The New Spotlight on Transportation Management and How Best in Class Companies Are Responding
September 2006
Transportation Management Benchmark Report
Executive Summary Transportation management is moving out of the shadows and into a strategic role in driving supply chain excellence. In recognition of this, most companies are actively re- evaluating their transportation management processes, organizational structure, and tech- nology. More than three-quarters of transportation executives surveyed by Aberdeen have been asked to make recommendations for transportation process improvement in just the past six months. Nearly two-thirds have also recommended improving their transportation management technology. Companies that are Best in Class in transportation management have been able to de- crease their total freight budget over the past two years (discounting changes in sales volume). By comparison, 82% of all respondents saw their freight costs stagnate or in- crease. Across all study participants, the average increase in freight budgets over the past two years has been 10%. As Figure i shows, the Best in Class also lead in other key met- rics, including a 69% advantage in transportation spend as a % of sales over Laggards. Figure i: Best in Class Performance Advantages Median Freight Spend as % of Sales Median On-Time Delivery Percentage 6% 96% 5%5% 95%95% 5.5 ...
The Transportation Management Benchmark Report The New Spotlight on Transportation Management and How Best in Class Companies Are Responding September 2006