The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Table of Contents Goals 1 Create and/or Load a Model into the NWB Tool 1 Create a Model 1 Load a Model 1 Using the Discrete Network Dynamics (DND) Tool 1 Evaluating a Boolean Network Model 1 Additional Parameters 1 Evaluating a Polynomial Network Model 1 Analyzing the Attractors 1 Visualizing the Attractor Basins 1 Summary 1 Acknowledgments 1 Creating Functions 1 GUESS Commands 1 A Boolean Network Model of Cancer 1 Results 1 Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial Goals This tutorial introduces the Discrete Network Dynamics tool. You will learn how to perform the following: • Load or create multi-state discrete network model. • Generate the state space graph of the model using the Discrete Network Dynamics tool. • Analyze the attractors of the state space. • Generate a visualization of one of the attractor basins. Create and/or Load a Model into the NWB Tool Create a Model You can create your own model or load one from our data sets. Creating a model requires some set of interactions you wish to explore using a set number of states and discrete time. A model is created by creating a set of equations that detail the interactions and saving them into a .csv file. The easiest way to do this is to open a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or ...
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial Table of Contents Goals Create and/or Load a Model into the NWB Tool Create a Model Load a Model Using the Discrete Network Dynamics (DND) Tool Evaluating a Boolean Network Model Additional Parameters Evaluating a Polynomial Network Model Analyzing the Attractors Visualizing the Attractor Basins Summary Acknowledgments Creating Functions GUESS Commands A Boolean Network Model of Cancer Results
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial Goals This tutorial introduces the Discrete Network Dynamics tool. You will learn how to perform the following: • Load or create multi-state discrete network model. • Generate the state space graph of the model using the Discrete Network Dynamics tool. • Analyze the attractors of the state space. • Generate a visualization of one of the attractor basins. Create and/or Load a Model into the NWB Tool Create a Model You can create your own model or load one from our data sets. Creating a model requires some set of interactions you wish to explore using a set number of states and discrete time. A model is created by creating a set of equations that detail the interactions and saving them into a .csv file. The easiest way to do this is to open
a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc to do your editing (see Figure 1 ). Figure 1: A sample multi-state network model opened in a spreadsheet program 1.1.1. Create a heading for each column in the table, at a minimum you need a column to hold your functions, but you can add additional information for the dependency graphs by including additional columns. 1.1.2. Each row represents a component you wish to examine in relationship to other components. You create a function for each component that describes the relationship. See the section Creating Functions for how to create a valid function. 1.1.3. After you have created your functions, export your spreadsheet to .csv format. Check the documentation for your spreadsheet program on how to do this. The final .csv file should look similar to Figure 2 .
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Figure 2: Final .csv file of some sample data. Load a Model It is assumed that you have installed the NWB tool and are familiar with the load operations described in The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Getting Started . To load a model, simply select File → Load... in the main menu and select a model file either from the sample data sets provided by the NWB tool at *NWB_Installation_Directory*/sampledata/DND/filename (see Figure 1 ) or from your own collection. We will be examining two network models for this tutorial: the one described by Figure 2 and the one described
by Figure 3 . Both can be found in the sample data directory. Figure 3: A polynomial model After loading them both into NWB your workspace should look like Figure 4 .
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The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Figure 4: Workspace after loading in two sample models Using the Discrete Network Dynamics (DND) Tool Once the models are loaded, they show up in the Data Manager window (Figure 4) this allows you to manipulate them in some basic ways, such as viewing them as text files or discarding them. These operations are covered in The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Getting Started . Evaluating a Boolean Network Model We will start off by evaluating the graduationUseCase.csv model. This is a toy model that will tell us under what conditions a graduate student might graduate. Click on the model in the Data Manager window and select
the Discrete Network Dynamics (DND) from the Modeling menu ( Figure 5 ). Figure 5: Selecting the DND tool from the menu. Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial After selecting the DND modeling algorithm, it will bring up a window which displays the various parameters of the algorithm. For now we will just evaluate the network using the basic options. Set the Function Label to the column name that defines the functions and set the Input Function Format to Boolean as in Figure 6 , then
press OK . Figure 6: Setting the parameters The algorithm will run and it should produce the results found in Figure 7 . There are three graphs that are generated, the dependency graph, the dependency graph with pseudo-nodes, and a state space graph. The dependency graph and the dependency graph with pseudo-nodes are representations of the model, while the state space graph is an exploration of the model. Visualizing the state space graph using one of the visualization
algorithms under the Visualization menu, you can identify important components in the model. Figure 7: Data Manager after analysis of the Boolean network model.
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial Examining the dependency graph of the Boolean network model described the graduationUseCase.csv file using the GUESS visualization with some transformations of the graph 1 , we see that writing the thesis is the most important component of the model in that it influences the most components ( Figure 8 ). The commands used to generate the visualization found in Figure 8 are found in the GUESS Commands section and correspond to commands 1 , 2 , and 3 .
Additional Parameters Now we are going to consider some of the additional parameters for this model. Let us assume we know that the student visits their advisor first, then writes the thesis, then people show up for the defense, then we check to see if the student graduates. We are using the last three columns as parameters and so can update those last. Also, given the above update sequence, let us also say we are interested in the situations where the advisor is not pleased with the work. We can perform these calculations by filling in the GUI as shown in Figure 9 . It helps to examine the function file when setting these additional parameters. .
