Standard 1: Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process to write for a variety of purposes and audiences
Benchmark 3.1.1 Demonstrates prewriting skills Goal Area (s) covered under the benchmark: Writing Process Brainstorming supporting details for a given topic Uses graphic organizers as a prewriting strategy Uses webs/clusters as a prewriting strategy Uses story maps as a prewriting strategy Adapts writing for different audiences (e.g. focus, organization, point of view) Identifies writing appropriate to purpose (to inform) Identifies writing appropriate to purpose (to entertain)
Benchmark 3.1.2 Demonstrates composing skills Goal Area (s) covered under the benchmark: Writing Process Identifies descriptive words that convey ideas in writing Restates sentences using varied word order (syntax) Describes the process of revision Uses the revision process to add detail Evaluates the word order and form of sentences
Benchmark 3.1.3 Demonstrates editing and proofreading skills Goal Area (s) covered under the benchmark: Writing Process Edits for proper capitalization (e.g. pronoun “I”, proper nouns, beginning of sentences) Uses margins within compositions Uses indentations at the beginning of paragraphs Edits composition for proper grammar Edits for level-appropriate spelling
Benchmark 3.1.4 Uses appropriate forms of writing Goal Area (s) covered under the benchmark: ...