The Lithuanian World Community’s development 1940s – 1970s ; Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės raida xx a. 5 – 8 dešimtmečiuose







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VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LITHUANIAN HISTORY Daiva SIMANAVI ČI ŪT Ė THE LITHUANIAN WORLD COMMUNITY’S DEVELOPMENT 1940s – 1970s Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, History (05H) Kaunas, 2008 The dissertation has been prepared at Vytautas Magnus University in 2004–2008 The doctoral study licence is granted to Vytautas Magnus University together with the Institute of Lithuanian History by resolution No. 926 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 15th of July, 2003 Scientific supervisor: Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravi čius (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). The Board of defence of the dissertation: Chairman: Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). Members: Dr. Daiva Dapkut ė (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis (Vilnius University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolas Romeris University, Humanities, History 05H); Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H). Opponents: Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, History 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskien ė (Institute of Lithuanian History, Huma05H) The official defence of the dissertation will be held at 15 p. m.
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Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, History (05H) Kaunas, 2008
The dissertation has been prepared at Vytautas Magnus University in 20042008 The doctoral study licence is granted to Vytautas Magnus University together with the Institute of Lithuanian History by resolution No. 926 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 15th of July, 2003 Scientific supervisor: Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). The Board of defence of the dissertation: Chairman: Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). Members: Dr. Daiva Dapkut(Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis (Vilnius University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolas Romeris University, Humanities, History 05H); Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H). Opponents: Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, History 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskien(Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H) The official defence of the dissertation will be held at 15 p. m. on December 18, 2008 In the auditorium of Adolfas apoka (no. 508), Vytautas Magnus University, K. Donelaičio 58, Kaunas, Lithuania Summary of the doctoral dissertation was sent out on November ., 2008. The dissertation is available at the National M. Mavydas library, library of Vytautas Magnus University and library of Institute of Lithuanian History.
Daktaro disertacija Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05 H) Kaunas, 2008
Disertacija rengta 2004  2008 metais Vytauto Didiojo Universitete Doktorantros teissuteikta Vytauto Didiojo universitetui kartu su Lietuvos istorijos institutu 2003 m. Liepos 15 d. Lietuvos respublikos nutarimu nr. 926. Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. habil. dr.Egidijus Aleksandravičius(Vytauto Didiojo Universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05 H). Disertacija bus ginama Vytauto Didiojo Universitete Humanitariniu mokslistorijos krypties taryboje. Pirmininkas Doc. dr.Saulius Pivoras(Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Nariai: Dr.Daiva Dapkut(Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr.Algirdas Jakubčionis(Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr.Antanas Kulakauskas(Mykolo Romerio universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Doc. dr.Rimantas Miknys(Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Oponentai: Prof. dr.Juozas Skirius(Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Dr.Vitalija Stravinskien(Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Disertacija bus ginama vieame Humanitarinimokslsrities istorijos krypties tarybos posdyje, kurisvyks 2008 m. gruodio 18 d. 15.00 val. Vytauto Didiojo universitete, A. apokos auditorijoje (508), K. Donelaičio g. 52, Kaunas Disertacijos santrauka isista 2008 m. lapkričio.... d. Su disertacija galima susipainti Lietuvos nacionalinje M. Mavydo, Vytauto Didiojo universiteto ir Lietuvos istorijos instituto bibliotekose.
IntroductionIn the 21st century the research of migration processes became very important because of the increased globalization and its influence on the social development. The recent migration studies pay relatively more attention to the formation of migrant organizations abroad, migrants ties with the homeland, and host countries social and political influence on the features of migrant associations. However, the studies, which present the historical development of diaspora and migrant organizations in the world, have significant impact. The collapse of the Soviet Union influenced scholars to study migration, because researchers of the Baltic and East Central European states could now easily analyze this issue. Secondly, the diaspora activity of migrants from those countries prompted the investigation of diaspora organizations over the world. After the Second World War refugees to the Western countries declared very clearly their willingness to fight for the independence of their countries. After the former Soviet states declared their independence in the 1990s the activity of such ethnic groups became the object for researches in the host lands, as well as in the countries of origin. The studies of emigrant associations and formations of emigrant community abroad are very important in the present context of Lithuania, because of the increased social development of émigré organizational life in the receiving countries. Furthermore, such social changes also motivate scholars to analyse the development of migrant organizations in the world in historical perspective. One of the most important émigré organisations is the Lithuanian World Community (LWC, or PLB (Pasaulio lietuvibendruomen), in its Lithuanian acronym), which was established by political refugees with the goal of uniting all the dispersed Lithuanians over the world. After Lithuania declared independence, the Lithuanian World Community continued its activity in the world, establishing new Lithuanian communities. For this purpose, it is important to analyze the formation and development of this organization and organizational features of Lithuanian émigrés, as well as the lessons of a diasporic citizenship. After the Second World War political motives were essential in mobilizing émigrés, so the organizational and political aspects, in connection with other closely related problems, are analyzed in this dissertation.