The new Dependency Graphs along with the new state space graph should show up underneath the main file as shown in Figure 10 .
1 A manual for using GUESS can be found at Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Figure 10: Data Manager after analyzing network for the second time. This part of the tutorial has covered the necessary steps to enumerate the state space of a Boolean network model. We have done the following: 1. Loaded a .csv file describing the model 2. Selected the DND tool from the Modeling menu 3. Analyzed the network using default parameters 4. Analyzed the network using additional information provided in the optional parameters The next step of the tutorial will be brief and use the second file that we loaded for simple analysis using the default parameter settings for discrete Polynomial network models. Evaluating a Polynomial Network Model In this section we evaluate a simple polynomial network model. This is a toy model, similar to the previous one, but even more simple. It details a theoretical person’s decisions about how much of a specific fruit to eat based on relationships between other fruit. Select the file simplePolynomialUseCase.csv that we loaded and select View or View With... as described in The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Getting Started . Doing so should bring up something like Figure 11 . Notice that there are more operators available for analyzing polynomial network models. The possible operators are discussed in the section Creating Functions . Now we select the DND tool from the Modeling menu and select a number of states per node, say five, since our theoretical person does not want to eat any more than five of each of the fruits per day. The GUI should look like Figure 12 . Press the OK button to analyze the model. This should give you results similar to Figure 13 .
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Figure 12: Parameter selection for a polynomial network. Analyzing the Attractors After we have generated the state space, we want to be able to see what sort of behavior our model has. We do this by analyzing the attractors. Analyzing the attractors will tell us what the steady states of the model are and allow us to compare our model with experimental data. To do this we must first select the state space graph and the original model in the data manager and select Extract Attractors from the Analysis → Unweighted & Directed menu ( Figure 13 ).
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial
Figure 13: Preparing to analyze the attractors of the Boolean network model. The GUI for Extract Attractors should pop up and we optionally select the column in our model file that contains the labels we want to use for our attractors Figure 14 ). Currently, the Number of States per Node is not functional but will be used in future versions of the algorithm. Press OK to complete the extraction and
analysis. Figure 14: GUI for Extract Attractors. After the analysis is complete there should be a list of attractor basins and table views of the attractor for each basin. Before looking at the attractors individually, we want to examine the entire state space. Select the Network Analysis Toolkit under the Tools menu, as described in The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Getting Started . This will give us an overview of the state space graph and tell us where the single node attractors are by listing the self-loops. In this case, every attractor has a single node attractor. If we examine the self-loops from the Network Analysis Toolkit, we see that there are three attractors where our theoretical student graduates. We can choose to view the attractors by selecting a Table View of Attractor # and choosing to View or View With... to see what the final attractor looks like. This becomes more useful in real models such as the model found in the section A Boolean Network Model of Colorectal Cancer . The View or View With... presents the attractor in table form with the labels we selected in the GUI. This enables us to see what states our attractors take and, based on our knowledge of the model, draw conclusions on how the system behaves. A sample view of an attractor table can be found in Table 1 .
Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial Write the Defend the Visit the People attend Student People are The advisor is The board is thesis thesis advisor the defense graduates interested in pleased with pleased with thesis title the work the work 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write the Defend the Visit the People attend Student People are The advisor is The board is thesis thesis advisor the defense graduates interested in pleased with pleased with thesis title the work the work 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 We can see that in this case, while the student has written and presented the thesis, no one was interested and neither the board nor the advisor was pleased with the work and so the student fails to graduate. A more interesting behavior can be seen if we analyze the attractors of our polynomial model. Table 2 shows the behavior of the first attractor in the polynomial case. apples oranges bananas 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 4 4 oran es bananas 2 2 4 4 4 4 Here we have a loop in our attractor rather than a steady node. Attractors in these types of discrete networks will always be nodes or loops. A biological application can be found in the section A Boolean Network Model of Colorectal Cancer , where we look at what conclusions can be drawn from the table view of the attractors. Another way of analyzing the system qualitatively is to visualize the entire system. While visualizing large systems is computationally intensive, after separating the attractor basins will hopefully allow us to view each basin individually without taxing our resources too much. Visualizing the Attractor Basins Visualizing the attractor basins gives a qualitative overview of the basins. Visualization can give insight into critical transitions in the graph as well as the likelihood that a given initial condition will reach the attractor given random perturbations. There are several visualization algorithms available in Network Workbench , but for the following visualizations we will be using GUESS. The code used to generate the visualizations is found in GUESS Commands section. We will visualize two attractor basins, one from the Boolean model and one from the polynomial model. We start with the Boolean network model. 1. Select Attractor Basin 8 of 32 nodes under the graduationUseCase.csv model.
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The NWB Tool Basic Tutorial: Discrete Network Dynamics Tutorial 2. Select GUESS from the Visualization menu. This should display a new window that looks something like
Figure 15 . Figure 15: Guess Visualization application 3. At the bottom of the GUESS window, select the Interpreter . This will pull up a console in which we can enter commands. 4. Enter commands 1 and 4 from the GUESS Commands section. This should generate a visualization that
looks similar to Figure 16 . Figure 16: Visualization of Attractor Basin 8 with GEM layout. Last Modified: Wednesday, July 2, 2008