
men, sehr gute Ergebnisse liefern. In meiner Dissertation nutze ich die Informationen
daru¨ber, wer wem zu welchem Grad vertraut, um Empfehlungen fu¨r Dokumente zu
Bereichen Digitale Bibliotheken und Wikis. Ha¨ufig verweisen Dokumente aufeinander:
Referenzen sind beispielsweise Zitate zwischen wissenschaftlichen Publikationen oder
Hyperlinks zwischen Webseiten. Maße fu¨r die Sichtbarkeit eines Dokumentes nutzen
dieses Dokumentennetzwerk. Ein Dokument wird als umso wichtiger erachtet, je mehr
tur beruht, kann jedoch auch irrefu¨hrend sein: es gibt Artikel, die hinsichtlich ihres
nach ihrer Ver¨offentlichung – herausstellt, dass sie auf gefa¨lschten Daten beruhen. Ein
solches Beispiel ist der Fall des Stammzellenforschers Hwang, dessen bahnbrechende
Forschungsergebnisse sich als gef¨alscht herausgestellt haben. Ein vertrauensbasiertes
der Verlasslichkeit von Informationen, weil Millionen von haufig anonymen Nutzern¨ ¨
die Artikel erstellen.
In dieser Arbeit schlage ich die gemeinsame Analyse von Vertrauensnetzwerken und
Dokumentennetzwerken vor. Weitere Netzwerke, wie zum Beispiel Organisationsnetz-
werke ko¨nnen noch hinzugefu¨gt werden. In einer derartigen mehrschichtigen Archi-
tektur konnen Informationen innerhalb der einzelnen Schichten sowie zwischen den¨
Schichten propagiert werden. Vertrauensbasierte Empfehlungen und Sichtbarkeiten,
die auf der Verweisstruktur zwischen den Dokumenten basieren, ko¨nnen damit in-
tegriert werden. Neben der Spezifikation der mehrschichtigen Architektur liegt der
Schwerpunkt der Dissertation auf der Entwicklung solcher vertrauensbasierter Sicht-
barkeitsmaße. Eine wichtige Anforderung ist, dass diese Maße effizient zur Anfrage-
zeit berechenbar sind und damit die Ergebnisse zu einer Anfrage direkt zuru¨ckzu-
IIIgeben werden konnen. Ich prasentiere zwei Arten von Maßen, namlich fur Vertrau-¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
ensnetzwerke zwischen Autoren und zwischen Lesern, die die Dokumente bewerten.
Letztere, namlich die TRE (trust-review-enhanced)-Sichtbarkeitsmaße integrieren die¨
Vertrauens- und die Dokumentenbewertungen (Reviews) in referenzbasierte Sichtbar-
keitsmaße. Reviews von Nutzern, die als vertrauenswurdig eingestuft werden, haben¨
einen starken Einfluss auf die Empfehlung, weil ein hohes Vertrauen bedeutet, dass
die Reviews dieses Nutzers gut passen. Im Gegensatz dazu basieren die ATE (author-

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