F 457Gass Book^ J_Lj- t!i:i)f (Greatness of ilincoln At b/ ''JU.^^/.LX^^ By permissio of "McCture's LincolnAbraham transferBy Tho HouseWhite 1913 BaptistThis address was delivered in the First Parsons, Kansas, on February 12th, A. D.Church, at one1912, on the occasion the celebration of theof hundred and second anniversary the birthof of Abraham Lincoln, which patriotic function was held Parsons Camp, Sons Veterans,under the avspiccs ofof the Department Kansas.of of Hebudtton Lincoln today, isThis tribute I pay to Abraham to the memory my father, Richard Tynerdedicated of A, Eighty-thirda private in CompanyWagstaff, United States Volunteers, and hisIllinois Infantry, arms.late and living comrades in THOMASEDWARD WAGSTAFF. INDEPENDENCE, KANSAS. Cf)e (Greatness of Lincoln blend of mirth and sadness, smiles and tears,"Am ' errant of the pioneers,A quaint knight A hero born of star and sod, A p/easant prince, God."A masterpiece of this house of God and dedicatedWe are come, to humanity's good, to commemorate the birth, pay afor name and worth oftribute and do honor to the Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator. are we, the loyal sons of patriotic and militantRich devotion to oursires, in the heritage of patriotism and '61 '65,welfare ; sons of those warriors of tocountry's ever mustered underwho formed the mightiest of hosts since Freedom's name was known.