Chronological boundaries of the work.The earliest margin represents the period of DP camps, when VLIK (The Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, or Vyriausiasis Lietuvos ilaisvinimo komitetas VLIKas in Lithuanian) analyzed the problem of Lithuanian dispersal in the world and the Lithuanian World Community was established. On June 14, 1949 the Lithuanian Charta and temporary constitution of the organization were adopted. According to these documents, Lithuanian communities were organized in several countries. The discussion about the representation of Lithuanian émigré community among the main organizations (Lithuanian World Community, Lithuanian American Council, VLIK) continued until the late 1970s. It influenced the delayed formation of the Lithuanian World Community. By the late 1970s the main organizations decided not to restructure their organizational principles and continued their activities independently, according to their chief aims and methods. This agreement influenced the organizational features of the Lithuanian émigré community and the stable organizational forms of the Lithuanian World Community. Therefore, the chronological boundaries of the present work comprise the first stage of the development of the Lithuanian World Community. However, the idea of a worldwide Lithuanian organization emerged in the First Republic of Lithuania (19181940). For this reason work analyzes the mobilisation of Lithuanian during this period. In the first place the idea of establishing a colony to consolidate Lithuanians abroad is researched. However, the main attention is focused on describing the origins of the idea of the Lithuanian World Community, so the organizationsDraugijos usienio lietuviams remtiandPasaulio lietuvi sąjunga, their purpose and main tasks are examined. Object of research:The Lithuanian World Communityin the 1940s  1970s.Aim of work:Reconstruct the organizational and political development aspects of the Lithuanian World Community in the 1940s  1970s.Principal tasks of work ƒ Review the mobilization ideas of the dispersed Lithuanians in the world; analyze the basic activity and organizational features of theDraugijos usienio lietuviams remtiandPasaulio LietuviSąjungaassociations.ƒDescribe the organizational aspects ofLietuvi tremtini bendruomen,  reconstruct the establishment of the Lithuanian World Community, present the
main organizational motives and principles, and reveal the attitudes of theVLIK and Lithuanian American Council towards the Lithuanian World Community.ƒ features of establishing Lithuanian communities in theAnalyze conditions and world, explore the WLC head institution, and describe the cooperation among the Lithuanian World Community board and Lithuanian communities over the world.ƒ Explore the Lithuanian World Communitys role in mobilizing Lithuanian youth in the world and the impact of the organized second generation on Lithuanian community institutions; describe the development of the relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association.ƒ Reconstruct the position and activities of the Lithuanian World Community in the political organization of the Lithuanian émigré community, analyze the issue of the émigré representation problem between the main organization the Lithuanian World Community and VLIK; to describe the attitude of the Lithuanian World Community towards the question of communication with occupied Lithuania and the questions influence on the organizational changes and facets of political activity of the Lithuanian World Community.ƒ between the Lithuanian World Community and theDescribe the relationship Lithuanian American council in organizing lobby in the USA, present the influence of the Lithuanian World Community in mobilizing Lithuanian communities over the world to lobby for the interests of the Lithuanian diaspora.The above mentioned aim and tasks determine thestructureon the work. The work comprises of an introduction, four chapters, and summarizing conclusions. The first chapterfeatures the lessons of the migration policy in the first Republic of Lithuania and the ideas of mobilizing Lithuanians over the world. Colonizations plans to mobilize Lithuanians abroad are explored. Further, the impact of civic associations Draugijos usienio lietuviams remti andPasaulio lietuvi sąjunga organizing in dispersed Lithuanians is analyzed. In the second chapterit is explored how the policy of the Western countries influenced Lithuanian mobilization after the Second World War. Secondly, the establishment of the
