The Invisible Poor









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'The Invisible Poor' seeks to raise the profile of the rural poor in Argentina, promote dialogue on rural poverty issues, provide the best currently available information about rural poverty, and offer a basis for discussions on how to expand household survey data collection to rural areas. Most previous work has been based on case studies or one-time surveys in a few provinces and consequently has been of limited use for drawing conclusions about rural conditions overall in Argentina. Largely because of data limitations, profound gaps exist in the understanding of rural poverty in Argentina. As a result, the rural poor have sometimes been neglected in policy discussions. This study does not directly address policy responses. Rather it seeks to provide an analytical basis for understanding the conditions of rural life, with the ultimate goal of helping policy makers improve the welfare of Argentina's rural poor through evidence-based policy.
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Publié le

01 mars 2010

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The Invisible Poor
A Portrait of Rural Poverty in Argentina
The Invisible Poor
A Portrait of Rural Poverty in Argentina
Copyright © 2010
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.
All rights reserved
Manufactured in the United States of America
First Printing: February 2010
Printed on recycled paper
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World Bank Country Studies are among the many reports originally prepared for internal use
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ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-8207-3
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8209-7
ISSN: 0253-2123 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8207-3
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The invisible poor : a portrait of rural poverty in Argentina.
  p. cm.
 ISBN 978-0-8213-8207-3 (pbk.) — ISBN 978-0-8213-8209-7 (ebook)
 1. Poverty—Research—Argentina. 2. Poor—Research—Argentina. 3. Argentina—Economic
conditions—21st century. 4. Argentina—Social conditions—21st century. I. World Bank.
 HC180.P6I58 2009
 305.5'630982—dc22 2009043698
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................... vii
Preface ...........................................................................................................................................viii
Abbreviations and Ackronyms ...................................................................................................ix
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ x
The Nature of Rural Poverty in Argentina ........................................................................... x
A Qualitative Study of Rural Poverty in Argentina .........................................................xiv
Measuring Poverty and Welfare in Rural Poverty Analysis ...........................................xvi
1. Issues and Challenges for Rural Poverty in Argentina ....................................................... 1
By Gabriel Demombynes, Johannes Me ler, and Dorte Verner
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
Demographic Trends ............................................................................................................... 2
Measuring Poverty ................................................................................................................... 7
A Poverty Profi le for Rural Argentina ................................................................................. 12
The Need for Data: Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural Programs ................ 27
2. A Qualitative Study of Rural Poverty in Argentina ........................................................... 29
By Ignacio Llovet and Dorte Verner........... 29
Methodology for Qualitative Survey ................................................................................... 30
Sociodemographic Characteristics ....................................................................................... 30
Aspirations, Confl ict, and Discrimination .......................................................................... 53
Extreme Poverty ..................................................................................................................... 56
3. Methodology for the Analysis of Rural Poverty in Argentina ......................................... 60
By Gabriel Demombynes and Leopoldo Tornarolli
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 60
Past Rural Household Surveys in Argentina ...................................................................... 60
Rural Surveys in Other Countries of Latin America ......................................................... 64
Choice of Welfare Measure: Options for Argentina .......................................................... 68
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 71
References ....................................................................................................................................... 74
Annexes ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Annex A. Poverty / UBN .............................................................................................................. 81
Access to Services ................................................................................................................... 83
tiv A World Bank Country Study
Living / Housing ..................................................................................................................... 84
Population Statistics ............................................................................................................... 88
Work Related ........................................................................................................................... 91
Annex B. Contact Persons List for Field Activities and Focus Group Members .............. 94
Chaco Province ....................................................................................................................... 94
Chaco province 94
Jujuy Province ......................................................................................................................... 95
Tucumán Province .................................................................................................................. 96
Mendoza Province .... 96
Annex C. Pobreza Rural en Argentina Estudio Cualitativo (Abril–Mayo 2007) ............. 102
Guía de preguntas ................................................................................................................ 102
Table 1.1. Population in Argentina and its Regions, 1991 and 2001 ......................................... 3
Table 1.2. Farm Residents in the 1998 and 2002 Agricultural Censuses ................................. 11
Table 1.3. Incidence of Poverty for Selected Provinces, 2003 ................................................... 14
Table 1.4. Maximum Level of Education A ained in Argentina (Percent) ............................ 15
Table 1.5. School A endance in Rural and Urban Argentina, 2001 (Percent) ....................... 16
Table 2.1. Indicators for Sampled Rural Areas in Argentina 31
Table 2.2. Summary of Social Issues based on Qualitative Households Survey (2007) ....... 32
Table 2.3. Summary of Focus Group Findings ........................................................................... 34
Table 2.4. Summary of Focus Groups .......................................................................................... 36
Table 3.1. Values of the Inverse Engel Coeffi cient Used in Latin America ............................ 71
Table A.1. Poverty According to Unsatisfi ed Basic Nee

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