Lithuanian World Community is reconstructed, and the relationships between different waves of émigrés organizations are discussed. The third chapterdescribes the conditions and explains how the Lithuanian communities were established in the countries of immigration. The organizational structure of the Lithuanian World Community board and the development of its relationship with Lithuanian communities is analyzed. The mobilization of the second generation of Lithuanians in the world is investigated. The development of the relations between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association is also analyzed.The fourthchapter highlights the political activity of the Lithuanian World Community and analyzes representational problems of the main organisations. The Lithuanian World Communitys attitude towards the occupied homeland and the change of the conception of political activity are analyzed. The chapter then proceeds to describe the plans to change the organizational structures of Lithuanian émigré organizations. The influence and organisational features of the Lithuanian World Communitys lobby in the USA and the world are explored.Research methods.When carrying out this work, descriptive, analytical and semi structural interviewing methods were used.Historiography.The organizational and political aspects of the establishment and development ofWorld Community are not well researched.the Lithuanian Although the present historiography allows the researcher to explore the main features of the activity of the Lithuanian World Community, there are no studies that analyze the mobilizational aspects of the dispersed Lithuanians. In her bookPasaulio lietuvibendruomen194920031,Vitalija Stravinskien, a pioneer of the research of the history of the Lithuanian World Community, describes the key facts of the organizations history, presents persons, who took part in the organization, describes aspects of the organizations activity and purpose. The author, however, ascribes higher relevance to the Lithuanian World Community, than to the organisational problems of dispersed Lithuanians. While the book describes the development of the Lithuanian World Community, less attention is dedicated to the organizational (including political) problems of the Lithuanian diaspora, which 1Pasaulio Lietuvibendruomen19492003, sud. Vitalija Stravinskien, Vilnius, Artlora, 2004.
influenced the organizational patterns of the development of the Lithuanian World Community. The works of Giedrius Janauskas and Juozas Banionis on the Lithuanian lobby and the political activity of the Lithuanian diaspora should also be mentioned. G. Janauskas work (Congressional Action of Lithuanians in North America in Relation to the Policy of Non Recognition of the Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States: late 1950s  1990) shows the importance of the Lithuanian World Community, as well as the Lithuanian communities the USA and Canada in organizing the Lithuanian lobby in North America. Although G. Janauskas does not analyze these organizations in detail, he nevertheless shows the correlation between the activity of the ethnic group, and the political and social system of the host country. In addition, he demonstrates how the second generation integrated the organisational elements of the political activity of the host country into the lobbying actions of the Lithuanian community. J. Banionis works show the activities of Lithuanian émigré organisations in the international sphere. The author asserts that the organisations were collaborating in the political activities, and representing the Lithuanian émigré community; he also identifies the problematic aspects of the organization of Lithuanian associations, but he does not investigate them further. The people diplomacy2aspect of the Lithuanian World Community, and its relationship to the home countrys institutions in exile is little explored in Lithuanian historiography. In contrast, Laurynas Jonuauskas book3emphasizes the problems between the Lithuanian diplomatic service and the VLIK regarding the issues of government in exile, but the author less investigates the importance of Lithuanian diplomatic service for Lithuanian émigrés, and their lobby efforts to preserve it. The Lithuanian World Community as the main diaspora organization became a partner of the independent Lithuanias diplomatic service in exile. Hence, it is important to note the aspects of this collaboration, because it shows the features of political activity of the Lithuanian World Community in the host countries.
2lAeksandravičius Egidijus, Ieivija ir Lietuvos usienio politikos udaviniai,Oikos: Lietuvimigracijos ir diasporos studijos, Versus aureus, 2006, nr. 1, p. 12. 3Jonuauskas Laurynas,Likimo vedami, Lietuvos diplomatins tarnybos egzilyje veikla 19401991, Lietuvos gyventojir rezistencijos Tyrimo centras, Vilnius, 2003.Genocido
Sources. The most important material for investigating this topic is preserved in the funds of the Emigration Institute* at the Vytautas Magnus University. Vytautas Kamantas The Lithuanian World community archive is the most valuable, because it contains the protocols of the organizations board sessions, as well as correspondence with Lithuanian communities over the world, and members of the organizations. The archival documents of Valdas Adamkus fund show the political organizational problems and reform plans of Lithuanian organizations. To reconstruct the establishment of The Lithuanian World Community the protocols from sessions of the VLIK and the correspondence of Mykolas Krupavičius were used. These documents are preserved in the Archives of the Lithuanian Historical Institute ((f. 54) Prelato Mykolo. Krupavičiaus4ir Lietuvos krikčioni demokratsąjungos ). The document publicationVLIK and protocols of sessions of the Lithuanian diplomatic service5were particularly adjuvant. These data allowed to explore in the historiography unknown details of Lithuanian mobilization after the Second World War and the difficulties connected with establishing the Lithuanian World Community. In addition, sources of theLietuvos centriniame valstybiniame archyve(LCVA) (f. 648, f. 656, f. R 754) were used to reconstruct the émigré politicians attitude towards the Lithuanian World community. In exploring the First Republic of Lithuanias features of migration policy and the ideas for mobilizing Lithuanians in the world the document collection Lietuvos Respublikos emigracijos politika 19201940 m.6was the primary source for this investigation.The journalPasaulio lietuvis (The Worlds Lithuanians) and other publications produced by the Lithuanian World Community7were important for reviewing the organizational ideas and aspects of the organizations activities. Important sources used *Vytauto Didiojo universiteto Lietuviieivijos institute archyvai saugomi ir moksliniai tyrimai vykdomi Ieivijos studijcentre (ISC). 4Mykolas Krupavičius (18851970)  kunigas, priklaus krik Lietuvosčioni demokrat partijos krjas, VLIKo pirmininkas 19451955 m. 5VLIKas ir Lietuvos diplomatin tarnyba ieivijoje. Berno ir Paryiaus konferencij protokolai, Sud. Asta Petraityt, Vilnius, Versus aureus, 2004 6Lietuvos Respublikos emigracijos politika 19201940 m., sud. Vitalija Kasperavičit, Versus aureus, 2006 7PLB seimo vadovas, (1958),Pasaulio lietuvi bendruomens Antrojo seimo darbai, red. A. Rinknas, Torontas, Kanada 1963 m.; PLB III seimas New York 1968, dr. K. Valinas, dr. J. Kazickas, Neris, International Inc. New York,Vsis PLB seimas, 1978 birelio 30liepos 4, Toronto, Ont., redagavo Romas Kasparas, Chicago (Ill.), Pasaulio lietuvibendruomens valdyba, 1978.
during the preparation of this dissertation were the periodicals:laisvę,Akiračiai,Aidai, Metmenys,Lietuvi dienos,Tvynssargas,Draugas,Dirva,Naujienos,Tviksiburiai, Santarv. Published memoirs allowed to explore in the first place the conflict between the two different waves of Lithuanian émigrés, and secondly, the political aspects of the organizational issues of Lithuanian émigré organizations. Memoirs byBronius Nainys 9 Lietuvai ir lietuvybei8,Leonardas imutisAmerikos lietuvi taryba, Vaclovas SidzikauskasLietuvos diplomatijos paratje10,Valdo AdamkausLikimo vardas Lietuva11deserve a special mention. In collecting material about the World Lithuanian Community organization, interviews were conducted with the following representatives of the organization: Mykolas Drunga, Algimantas Gureckas, Antanas Saulaitis and Elona Vainien. The work analyses the organizational political aspects of the World Lithuanian Community, which have not been explored yet. Most of the sources employed preparing the theses were used for the fist time. The impact of the World Lithuanian Community on the history of the Lithuanian emigration is very important. Not all areas of the organizations activity have been analyzed so far, although the organizational and political aspects of the World Lithuanian Community in 1940s1970s explored in this dissertation are expected to expand the knowledge of the organizations history, and to influence further comparative research of the Lithuanian migrants organization, both historically and today.
8Nainys Bronius,Lietuvai ir lietuvybei, JAV LietuviBendruomens 50metis, Chicago, 2001.9Simutis L.,Amerikos lietuvitaryba /Lithuanian American council, Chicago, 1971.10Vaclovas Sidzikauskas,Lietuvos diplomatijos paratje, Vilnius, 1994.11Adamkus Valdas,Likimo vardasLietuva, Santara, Kaunas, 1998.
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